Returning player already wants another vacation from DBD due to Skull M.

So I bought the game with the release of the Silent Hill chapter. I played relatively consistently till right after the 6th year anniversary where I took a well deserve year-ish break. I primarily play solo queue Survivor, but about a third of my play time is killer. I returned to the game about a week or so before the Skull Merchant was released. I was happy to see so much interesting new content and was thoroughly enjoying it all. I was looking forward to my next wind in DBD.

Now that the Skull Merchant has been out for about a week or so the rate in which I face her is increasing. More and more people are running her and the games are becoming completely and utterly obnoxious. I don't want to play 40 minute matches because the new content you designed is so poor it absolutely breaks the core elements of the game. Getting zero chases when the killer has a free tracking device on you is pretty ridiculous. 1/3-1/2 of my matches being tedious 3 gen game play where the killer does nothing but pace between gens from the first minute of the match is already old.

I've heard the community had just dealt with this in the previous chapter with the Knight. It's incredibly sad to hear because I love that new killer. I had no clue what the community had done with him (creating an idiotic 3 gen 60 min fiesta with the dude. no one fault but the developers though) and just played him as I would. I dropped a chase build on him and was getting great results (the matches with no DC's). I was also getting an overly high amount of DC's at the very start of the match before even the first down. I get the distinct impression the entire community wants these 3 gen issues addressed.

Please do something about this issue because I'm basically ready to put the game down again only after a couple weeks. Like, I want to play Survivor solo queue. I can't with this new killer meta mentality. The games just drag on for no reason, with virtually no interactions with the killer, and it's ruining the entire experience. They literally make solo queue Survivor impossible. You've created something so unpalatable with the direction you've gove over the last year with dropping endless meta kick gen perks and creating 3 gen based killers. The vast majority of us want fun game play. This is not it!


  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Don't blame the new killers on this,

    Blame the nerf to killer perks that rewarded a good chase.

    Right now M1 killers (not the nurse, blight or to some extent, wesker) that try to chase INSTANTLY LOSE.

    I mean it. The maps are huuuge, with dozens of god pallets and safe windows, survivors rocks anti-chase perks like crazy on top of it.

    As killer, try to initiate a chase? Most survivors use sprint burst on a nicely completed free gen thanks to brand new part... chase the one that didn't have it?

    Guess what? After 10 pallets and 3 more free gens, Dead Hard back to square 1 no hooks...

    They are on 1 gen now, wow.

    So killer do what killer do, they adapt.

    Put on gen pressure perks and tunnel their weakest link by camping first hook to force them off gen and trade them as hard as you can until you have to baby sit the last 3 gen for 15min... wooooo.... "fun"

    Nerf the survivors, nurse and blight. Easy fix.

  • NaughtButWurms
    NaughtButWurms Member Posts: 6

    Both sides need their power levels dropped, no doubt. I've long said having virtually infinite use of 4x Dead Hard's in a match is terrible for the game (for the record I've used Dead Hard maybe twice in thousands of hours. Never likes how it looked or it's rng due to ping n such). I've always thought the idea of having a global token system for Dead Hard would be nice. Every time a Survivor uses Dead Hard it takes a token away from everyone Dead Hard in the match. Maybe it could start with 4-5 tokens? Who knows, just an idea.

    So yes, I agree with your opinions of the other side, although I will also say I don't "INSTANTLY LOSE" when I bring chase builds. It's definitely worse then it has ever been though. I would like a fighting chance, and it absolutely sucks that more then ever you need to stack gen regression perks to having a fighting chance versus competent teams, otherwise you're more or less left with hoping your enemy makes mistake. Then again survivors regularly make mistakes, even the best of them, and when they think they've won easily that's when they all die. I record all my game play now and I'm pretty sure even with pure chase builds I get more kills then I don't shrug. I could be wrong though.

    I don't have issues when I play killer also because I'm not anal retentive and think a 4k is required to feel good about the match (that's not a jab at you, it's just commentary about how the community views "winning" as killing). I just play and what comes come. Plus when I play killer I can dictate chases! I get to have them at least! Where as solo queue survivor I'm more or less subject to 4 other players whims on how the match will go. First 10 seconds: teammates DC's. First 10 seconds: killer camps 3 gen and never chases for 40-60 minutes. Nothing I can do about any of this. With killer at least I have some control.

    With that said I still think everything I've said about killers, the 3 gen meta, and Skull Merchants design stands. I can absolutely see how killer mains dealing with the current Survivor meta feel the same way I do, but from the other side. They could care less about how they perform as survivor, but their killer game play is grating and it's effecting their overall enjoyment of the game. Idk, I'm not inclined to start running super obnoxious survivor meta builds to "adapt". I'm not going to bore myself with trash game play just for a "W". That's partly why I said I'm already feeling like putting the game back down. Make the majority of my matches fun or I'm out. It's that simple.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I hear ya.

    When I play survivor (believe it or not I do), I like to run Sprint burst because its rewarding to time properly and I feel like managing the ressource of exhaution by walking more than running to do it again is a cool game loop, it feels more "stealthy" and engaging.

    when I play Dead hard I feel like it's ridiculous, I get to just stand in the open running in circle clicking a flashlight knowing full well the killer cannot possible hurt me or prevent me making it to a pallet unless some godly well timed lag pop up (in which case I find it hard to get mad at, due to how silly this perks gets)

    Consequently, when I play let's say the Oni and a lag spike makes my power hold up, miss a target and hit some weird corner geometry it feels far more punishing as my power go down with no pay off and now I'm back at being an M1 killer for god know's how long.

    for me its been this idea that messing up as survivor usually have almost no drawback and it's just a matter of "eh, let's try this again next time, it will probably work" vs as killer it has more of a "Welp, guess they'll all escape now" vibe to it.

    to me it's weird, I consider 1 kill or less a victory for survivors, 2 a draw and 3 or more a victory for killer.

    I wouldn't say that I care so much about the 4K ... but I do get salty when a minor mistep on my part leads to what feels like an unnevitable 4 man escape... unless they make a major mistake after that (they certainly don't always do).

    for me its the big imbalance that exists between killer and survivors gameplay, I feel like its way more punishing to screw up as a killer than it is to do so as a survivor.

    That's how I feel about it at least, I could understand why some people see it differently.