Circle of Healing either needs a total rework or a complete gutting

Zaydin Member Posts: 275
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Had a match where all four survivors were running CoH. Do you know how demoralizing it is knowing that if you get a hit and are forced to abandon the chase to defend a generator that they can run to one of any four boons for a free heal and there is nothing I can do to permanently shut the boons down unless waste a perk slot on the incredibly niche perk Shattered Hope? Hunting the Boons down is a waste of time to snuff them out since they will either get relit elsewhere or relit at the same totem once I move on.

Shattered Hope at this point needs to be basekit with Killers having the option of either snuffing the boon out as they already do or an option to destroy the totem, the same way survivors can choose to either cleanse a hex totem or put a boon on it to deactivate the Hex.

Because let's be honest, when people complaining about Boon perks, you know they are specifically complaining about CoH being overpowered given every other Boon perk is situational and its placement has to be taken into consideration to get the most out of it unlike CoH. The only time CoH isn't always useful is if you are up against the Plague.



    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    This will then involve gigantic buffs to every single boon then, correct?

    Because as it is, COH is the only boon that exists, basically, all of the other boons are forgettable, Dark Theory basically never happened and the devs clearly abandoned Boons after only a few chapters.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I would say that only CoH needs to be counterable the way hexes are.

    Remember that some OP perks got turned into hexes in the first place to allow a counterplay due to how impactful they were (NOED)

    COH is in the same position.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    I mean, that would indirectly hurt other Boon perks, because then stacking COH with other boon perks (due to how BHVR set things up) would be a bad idea. If your COH is destroyed, you lose all of your perks.

    Honestly, it's better to go with the "optional permanent destroy" basekit ability, since then every boon can be buffed and they're no longer forgettable + failed new mechanic.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Well, no.

    Some hexes can be re-light while others can't.

    Making CoH a one time deal would still make it very strong (people would probably hold it until they actually need it instead of spamming it all over non-stop)

    Such a change would have 0 impact on other boons, it would be a perk specific change.

    Read on how hexes works, killers have it way harder lol

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Pentimento is a very special kind of re-lighting where it more so takes up a slot where a totem was. It's not really a re-lighting perk, more of a hex perk that activates through broken totems. Not quite the same as boons.

    And... okay, so it would be programmed where if a Survivor brings multiple boons, and places them, and then the Killer snuffs the totem... COH is deactivated and rebooning a totem won't apply COH?

    Honestly, if we're going to do that, I would rather just buff and nerf boons. Not just make them basically removed from the game, because then that would make it too risky to run. We'd lose another perk that can compete with meta perks, meaning more DHs.

    And I know all about hexes, I'm not a new player. That's why I think that boons should be adjusted so that they're high risk, high reward, like hexes. As it is now, they're low/mediocre reward for low risk. Which makes them forgettable.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    You really don't read eh?

    What I am saying is just, survivor get's to bless a totem with CoH (this one only) once per trial.

    This doesn't affect others boons in any shape or form, period.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Um... I did read.

    "And... okay, so it would be programmed where if a Survivor brings multiple boons, and places them, and then the Killer snuffs the totem... COH is deactivated and rebooning a totem won't apply COH?"

    I wrote this in response to you. We are saying the same thing now.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Okay then, makes sense.

    I wasn't sure as you wrote a whole paragraph instead of... you know... agreeing.

    I wouldn't be against buffing boons in a world were DH, Brand new parts and other crazy strong survivor options were finally nerfed for good.

    I think that fighting for map control for something other than gens or pallet would be a cool dimension to the game if killer actually had "time" for it.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    I was confirming how it would work in practice.

    BNP also isn't a problem. People have done the math in videos iirc, BNP is less efficient than either normal toolboxes or just bringing toolboxes with basic add-ons. DH isn't either, people have posted clips of Onis eating several DHs and still winning.

