Pallet Hell / How many DH do you see in 10 games?

Playing the last week I started counting how many DH I meet. 26 DH pro 10 games on average. And as discussed in tons of other posts "just wait 3 seconds" doesn't work because there are LOTS of pallets around. Maybe it's a bug, maybe a nerf for killers, as in the case of the new "scream".

 But I have not seen a single place where there is no construction-> filler tile with a pallet-> construction. And while you are trying to catch up with one, the other two are making generators, and the third is putting the totem to heal. And if you leave this survivor, he will just heal himself. But now you don’t even pursue without breaking the pallet. They are constantly raised.

And from all this stress, I decided to try 3 gen skull merchant.

It's so simple and so relaxing. You hold the game hostage until someone makes a mistake or until they get bored and that's it. Basically, CoH is also holding the game hostage from the other side.

How many people moaned and pressed the developers "nerf eruption". Now they moan about 3 gens.

Why can only survivors enjoy the game?

And how many DH do you see in your games on average?


  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    30 DH in 10 matches done until now, not bad for a perk that for certain people here on the forum was deemed as useless...

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    So, out of those 26 survivors running dead hard, how many of those did actually get it off right?

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    My MMR isn’t that high, and survivors seems to get value out of it in every game I play in.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
    edited March 2023

    *laughs in exhaustion add-ons*

    Seriously I’ve been using loose screw on merchant and dead hard has become a non factor in my games. It feels nice

    Post edited by Phasmamain on
  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    Seeing it so often you have a greater chance of adapting to it. See it as an opportunity

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I think I see it almost every trial maybe? But again, I don't keep track, I just play around it.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    Then why it's so popular? This is the main question: if there are better perks out there, why most of the survivors out there will take this perk instead of choosing another exhaustion perk?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229
  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    No need to adapt to it, I'm perfectly able to counter it when I have the right opportunity (aka they aren't near a pallet). Also did you know that the best counter to that perk is hard tunneling? You are indirectly telling to people to tunnel more in order to counter that perk right now...

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    Is selfcare popular? I don't see it much often and when I see it, it's often on meme/healing builds... Dead hard on the other hand it's in EVERY. SINGLE. MATCH that I play

  • _Demidrol
    _Demidrol Member Posts: 35

    In 80% of cases. And almost all of them are around the pallet, or hit the Dh or stun by the pallet no other option. any other exhaustion perk is not so annoying

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Yeah the pallet situation is very tight for killer, but allow me to say 99% sprint bursts can be way more annoying with experienced survivors, dedicated sprint burst builds with fixated and vigil are a nightmare as well

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    Because... There aren't better options. "It isn't this godly perk that people make it out to be" and "DH is the best survivor perk" aren't mutually exclusive when the other options are all weaker than it.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,025

    People like to say you can play around Dead Hard but the best uses of it are to reach pallets to extend the chase. When given the choice between "fail to reach the pallet and go down" and "use Dead Hard and reach the pallet whether you get hit or not" then survivors will always Dead Hard, and there's nothing you can do about it, they will get that pallet and keep you chasing them for another minute.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    Because its still a good perk? Something can be good but not OP. The advantage of DH is the satisfaction of hitting a successful DH, it feels and is much more rewarding as well than any other Exhaustion perk which are probably the strongest perks a Survivor can run

    If were talking viability, Sprint Burst is hands down the most powerful option. Sure it nets less distance per activation but it also activates much more frequently and is MUCH more consistent. A good SB user is much scarier than a good DH user.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    Because its still a good perk? Something can be good but not OP. The advantage of DH is the satisfaction of hitting a successful DH, it feels and is much more rewarding as well than any other Exhaustion perk which are probably the strongest perks a Survivor can run

    If were talking viability, Sprint Burst is hands down the most powerful option. Sure it nets less distance per activation but it also activates much more frequently and is MUCH more consistent. A good SB user is much scarier than a good DH user.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Wastes time in the middle of nowhere? Like, what, 5 seconds?

    And name the Killers that can't use their power that aren't high tier/can't catch up easily that aren't Trickster.

    Not guaranteed either, stop lunging and just follow the Survivor. If you think they're going to DH greed, just wait it out and then hit them. They can't drop the pallet after a DH before you can get a fast M1.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    By greed, I mean 'DH if you lunge, drop pallet once you're about to be in normal M1 range'. There's not really a counterplay for that. It's guaranteed value at that point.

    And 5s isn't nothing. Small bits of time are everything and add up.

    Tier doesn't matter. It's ######### stupid that the existence of one perk makes M2-based killers develop a thing for M1's against an injured survivor. Chainsaw downs? Nah. Wesker's Virulent Bound? Nope. Demo's shred? Nemesis tentacle? None of that, use an M1 instead. It's dumb.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667
    edited March 2023

    Then for your same logic they should have left untouched the spirit, the nurse, the huntress/clown addons, old noed, etc etc because they were extremely popular... Please before spitting out statements at least try to use some valid logic/arguments to sustain your points instead of saying nonsense... I could wrote why dead hard isn't healthy for the game and why it should be changed, but I wrote it so many times that I'm tired to say the same things everytime (especially if people tend to refuse to aknowledge that in certain situations YOU CAN'T BAIT IT)

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    I personally disagree since sprint burst will aid you to gain more ground in the beginning, but the thing ends here, while dead hard is essentially a 3rd health state with most of the killer (only exceptions are legion IF he hit you 1st with a feral slash and deathslinger IF the walls of certain loops are low)

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,025

    Wastes time in the middle of nowhere? Like, what, 5 seconds?

