Don't listen. It's a trap!

You see countless "don't tunnel" threads here, but don't listen to them.
I played the killer and spread hooks, hooking the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd survivor, but the 4th survivor wouldn't let me hook them. When the gens finished, they all left.
They didn't care about me or my fun... Why the fog are they asking that killers respect theirs??
ok lol
13 -
Well you see, I have my own anecdote where I didn't tunnel and got 4 kills so obviously one of us is wrong, seeing as singular matches are obviously enough evidence to draw definite conclusions from.
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Not just one match.
The past 50 killer matches, I've used Nowhere to Hide, Lightborn, Iron Grasp, and Mad Grit, went from gen to gen kicking the ones with progress to see auras and get into chase, used THREE perks to stop survivors from preventing me from hooking after a down, and then moved on to patrolling gens again.
It's a nice way for me to play the game stress free, but it also means 4 survivors walking out the door, match after match. I'm pretty sure SBMM has either been secretly disabled, or they stopped counting losses to prevent smurfing, because I'm not ever getting to the point of 2 kills / 2 escapes.
Post edited by Nos37 on6 -
We would like to see what your doing if you could provide, as we also have matches where we dont tunnel and survivors keep dying despite our best efforts.
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Yeah survivors cry so much about camping and tunneling but show zero appreciation or respect to killers that don't. Anytime I play nice and multiple survivors escape, it's guaranteed teabags, emotes in the exit gate and gg ez messages
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Yknow and killers just keep crying about Survivors escaping with tbags, emotes and flashlight clicks and saying gg ez at the end.. but I never see any appreciation to the Survivors who don't do that.
This game can go both ways sunshine ;)
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I had survivors that I was clearly playing fair, and still tbag in the end.
But I still play fair, because I do it for the decent survivors players.
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Maybe its because not being a dick is commonplace in society?
Just because you didn't do anything obnoxious doesn't mean you did anything special.
Survivors don't thank the killer when he doesn't BM on hook or tunnel.
Also, it kinda sounds weird saying "Hey, thanks for not being a ###### person!"
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These threads are so tiring. I can really, really assure you, and everyone else, that no one cares how you play outside of a vocal minority. They really truly don't. Most people literally just go next without giving another thought to the match, or you.
Edit: that being said I really enjoy the phrase "why the fog" and I thank you for that
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You see countless "don't tunnel" threads here, but don't listen to them.
i don’t see many of those actually…
I played the killer and spread hooks, hooking the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd survivor, but the 4th survivor wouldn't let me hook them. When the gens finished, they all left.
were you just trying to avoid intentionally tunneling or were you trying to farm?
They didn't care about me or my fun... Why the fog are they asking that killers respect theirs??
you must realize there are different types of players on both sides? And it’s very likely that those asking the killer to play respectfully are not the same that do the exact opposite to their opponents..
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I would say all survivors ask killer to play respectfully, but some of them play respectfully and some dont.
Though in killers' pov, survivors make chase too good is also not respectfully.
- Low skill survivors who are not toxic: good
- Low skill survivors who are toxic: bad
- High skill survivors who are not toxic: bad
- High skill survivors who are toxic: really bad
So they see most of survivors are bad.
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Hm, to be fair, I haven’t read these, but the titles mostly seem like people are giving suggestions and feedback for BHVR to prevent tunneling and they are not actively asking the killer players?
edit because I had some time, I read all of these threads (at least the OPs): literally no one of these asks killers to stop tunneling. It’s all feedback/suggestions directed towards BHVR and pretty much all are relatively constructive and not just complains. None really call out killer players that do tunnel.
Post edited by Mooks on3 -
Maybe I like playing nice? More fun that way imo
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Tunneling and Camping is the only way to avoid Dead Hard to most.
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When the gens finished, they all left.
That's absolutely outrageous. How rude of them. I demand the Supreme Court of the Entity to dish out proper punishment for such a disgusting act.
They didn't care about me or my fun... Why the fog are they asking that killers respect theirs??