    What other "crazy strong survivor options" exist btw, that might confirm for me whether you want OP things nerfed or just don't want to deal with new things that make you think differently or adjust your build slightly, like 90% of the DBD community.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Instead of making Shattered Hope basekit, I'd rather just each survivor only gets to set a Boon once, like Residual Manifest's 1 free flashlight per trial token.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Except for the math part, I fail to see how any of what you mentionned proves anything.

    Oni winning through dead hard is irrelevant, it just mean that outside of DH survivors played very poorly ( it's a thing).

    Also, BNP stacks with the effects of other people having toolbox, it brings down the lowest achievable 1st gen time to roughly 17 seconds... whoever mathematcian you watch probably don't play at high level and probably don't understand what a proper "gen rush" entails.

    You only need 1 survivor with it in their toolbox, usually whoever brings the weakest box.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Sorry, let me give a bit more info: People have posted clips of Onis eating several DHs in tournament matches and still winning. On these forums... fairly recently. Which indicates something.

    And by admitting that the Survivors, outside of DH, played poorly and still lost the game, you actually do kinda lose the argument in the process, because that team still lost the game (because they played poorly) despite running "crazy strong perks". Which indicates that DH doesn't carry Survivors as much as people think, and skill is required in other areas. I failed to mention that it was a tournament, yes, but I DID say that the Survivors successfully landed several DHs, and still lost the game. AKA they got value, but still took the L. Which would mean that DH does not need to be nerfed if you can refuse to wait for DH several times and still win because it doesn't carry games, and you and the others are just blaming the perk instead of the Survivors knowing what to do and... well, being good.

    And proper gen rush is 3 Survivors on 3 different gens, 17 seconds means 3 Survivors on a single gen iirc and 10 second clips in customs with perfect conditions aren't high level play, so you yourself don't know what proper genrush is, and balancing around high level is stupid because that's not the majority of the playerbase and the majority will never reach high level.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    If you lose in a competitive settings it does not change the fact that you played poorly, in fact, we jokingly refer to DH as "a crutch perk", no disrespect here but I think that it says a lot.

    So, let's agree to disagree.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    So many suggest basekit Shattered Hope without even thinking how this will make perks that are already bad or incredibly niche like dark theory and exponential,, useless

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    Shattered Hope should be basekit.

    There are 5 totems in the match which means survivors can rekindle their boons at least 5 times through the match. Killers can't rekindle their hexes at all and can have their hexes either cleansed or blessed upon.

    There's no need to explain how killers being alone against 4 need their every perk dedicated to something and have at least some benefit of using each. If killer dedicates one slot to shattered hope and survivors bring no boons at all then it's one perk being thrown out from the very start. This is clearly not an ok thing.

    Survivors can decide in chat lobby who's gonna bring boons and stuff. This should prevent them from having two players with boons in the game. Still, even then they can have 2 separate totems blessed. There are plenty of options how this can be worked out.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    That's exactly why we'd be buffing every Boon, including COH, accordingly. M1s can now just destroy boons in one go and invalidate them, so it's balanced.

    Although, I still think people will not run boons if that happens, because then the risk becomes bad teammates placing boons everywhere and getting all totems destroyed... which solo queuers might not want to deal with.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    It should be optional basekit, but then boons need to be buffed accordingly, because then you would NEVER see any other boons besides COH, because nothing else is worth dealing with the risk of dumb teammates getting every totem broken in solo queue.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    Most of the time it is already a COH being brought into the game. Sometimes there's another boon brought too ( the Unbreakable One ) and when both are used together slugging stops being an option as well. Right now when there's COH in the game you can no longer do hit-and-runs because survivors can just run into boon's area and heal themselves or get healed by each other. If you have an M1 killer who should be building up pressure by having people wounded, well, you are playing the role of the paid actor because you don't get downs unless you commit and a decent survivor will just run from a pallet to a pallet if you do so with 3 others hump the gens meanwhile. Should you try to apply the pressure elsewhere, it gets mitigated because wounded survivors just go to boon area, heal-up and return.