    5 seconds for every survivor for every chase. That'll add up.

    Sprint Burst can be stronger if you go off pure numbers, but it's more awkward to work around than the simpler button press of Dead Hard. Besides, the issue of Dead Hard isn't the raw numbers of it, it's the mindgame. If a survivor runs away from you really fast, you know they have Sprint Burst right away and decide how to handle it then and there, but Dead Hard is much easier to keep concealed. After a while, Killers have to assume every survivor has it if they don't want to keep falling for it, and there's no absolutely certain way of telling a survivor has it until they use it. So we have to play the stupid Dead Hard guessing game of gluing ourselves to every survivor's back waiting for them to use the move they may or may not have and may or may not be trying to bait out because they know we don't know.

    So we end up with this stupid clown show of two players afraid to make a move because one of them might have a trick they can pull at any second and the side that messes up first will lose and lose hard. And every moment the killer wastes on this guessing game is a small victory for the survivors. Now multiply that by four.

    Dead Hard's power isn't just the free hit, it's the psychology it has forced people to adopt. It's like a little ghost that haunts every killer whispering "You can hit them now, but what if they have Dead Hard?" whether the survivor have the perk or not.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    Thing is that extra distance gained from SB is nothing to scoff at, especially against killers with nothing to aid them in catching up.

    DH acts as a 3rd health state yes, but its never guaranteed. 99% of the time its a read, the only times where its not is against Demo at a max charge shred (which a Survivor can just simply dodge with a correct read) and Huntress' hatchets from a distance (which again, can just be dodged) in both of these cases its risky to go for, even with DH out of the question. What I think is happening with DH is that its frustrating to go against, and a common mistake that anyone playing any game makes, is they think Frustrating = OP. Which we all know is not the case.

    Sprint Burst on the other hand will almost always buy you time, and even initiate a chase in areas where you had no business doing so. Some times you have so much distance that its not even worth it for the killer to keep going after you. In some cases the Survivor has so much distance that it buys just as much time (if not more) than a successful DH.

    Another thing is its use against instadown killers. Being healthy against a Bubba while you have DH is no good, while SB can still gain you that distance.

    Keep in mind this is all without even mentioning 99ing it. Having SB on demand has almost the same effect as old Dead Hard, but instead you gain even more distance with no i-frames. While sure this is very situational I usually have it happen at least once every game when using SB. Which is about as many times a successful DH should be activating.

    Theyre both strong perks dont get me wrong, they both have their strengths, how ever Sprint Bursts consistency and reliability is what makes it the stronger option.

    Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    Every game there is always, ALWAYS 2 DH. Last night was an exception because everyone was using lithe for a tome challenge. It was a nice change because I could LUNGE safely and knew how to play around a lithe to prevent the boost or shorten it. It is a shiny lobby when there is only one DH. It is nearly unheard of when there is no DH in a lobby.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    I still see it so much, it’s like they didn’t even change anything about it.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    DH isnt just a simple button press, every time you activate DH you dont just immediately get value, Sprint Burst on the other hand will net you that value. In a meta as well where 3 gens are very prominent, being able to reach a safe space from basically anywhere is something that isnt talked about nearly as much as it should. It also deincentivizes killers to chase some one since they might just have way too much distance.

    Now you wanna know what isnt talked about either? Knowing a Survivor has Sprint Burst, but not seeing them use it to gain distance immediately. Yknow what that means? They have the possibility of having something thats even stronger than old DH that can still be used while healthy. But this time? You know they have it, you dont know if its ready, and thus you are conditioned to commit to the chase until you find out without even getting a hit. DH at least makes the Survivor have to mend which wastes a bit of time, you get none of that with SB.

    I understood at first waiting out DH, but now Ive gotten to a point where I just immediately swing. Good Survivors expect the wait, so why wait? If they end up using it immediately then keep it in mind and expect them to do so again.

    Sure theres a big risk in doing so, sure the Survivor might get away, but this mindgame still HEAVILY favors the killer since in the end they still do have the option of waiting for the Survivor to make a move.

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377

    Its the only perk that lets you carry on the second stage of a chase further, Most survivors take the first hit rather quick and then push the chase through the second stage as long as they can. Usually you're getting chased because you've already been hit or been caught in a compromising position. DH lets you continue with another stage while all the other exhaustion perks only give you protection from the second situation. So even with its abysmal activation rates, it'll always be the king of exhaustion perks (heh)

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Always see at least 2+ in my games its not nearly as prevalant as before, but people have not stopped using it. All it really takes is for 1 dead hard or 2 to get hit which isn't really that difficult to do as you can just force it the majority of the time and many killers have really telegraphed powers.

    I get that people think the perk is okay since they can't make use of it every game, but it's still the best exhaustion perk the people who doubt it is basically the same people who kept saying old dead hard wasnt that good cause they always ended up exhausted on the ground because they didn't know how to properly use the perk.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504

    I see Dead Hard in every game, its undeniable that DH is a popular choice and part of the meta.

    I think bHVR should start with removing the speed gained from negated hits in DH, the fact that a player removes an attack is powerful enough.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    It’s popular because a lot of players run auto-DH scripts for a guaranteed 3rd health state no matter how much the killer tries to bait it out.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 513

    Well - sometimes it is just one, usually two, but often enough I can get all four with Dead Hard.

    I've just taken the stance that I mess around and stop playing - it's bad enough they act like they took a hit getting distance while I stand there wiping blood off my weapon - and often save the pallet. So I get nothing for all my effort = I'm not putting any more effort into that match.