This is the only community where I see this nonsensical argument made over and over. You don't have an obligation to cater to your opponent. Like duh. But making suggestions hoping to improve the enjoyment of the game for all parties, well, isn't it normal?
Playing to win is a separate aspect from caring. They can coexist. You can still play to win all you want, but also recognize there's something that should be fixed about how the game works.
If you don't care about anyone but yourself, that's perfectly ok. But don't fool yoursel, you lack self awareness, because now anyone else can apply that same standard to YOU and disregard your self-centered feedback about your game experience. If you don't care about anyone else, no one else cares about you. Shot yourself in the foot. DUCY?
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The game will never be balanced until dev,s stop using kills as a benchmark for killers. I had 2 die on first hook in last two games. 2 hooks in entire game but dev's will say that's a balanced game. Use hooks as the benchmark and you'll get a better idea of how good or bad a killer is.
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I just respond to how survivors play. If I have a hard time in chases and gens are being rushed. I'll tunnel and maybe facecamp egc. But if my survs are clearly stuggling I tone it down and make sure to spready hooks so everybody gets more BP including me.
Tunneling right at the start is the hall mark of a weak killer.
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No #########?
So why yall acting surprised?
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Haha this including your edit, winner
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you play nice and survivors still dont escape?????
no gg ez butt dance emote flashy???
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"Not playing to win" =/= "not being an #########"
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Still dont see anyone acknowledging the latter
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Nope tbh I end up losing most games. Sure some teabag but why should I care? It’s literally pixels on a screen going up and down
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Because the first is being nice, to one's own detriment.
The latter "should" be the norm and not some extraordinary and praiseworthy.
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Yeah pretty much why I stopped caring. I’ve had so many games where I’m kind and avoid someone I just hooked who miss played and ended up in front of me again just to get insulted or teabagged. Not saying I intentionally tunnel or camp every game but I definitely do now the moment it’s advantageous.
in December I started trying ten matches of sue i or then ten killer. If I get in my swf and have a long all night survivor session then I do killer the next time I log on
either side I play survivors are more toxic. If I’m on survivor they die on hook or dc first down or hide for hatch
if I’m killer they teabag and emote or even hack.
worst thing I see killer is sometimes tunnel or camp. If they tunnel I just tell myself to get better at looping. If they camp I just tell my team to do gens and I stay alive in hook. Either way it’s not as common as people complain and atleast the killer does it to help get a win. The survivor toxicity is just toxic for no reason
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Aint that the truth
well said 👏
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So if the latter is the norm and isnt anything "extraordinary and praiseworthy." Why should playing killer normally be?
You dont have to go out of your way to play normally. Most people nowadays understand that camping and tunneling are sometimes necessary in certain situations, theyre just not vocal about it since again, no need to be vocal about the norm
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You dont have to go out of your way to play normally.
I played fair and friendly/intentionally bad for over a year, survivor don't hold back or pull their punches, no matter how the killer plays. So not using every option is detrimental to your winning chances.
Most people nowadays understand that camping and tunneling are sometimes necessary in certain situations, theyre just not vocal about it since again, no need to be vocal about the norm
Strange, before i intentionally went for the experimental playtstyle mentioned above i got cussed out for tunneling, camping and the like regularly, if i did it or not. I guess the vocal people became the minority in the meantime /s
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Play how you want to play that's all.
There is this great cure for a bad game its called the queue button, you press it you go on to the next game and you forget all about what happened in the previous game.
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"I played fair and friendly/intentionally bad for over a year, survivor don't hold back or pull their punches, no matter how the killer plays. So not using every option is detrimental to your winning chances"
Just because youre going out of your way to play nice and pull your punches doesnt mean the otherside will. No one expects it and no one will praise you for doing so. This goes for both sides.
"Strange, before i intentionally went for the experimental playtstyle mentioned above i got cussed out for tunneling, camping and the like regularly, if i did it or not. I guess the vocal people became the minority in the meantime /s"
They are still very much a minority, people just tend to remember the bad experiences rather than the average ones. (because why would you remember your average game?) I could say my experience as Survivor lately has been pretty bad because in a good chunk of my games Ive had a killer quite literally tunnel me straight from the get go and then proceed to hit me on hook until I die (Last session this happened twice in a row) and then also had BM in endgame chat from them.
