Totem Counter added to UI - Please vote on link below!



  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Peasant said:

    @Orion @Brady How about we make this a UI feature for killer and survivor, but we have it turned off by default and the player has to manually turn it on in the options menu? New players (the ones most likely to be afraid) will lack the information initially and everyone who doesn't get scared has access to the info whenever they want it. How's that sound?

    Sounds pretty fair imo, those who don't want informations can turn it of, those who want it can keep it. I think the same time devs could add an option to completely turn off all HUD elements as a "hardcore" mode, but that's a different topic

    We cant even get proper graphics options after years of the game being available.. There is zero chance this will make it into the game lol

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @CornChip said:
    We cant even get proper graphics options after years of the game being available.. There is zero chance this will make it into the game lol

    Which is done on purpose. That's like saying an Italian restaurant doesn't serve Chinese food, so we shouldn't expect them to have water.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    I agree with free info about remaining totems on the map (to help solos), but the totem system should be improved some way (to help killers against good SWF):
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    voted NO

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    @Orion said:

    @CornChip said:
    We cant even get proper graphics options after years of the game being available.. There is zero chance this will make it into the game lol

    Which is done on purpose. That's like saying an Italian restaurant doesn't serve Chinese food, so we shouldn't expect them to have water.

    Im sure all of the bugs that make it into the game and stay around for months on end are on purpose too.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @CornChip said:

    @Orion said:

    @CornChip said:
    We cant even get proper graphics options after years of the game being available.. There is zero chance this will make it into the game lol

    Which is done on purpose. That's like saying an Italian restaurant doesn't serve Chinese food, so we shouldn't expect them to have water.

    Im sure all of the bugs that make it into the game and stay around for months on end are on purpose too.

    I accept your admission of error.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    voted NO

    Do you have any particular reasoning behind your answer?
  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    I don't like the idea. I prefer it to be a surprise. I want the survivors to fear the hit of the killer's weapon when the generators are done.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    RoKrueger said:
    I don't like the idea. I prefer it to be a surprise. I want the survivors to fear the hit of the killer's weapon when the generators are done.
    Well just because there would be totems left on the map it wouldn't tell you if the killer had NOED or not.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    RoKrueger said:
    I don't like the idea. I prefer it to be a surprise. I want the survivors to fear the hit of the killer's weapon when the generators are done.
    SWF groups are laughing at you.
  • Ghost_Potato
    Ghost_Potato Member Posts: 59

    If we bring solo players up to swf that is a lot of free perks equipped and killers won't have a chance with 4.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    A counter for both sides would be a good idea, but i fairly appreciate the thought of audio and visional notification when totems are done, for both sides, so everyone gets a buff out of this. Then you could add a buff to Small Game for not giving away a notification to the killer when you yourself do a totem. And the other way round for killer (dont know which perks derserves this buff the most).

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553
    Add it to small game.
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    Include a token count based on the number of totems left to Small Game instead.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    I'm up for counter to remaining totems on the map, but not on the HUD / UI / Interface in general.
    Instead, I had this idea few weeks ago where it would tell you number of totems when you look at one of the existing / cleansed ones, a small hovering embers, sparks, fireflies that are only visible when extremely close to one, each such small spot of light would tell you how many are left.

    This way it doesn't pollute the hud with pointless counters and adds more things to "look for" in the game world.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    edited February 2019
    MRose said:

    Why not just show survivors all their locations too? How easy do you want to make this game? My gosh.

    Quit crying, as if a totem counter will make Solos at the same level like a special force swf group. You don't care about balance, you don't care about solos.
  • Gemasuda
    Gemasuda Member Posts: 70
    Votes so far

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    No. Why do we have to add this when they could simply count themselves?

    One less thing for a survivor to do? They only have one thing to do; push generators.

    How is making the game easier for them going to help the game? 

    Is 4v1, perks that show where totems are, the ability to communicate with a team, and having items to speed up your one and only objective (or hinder the killer in theirs) not enough of a handicap?
  • Good lord, how many crutches do survivors need?

    i always solo queue, you know what I do? Totems.
  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @MRose said:
    Your problem is with SWF not killers. SWF can't be an excuse to overpower survivors.

    I am a killer main, and I side with the devs on this one, which is the complete opposite of your position. Solo players need to be brought up to the level of information that SWF have. This entire thread has already been discussed by the devs, and it is something that they plan to implement, once they have the time to do so. That being said, this information is not currently available to the killer in any way, and I don’t truly know if it should be. Making this information available to killers could have some serious down sides.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    All the salty killer mains trying to veto this.

