Zombie Mori Iridescent Addon?

not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm honestly dissapointed that nemesis's mori does not consist of zombies eating the survivor, even when they're nearby, so ive come up with a solution: why not make an iridescent addon for nemesis which allows zombies to eat the survivor upon a zombie downing them if they are inlicted with contamination and have already reached the struggle hook phase

I say addon and not basekit because sometimes the killer may want to get full hooks so they have the option to not use this addon if they dont want to

I just think it would be a fun idea for the zombies to be able to mori survivors by eating them alive, like a normal zombie would and making the requirements that the zombie would have to down the survivors themselves and the survivor have already reached the struggle hook phase would make this as fair as an ebony mori, just in addon form and for the zombies

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