    Boons as they are right now don't need buffs much, but them being re-appliable over and over is certainly a problem while shattered hope in it's current way is not a decent solution.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489
    edited March 2023

    Are you saying you're struggling with Exponential? Which is easy to counter the moment you know someone has it?

    "Most of the time it is already a COH being brought into the game."

    Yes, because every other boon is not worth a perk slot.

    And if you have an M1 Killer who should be getting wounds, consider running Sloppy. Amazing perk overall and makes COH users begin to spend note-worthy amounts of time off of gens. Or... idk, doing anything with your build to counter it instead of running 4 gen regression perks.

    Like, if you're struggling so much to deal with COH (when there are some strategies to mitigate COH effectiveness or still get your objectives done with COH present and giving value), simply adjust your perks or add-ons (depending on your current Killer) to give an edge.

    "I shouldn't HAVE to switch my build-"

    Yeah, well, you don't HAVE to be on the forums trying to justify not wanting to take even small steps to make things easier for you, or ignoring advice on how to deal with COH, but here you and plenty of others are.

    And if you haven't heard that advice, I can give you it. COH is difficult if you're actually dealing with competent Survivors and you're most likely going to lose multiple gens (you would still lose since they'd bring medkits instead), it seems like plenty of low MMR players who bring COH seem to fail at using it effectively... or at all.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    I wouldn't use word struggle here. It's more of annoyance to deal with boons and it becomes a headache when it's a swf team that uses the benefit of boons to it's maximum.

    If we talk about fun and casual match, boons certainly don't contribute well to this factor, at least for killer players. Killer role was barely any fun before boon introduction, now they are another sub-objective for killer to deal with when there are 4 survivors and 1 killer in the game. If there's anyone who needs extra objective that's certainly not a killer role.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Nope, you struggle.

    "Sometimes there's another boon brought too ( the Unbreakable One ) and when both are used together slugging stops being an option as well."

    IDK, maybe don't slug then? That's the point of this perk, to stop slugging. If you're struggling against it, it's because you don't want to stop slugging. You don't want to change how you do things.

    Also, fun and casual involves "anything goes" and being willing to take losses. If fun and casual means winning or making big progress, then that means you define fun as winning. Which is a pretty consistent issue I've noticed with the DBD community.

    "Killer role was barely any fun before boon introduction,"

    Sounds like you're burnt out and need to take a break.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    I can start being fun and casual when people decide they don't need to brag about every little win because they beat Clown with the sweatiest perks possible.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    Well, I didn't say I keep slugging people when there's Unbreakable Boon involved in the game. I said that once it becomes clear that it is in the game ( provided it is certainly the boon and not the Unbreakable Perk ) slugging stops being an option. Slugging can be a good way to apply extra pressure when there are other survivors nearby but when there's this boon involved slugging loses it's value entirely. Some M1 killers certainly take a blow as they can't snowball that well anymore.

    In my opinion fun is when both sides feel like their actions are making an impact. In this game, survivors certainly get their fun by escaping or outplaying the killer, where's for killer the fun can be the thrill of the chase and sacrificing the survivors. Unfortunately like in many competitive games, one side's fun comes at the expense of another and people tend to forget that there are some live people with feelings and emotions sitting in front of computer on the other side of the planet. It can quickly turn into toxic and personal thing when one side gets it's fun denied one way or another.

    As for playing Killer - I barely play as Survivor because I know how unfair and aggressive can survivor players be to their peers. I also play for rifts and tomes mostly - there's no reason to play this game for long sessions as it will quickly lead to burnouts.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    I mean.. if survivors have to waste a perk to USE COH then you can surely "Waste a perk" to destroy totems.

  • BabyShrimp
    BabyShrimp Member Posts: 84

    To me the interesting thing is how hard they nerfed Self Care, and not CoH which is much more annoying, and it's stronger. Especially if you play a hit and run killer.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Shattered hope basekit would help killers for sure.