    They really love their NOED huh?
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    fcc2014 said:

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow.

    You and many others see this as a "one step buff for solos and nothing for killers" change, but in fact with this exclusive solo survivor buff (swf won't get stronger with that information, they already share it) we are one step closer to close the gap between solo and swf and as a result we can buff killers without completely make the solo experience to a hell ride.

    We need to think 2 steps ahead, even if the first step sounds bad for killers, at the end killers will benefit form that.
    Because I think the only reason why the devs are holding back to buff killers so they can compete with sweaty swf groups is that they don't want to hurt solos to much.

    Hopefully that makes sense and you change your vote to "Yes" :)
  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    fcc2014 said:

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow.

    You and many others see this as a "one step buff for solos and nothing for killers" change, but in fact with this exclusive solo survivor buff (swf won't get stronger with that information, they already share it) we are one step closer to close the gap between solo and swf and as a result we can buff killers without completely make the solo experience to a hell ride.

    We need to think 2 steps ahead, even if the first step sounds bad for killers, at the end killers will benefit form that.
    Because I think the only reason why the devs are holding back to buff killers so they can compete with sweaty swf groups is that they don't want to hurt solos to much.

    Hopefully that makes sense and you change your vote to "Yes" :)

    The problem is that with how its been with this gmae, the killer buffs will probably take up a few months to come out. And then they wont be good enough to male a difference because the survivors got rebalanced again in the time passed.
    Additionally the perception that there are solobuffs which do not affect swf are funny. Swf would obviously benefit from the totemcounter too. They will not need to communicate that information anymore and can focus on different stuff. Its surely not as big a difference as it is for solos but the effect will be felt by both teams.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    edited February 2019

    @MRose said:
    Anything that buffs solo survivor buffs SWF survivor. If you can't see that then you have such an obvious bias that you cannot be helped or reasoned with.

    I am a killer main, and I support giving survivors a UI element for this, just like the devs support it. It does nothing to buff SWF, as they already have this information. The bias is obviously with you.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    MRose said:

    Anything that buffs solo survivor buffs SWF survivor. If you can't see that then you have such an obvious bias that you cannot be helped or reasoned with.

    Explain then how a totem counter will make swf groups stronger.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    MRose said:

    SWF currently have to communicate what totems are done and retain that information. Now they don't have to do anything. Going from Doing Something to Doing Nothing to get the same info? A buff.

    You keep saying "I'm a killer main" like that means anything...

    Where did I say I'm Killer main? Lmao I play both sides, but nice try to shift to go offtopic.

    And no, you have a logical fallacy. You act like Swf are playing CoD league of champions and are constantly talking and doing call outs. In dbd there is enough time not to talk even without a totem counter.
    And with a totem counter the result is the same. So quit crying with this stupid point, even peanits said it won't affect the power of swf.
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    MRose said:

    SWF currently have to communicate what totems are done and retain that information. Now they don't have to do anything. Going from Doing Something to Doing Nothing to get the same info? A buff.

    You keep saying "I'm a killer main" like that means anything...

    That changes nothing for a SWF group, though. We could all be on generators and ask each other how many totems we've cleansed. If you have to stop doing what you're doing to think deeply about the single digit number of totems you've cleansed I would agree with you, but you don't have to. You can keep doing things while you say a number to your buddies.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    MRose said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 You the only one talking in this thread? Wow. Talk about trying to divert attention.

    I didn't saw that post because it doesn't update automatically. Ignore the first part then, the second part still stands solid.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Peanits said:
    MRose said:

    SWF currently have to communicate what totems are done and retain that information. Now they don't have to do anything. Going from Doing Something to Doing Nothing to get the same info? A buff.

    You keep saying "I'm a killer main" like that means anything...

    That changes nothing for a SWF group, though. We could all be on generators and ask each other how many totems we've cleansed. If you have to stop doing what you're doing to think deeply about the single digit number of totems you've cleansed I would agree with you, but you don't have to. You can keep doing things while you say a number to your buddies.
    Exactly this!
  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @MRose is a verified TROLL. Ignore anything he/she says.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Kaelum said:

    @MRose is a verified TROLL. Ignore anything he/she says.

    I was thinking the same, thanks for confirming that. One more guy to ignore then lol
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    MRose said:

    Why not just show survivors all their locations too? How easy do you want to make this game? My gosh.