Despite this, Im well aware it was just a bad batch of games and the majority of killers arent like this. I also know that bm and trashtalking is nothing special and something present in all games. No point in getting upset over it
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You can thank devs for that. All those thumbs up I've given go unseen and I can only message other xbox players a gg well played.
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No one expects killers to pull their punches? Have you never looked at this game's forums? Or watched one of their fog whisperers? Every survivor has been taught to expect the killer to "play nice" or be shamed out of the game. Either that or they scream bloody murder on the forums until the killer can only throw pulled punches.
Eruption was useful for 2 months before it got backhanded. Meanwhile, CoH is still an issue for anyone reliant on spreading out injuries, so every killer except Plague because of mechanics. It's to the point where you don't see it not because it's not a good perk but because it adds a new level of face roll to the game that's boring AF. You really only see it now on sweat squads because of how ridiculously easy it makes the game.
I tried doing what the OP said before Eruption got nerfed and it was barely doable then. If you're facing an even slightly competent player you're going to have to resort to some sort of "sleazy" tactic to get a kill and their team.
Post edited by Rizzo on6 -
Unironically this dismantles any arguments that state a killer MUST tunnel to get 4ks lmao. I'm with you on this by experience.
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I'm honored to me mentioned, but I've gotta say...
I'm seeing so many people in here talk as if either sides should give a single **** about the other's level of fun. My thread about tunneling was to discourage tunneling specifically more at 5 generator remaining, a point where a killer is at their weakest, but isn't necessarily in a position of total desperation.
There is definitely an argument to be made where going and interrupting gens and chasing another survivor is more productive than tunneling.
They shouldn't be asking. Not at all.
I mean you're not using a strong build at all, and I'd love to know which killer you're playing as in this scenario. I do applaud your stress-free playstyle though.
I'll never understand why some people get tilted over teabagging. Good on you!
PRECISELY my point that people missed on my post. People should be able to play however they want, but why should the game not encourage more skilled plays? The idea that killers must tunnel immediately off of 5 gens remaining is absurd. While there is definitely a time and a place for tunneling and even camping in order to get kills, I think the opinion of when those moments are in regards to a large portion of the killer playerbase are skewered.
Where my suggestions perfect? Hell no, I didn't even think that while writing my post.
But, I come back to the same point, why not discourage unskillful plays? Why not encourage skilled ones (or risk taking in general)?
I will admit that I see why killers are feeling pinned in a corner right now. I think the devs should mirror killer buffs with the new Solo-Q buffs they've put out. Ideally, Solo-Q would be as strong (or super close to) and SWF, and killers would receive appropriate buffs as well.
My recommendation is speed up killer actions again.
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"why not discourage unskillful plays?" Is what you are describing as unskilled plays really that unskilled?
Its just gameplay, some things work better for one side to the detriment of the other, as to be expected, and one could make the point that a seemingly strong tactic/perk/addon (AKA unskilled) by one side is the motivation for more skilled play by the other.
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Is tunneling not a relatively unskilled way of playing? I'm not saying it isn't powerful , but how skilled is it really?
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You still gotta catch the survivor, tunneling is just regular game play between the same two players.
It requires all the same set of game skills that any chase requires. With the addition of being able to find the right target to tunnel in order to maximize the impact. You don't want to chase a great survivor for 5 gens trying to eliminate them that's actually a rather bad play.
Identifying and removing a weak link from the team early is a really good play from the killer perspective and makes great sense from a game outcome point of view.
Teams counter tunneling by body blocking, taking aggro and making smart chase decisions.
All this requires both sides to apply knowledge of the game mechanics.
As far as I can see the main reason tunneling is lamented is because players don't want to be eliminated and feel unfairly targeted if they get chased twice in a row and eliminated, which frankly in an elimination game like DBD is a really silly mindset to have.