    I don't get why anyone would say "ok but then buff boons"... boons are all over the perk pages I see after matches already, they already are better in every ways than hexes...

    They currently are very impactful... killers needs help to deal with them effectively as snuffing them out just means survivors get to reposition them (which ironically could end up helping them?)

    Killers need a definitive way to deal with boons the same way survivors can deal with hexes and no, boons don't need buffs omg

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    I’ve also seen footage of people beating Eruption killers on YouTube, we should probably revert the nerf as it clearly wasn’t a problem because I saw Otzdarva win a game against it!

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Im getting really tired of repeating why it shouldn't be

    You think perks like dark theory need to be nerfed? Because that's what you're suggesting here

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I hardly see dark theory being used in matches bro.. mabye a couple times for those with adept yoichi or just memeing with it will full boon build but I've never seen anyone outside of adept yoichi bring dark theory by itself

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I could only see it being balanced if dark theory was then buffed to 10% or 15% haste due to its short range

    And.. I'm not sure how you would buff shadowstep to equate it being temporary. Possibly map wide for the effect itself?

    Exponential I could see mabye being map wide too..

    Actually you could probably just buff them by making all effects map wide (with a number buff to dark theory too of course) if we're gonna make boons limited

    So 5% haste map wide, 150% faster recovery for exponential, map wide scratch mark stealth, and normal COH I guess

    If these sound broken then mabye we shouldn't make shattered hope basekit after all? Because this would be the only way without making them completely useless

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited March 2023

    You can remove both COH (this thread practically removes it - because it's already by far nor as good as these thread make it sound - time wise - because everyone just conveniently forgets looking for totem, moving to range, having free dull totem, booning time, interuptions which regress whole process, etc) and DH. But then disable gen kicking altogether (with all associated perks to it). One of the main reason these perks are required is the obnoxious ability for killer to make every match last so long, that there are literally just windows on the map.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    Indeed. Let killer players dedicate one of their 16 perk slots to Shattered Hope. Oh wait, killer also has 4 perk slots? How come?

    That is nowhere near fair trade here.

    DH and COH are almost always used in games where MMR is average and above. Killer perks that are used so commonly usually end up gutted to garbage tier. I'm yet to see a single perk receiving the so-called ''BHVR treatment''.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Ah. So remove all the remaining things on survivor side, but keep all the obnoxious things on killer side. Ok I get it now

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    No. If you take a dollar out of a pocket, put another inside instead. If you can't count right, don't take dollar out of pocket at all.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited March 2023

    by official stats - 61% kill rate in higher MMR. Nerfing few strong remaining things will just mean you have to buff survivors. They are already weaker role.

    So given your example - take last dollar from a poor one and give it to the richer person

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    COH should have its self-healing aspect removed.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited March 2023

    Call of brine should have it's gen regression part removed...

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    Shattered Hope obviously should not be basekit because of how wildly unnecessary it would be for all the other boons; not only are they not strong enough to warrant it, but it also completely undoes the entire core mechanical purpose and intent behind the boon mechanic. That much is obvious and undeniable, so that argument - despite it being correct - is not the one that I'm going to make here.

    The argument I'm going to make is that basekit Shattered Hope would be a bad idea against CoH too.

    If what you hate, as most do, is that survivors can run to a boon and undo your pressure by healing themselves, then Shattered Hope would make that problem worse, not better. If the effect is too strong, and you never have a good opportunity to actually go to the other side of the map and snuff the boon... how would the only available counterplay being going out of your way to the other side of the map to break the boon actually fix anything? It'd be the exact same scenario as before, where unless you have a way of slowing generators down to a crawl enough that the time investment is worth it, you're going to lose if you have to go trek to the four corners of the map for multiple snuffing.