    Quit crying, as if a totem counter will make Solos at the same level like a special force swf group. You don't care about balance, you don't care about solos.

    No, we don't care about solo's. Just like SWF doesn't care about killers. Deal with it.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @Peanits said:
    MRose said:

    SWF currently have to communicate what totems are done and retain that information. Now they don't have to do anything. Going from Doing Something to Doing Nothing to get the same info? A buff.

    You keep saying "I'm a killer main" like that means anything...

    That changes nothing for a SWF group, though. We could all be on generators and ask each other how many totems we've cleansed. If you have to stop doing what you're doing to think deeply about the single digit number of totems you've cleansed I would agree with you, but you don't have to. You can keep doing things while you say a number to your buddies.

    It doesn't matter. You deserve no free information in this game without a perk cost. There is already a myriad of free information in the hud that shouldn't be there. Yes, we know SWF is broken. It's why they are dodged and your company is stuck between trying to force them on people and being scared to death your queues will dry up. That's why they didn't do the last "join at the same time" change.
    Turning every survivor into a SWF isn't a workaround. People don't dodge because it is or isn't a SWF they dodge because of what happens in the game when it is. If everyone plays like a SWF there is no difference.
    There is no coding fix that forces your smaller community to willingly endure bullying and taunting for the satisfaction of the larger. It's pretty simple to understand.
    So if you make it easier for that to occur you won't have any killers beyond those that make a living streaming the games. Your average joe is not going to sit around playing DbD enduring that. Giving free information like totem count that makes it that much easier to do by the coordinated teams is such a terrible idea. What you give to solos is given to teams making it that much easier. Almost braindead.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737


  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    fcc2014 said:

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow.

    You and many others see this as a "one step buff for solos and nothing for killers" change, but in fact with this exclusive solo survivor buff (swf won't get stronger with that information, they already share it) we are one step closer to close the gap between solo and swf and as a result we can buff killers without completely make the solo experience to a hell ride.

    We need to think 2 steps ahead, even if the first step sounds bad for killers, at the end killers will benefit form that.
    Because I think the only reason why the devs are holding back to buff killers so they can compete with sweaty swf groups is that they don't want to hurt solos to much.

    Hopefully that makes sense and you change your vote to "Yes" :)

    Except the killer buffs are a load of horse feces and will never come. That's what all the killers already know. It's all hot air and pillow talk. Buff the killers to deal with SWF first, then the solos to match the SWF, then we can talk.

    And by the way it will buff SWF. The 2 and 3 man SWF that wish their solo queue teammates were more useful? Yeah, they just received a buff.

    It's funny there is all these solo buffs being talked about yet not a single iota of information about what killer buffs are coming to compensate. Anyone have an inkling or is it something that will be pondered for years while in the interim the killers are expected to just endure? Never mind the fight that will have to be made for every crumb of compensation as the newly buffed survivors fight to keep their ez mode.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    What a crock and the shills are out in full force trying to help it gain traction.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    Except the killer buffs are a load of horse feces and will never come.

    several Killers and their addons got reworked to improve them and their power....Ahem you are using the avatar of one of those.

    That's what all the killers already know. It's all hot air and pillow talk. Buff the killers to deal with SWF first and then the solos to match the SWF then we can talk.
    Solo Players i'm sure will love that. P.S lots of killers already can play against SWF.

    And by the way it will buff SWF. The 2 and 3 man SWF that wish their solo queues were more useful? Yeah, they just received a buff.

    I actually agree with you here it will give the SWF who don't keep track of it and go in like a SWAT team more info.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    Except the killer buffs are a load of horse feces and will never come.

    several Killers and their addons got reworked to improve them and their power....Ahem you are using the avatar of one of those.

    That's what all the killers already know. It's all hot air and pillow talk. Buff the killers to deal with SWF first and then the solos to match the SWF then we can talk.
    Solo Players i'm sure will love that. P.S lots of killers already can play against SWF.

    And by the way it will buff SWF. The 2 and 3 man SWF that wish their solo queues were more useful? Yeah, they just received a buff.

    I actually agree with you here it will give the SWF who don't keep track of it and go in like a SWAT team more info.

    Individual killer addon adjustments that require blood web purchases are not baseline improvements. Individual power adjustments with absolutely minimal adjustment such as hag drawing a trap slightly fast is only moderately more.
    Sorry, solo players are not a crumb more important or pity worth than the already taxed killer population. Let them play killer until the adjustments are made.
    A handful of top ranked streamers with top tier killers can play SWF to a degree and depending, such as Scott Jund, one of the best, basically threw a game versus depip squad because he knew there wasn't much he could do in response. He feigned not caring because they weren't there to "have fun".
    Much of the other streams you watch are cherry picked games versus potatoes who I could only wish played in the mid rank games I play in. Watching rank 1s run in a straight line away from a Nurse with not a single cut back during the blink? Yeah.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    Individual killer addon adjustments that require blood web purchases are not baseline improvements.

    Why do you think Killers make more bloodpoints BHVR likes you more? It is part of the core mechanic.

    Individual power adjustments with absolutely minimal adjustment such as hag drawing a trap slightly fast is only moderately more.

    My friend @Vietfox does quite well wrecking SWF as the Hag

    Sorry, solo players are not a crumb more important or pity worth than the already taxed killer population.

    ( Do the killers need to go on DR Phil)

    Let them play killer until the adjustments are made.

    Longer killer lobby times sounds great!! See if BHVR is hiring someone for their BIG IDEAS.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Tucking_Friggered said:

    Individual killer addon adjustments that require blood web purchases are not baseline improvements.

    Why do you think Killers make more bloodpoints BHVR likes you more? It is part of the core mechanic.

    Individual power adjustments with absolutely minimal adjustment such as hag drawing a trap slightly fast is only moderately more.

    My friend @Vietfox does quite well wrecking SWF as the Hag

    Sorry, solo players are not a crumb more important or pity worth than the already taxed killer population.

    ( Do the killers need to go on DR Phil)

    Let them play killer until the adjustments are made.

    Longer killer lobby times sounds great!! See if BHVR is hiring someone for their BIG IDEAS.

    Because they are on a timer and have to play actively under stress (though an argument for duress could be made) the entire match. A survivor can slow crouch the entire game with every perk centered around stealth and take as long as they want to achieve their goal. They only rush because the community is full of ADHD suffering Dunning Krugers.

    Your friend Vietfox isn't owning SWF groups worth their salt any more than anyone else is. We can set him up to play Depip squad (which is nothing more than a SWF group playing intelligently) and watch him fail just like everyone else.

    If more people play killer the queues become shorter. Win/win. There is no shortage of survivors and if there were you'd have your recent "hide the SWF, all join at the same time" change. But rational thought prevailed and they had second thoughts about forcing SWF on their smaller community after Mathieu had a flashback of that internationally humiliating loss to the South Koreans.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674
    Instead of it affecting everyone I would rather have it for Small Game only. It would give more diversity in other perks outside the meta. I was thinking about a totem counter the other day as well but it would be too much information for all survivors to know without sacrificing everything. NOED would be useless at that point because all totems would be gone. At least this way NOED would have a counter to it and it would be a balanced counter.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    fcc2014 said:

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow.

    You and many others see this as a "one step buff for solos and nothing for killers" change, but in fact with this exclusive solo survivor buff (swf won't get stronger with that information, they already share it) we are one step closer to close the gap between solo and swf and as a result we can buff killers without completely make the solo experience to a hell ride.

    We need to think 2 steps ahead, even if the first step sounds bad for killers, at the end killers will benefit form that.
    Because I think the only reason why the devs are holding back to buff killers so they can compete with sweaty swf groups is that they don't want to hurt solos to much.

    Hopefully that makes sense and you change your vote to "Yes" :)

    Except the killer buffs are a load of horse feces and will never come. That's what all the killers already know. It's all hot air and pillow talk. Buff the killers to deal with SWF first, then the solos to match the SWF, then we can talk.

    And by the way it will buff SWF. The 2 and 3 man SWF that wish their solo queue teammates were more useful? Yeah, they just received a buff.

    It's funny there is all these solo buffs being talked about yet not a single iota of information about what killer buffs are coming to compensate. Anyone have an inkling or is it something that will be pondered for years while in the interim the killers are expected to just endure? Never mind the fight that will have to be made for every crumb of compensation as the newly buffed survivors fight to keep their ez mode.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    What a crock and the shills are out in full force trying to help it gain traction.

    But 2-3 men swf groups are still not that strong compared to 4 man SWF groups. I always take reference to 4 man groups because these are the death squads who are making the killers life to a hell.