    Now, for the record, CoH itself is not really a problem in terms of raw strength. Its issues are that it contributes to the wider problem of healing speeds (which do not require, but are improved by, CoH), and that it works opposite to the way the other boons are meant to function. If it's to be changed, it needs a rework. Not a boon-wide mechanic, not a new special downside, a complete ground-up rework to have it do something completely and utterly different; the perk equivalent of Freddy's massive overhaul.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I've said the same myself. It's really just the easy self-healing that is the problem. I'm fine with CoH buffing healing speeds, that's a strong effect for its limitations, but the self-healing is too much. Either use a medkit or get a teammate or run Self-Care. CoH is pretty much already "Self-Care+".

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I agree, the self-healing is just too much value compared to how easy it is for survivor to spam it all over the field.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489
    edited March 2023

    Dark Theory doesn't exist. Exponential is easy to counter (It's called "pick up the Survivor") Shadow Step is only good with perks.

    Am I looking at an actual example of someone who "mains" a role in this game (in this case, Killer), and is super biased as a result?

    I mean, I guess it's fair that you wouldn't know what Dark Theory is, that perk never took off so I wouldn't expect an unironic "Killer main" to remember what it is, but...

    And you're also yet another person who uses the word "boons" when they really mean COH, because no other boon has nearly the same effect.

    Boons overwhelmingly would need buffs after Shattered Hope becomes basekit and that's final.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    the more I read your "counter plans" the more I understand you never played killer, under all due respect.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Nah, it's really not, you'd be better off running Inner Healing (or something) or running another meta perk in that case. It'd be as weak as the other boons AKA not worth running.

    And unironically suggesting Self-Care... so, you want Survivors to basically throw...? Because Self-Care is a thrower perk and a newbie trap.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    Boon are certainly worth running. between CoH and the one that basically gives unbreakable... what are you going on about?

    I see some of there almost every trials and they are very impactful.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    Want me to show you my 95% trophy completion pre-Onryo on console DBD?

    And I stopped at Onyro... because I moved to PC. Which I am currently working on now. P3 for every character in the game + all achievements unlocked.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 489

    COH are certainly worth running.*

    And the 2nd one is pathetically weak, easy to counter by just picking up. No value unless you bring a build to force it to work.

    And I'm sorry, but it sounds like you're at low MMR if Exponential by itself is impactful in your matches. Or that you keep slugging (as Oni?) and then get surprised when people crawl right to Exponential and get up. I really don't know what else to say, picking up is easy to do and Exponential only really becomes a threat if you have multiple Survivors putting pressure on you through threat of beamer saves and sabotaging hooks.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    If removing the self-heal makes CoH worthless in your eyes then that's fine by me, I still think it'd be pretty good and I'm even willing to buff CoH's healing speeds in exchange for dropping the self-heal mechanic so that it would still be worth running to the Boon to heal teammates. But I repeat: if you want to heal yourself, either use a medkit or Self-Care. (Or Inner Healing, I do like Inner Healing.) I'm even perfectly fine with CoH applying to both of those in exchange, so you can run CoH and Self-Care to make it functional. Yes, that's using two perk slots for one thing, and that's fine because healing yourself quickly without the help of teammates is really powerful. That's why medkits are the best item in the game, but at least those run out eventually. CoH is basically a team-wide unlimited medkit, and that's a load of crap.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    Circle of Healing heals you slower than medkits, though. Noticeably slower with a base medkit, and significantly slower with proper speed addons/perks for a medkit.

    The self-heal is not the problem, the problem is that CoH stacks aggressively with other forms of healing, which doesn't actually require CoH to get to super fast speeds. A survivor who heals themselves with CoH and CoH alone takes... I think 21 seconds, somewhere around there? Noticeably slower than the default healing speed, and that's on top of the bless time, and the time to locate the totem in the first place + travel back to it later.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    AMOGUS clearly had a lot of experience playing killer, notice the past tense in my sentence.

    I am very certain that the conclusion would be very different if they played today however. Boons are very competitive right now.