    My overall killer buff idea would be a second objective for survivors. For now, a second objective would work against those swf "death squads" but against solos it's heavy.
    We all want the second objective for survivors, I just think it's currently not practical for Solos (obviously it depends on how the second objective is).
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:

    fcc2014 said:

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow.
    You and many others see this as a "one step buff for solos and nothing for killers" change, but in fact with this exclusive solo survivor buff (swf won't get stronger with that information, they already share it) we are one step closer to close the gap between solo and swf and as a result we can buff killers without completely make the solo experience to a hell ride.
    We need to think 2 steps ahead, even if the first step sounds bad for killers, at the end killers will benefit form that.

    Because I think the only reason why the devs are holding back to buff killers so they can compete with sweaty swf groups is that they don't want to hurt solos to much.

    Hopefully that makes sense and you change your vote to "Yes" :)

    Except the killer buffs are a load of horse feces and will never come. That's what all the killers already know. It's all hot air and pillow talk. Buff the killers to deal with SWF first, then the solos to match the SWF, then we can talk.

    And by the way it will buff SWF. The 2 and 3 man SWF that wish their solo queue teammates were more useful? Yeah, they just received a buff.

    It's funny there is all these solo buffs being talked about yet not a single iota of information about what killer buffs are coming to compensate. Anyone have an inkling or is it something that will be pondered for years while in the interim the killers are expected to just endure? Never mind the fight that will have to be made for every crumb of compensation as the newly buffed survivors fight to keep their ez mode.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    What a crock and the shills are out in full force trying to help it gain traction.

    But 2-3 men swf groups are still not that strong compared to 4 man SWF groups. I always take reference to 4 man groups because these are the death squads who are making the killers life to a hell.

    My overall killer buff idea would be a second objective for survivors. For now, a second objective would work against those swf "death squads" but against solos it's heavy.
    We all want the second objective for survivors, I just think it's currently not practical for Solos (obviously it depends on how the second objective is).

    No, you just didn't think anyone was smart enough to highlight that about 2-3 mans or you yourself never considered it. The rest, whatever.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:

    fcc2014 said:

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow.
    You and many others see this as a "one step buff for solos and nothing for killers" change, but in fact with this exclusive solo survivor buff (swf won't get stronger with that information, they already share it) we are one step closer to close the gap between solo and swf and as a result we can buff killers without completely make the solo experience to a hell ride.
    We need to think 2 steps ahead, even if the first step sounds bad for killers, at the end killers will benefit form that.

    Because I think the only reason why the devs are holding back to buff killers so they can compete with sweaty swf groups is that they don't want to hurt solos to much.

    Hopefully that makes sense and you change your vote to "Yes" :)

    Except the killer buffs are a load of horse feces and will never come. That's what all the killers already know. It's all hot air and pillow talk. Buff the killers to deal with SWF first, then the solos to match the SWF, then we can talk.

    And by the way it will buff SWF. The 2 and 3 man SWF that wish their solo queue teammates were more useful? Yeah, they just received a buff.

    It's funny there is all these solo buffs being talked about yet not a single iota of information about what killer buffs are coming to compensate. Anyone have an inkling or is it something that will be pondered for years while in the interim the killers are expected to just endure? Never mind the fight that will have to be made for every crumb of compensation as the newly buffed survivors fight to keep their ez mode.

    Yeah, that's the ticket.

    What a crock and the shills are out in full force trying to help it gain traction.

    But 2-3 men swf groups are still not that strong compared to 4 man SWF groups. I always take reference to 4 man groups because these are the death squads who are making the killers life to a hell.

    My overall killer buff idea would be a second objective for survivors. For now, a second objective would work against those swf "death squads" but against solos it's heavy.
    We all want the second objective for survivors, I just think it's currently not practical for Solos (obviously it depends on how the second objective is).

    No, you just didn't think anyone was smart enough to highlight that about 2-3 mans or you yourself never considered it. The rest, whatever.

    Why you bring that up then? You sound upset
  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited February 2019

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:

    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    fcc2014 said:

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow. You and many others see this as a "one step buff for solos and nothing for killers" change, but in fact with this exclusive solo survivor buff (swf won't get stronger with that information, they already share it) we are one step closer to close the gap between solo and swf and as a result we can buff killers without completely make the solo experience to a hell ride. We need to think 2 steps ahead, even if the first step sounds bad for killers, at the end killers will benefit form that.

    Because I think the only reason why the devs are holding back to buff killers so they can compete with sweaty swf groups is that they don't want to hurt solos to much.
    Hopefully that makes sense and you change your vote to "Yes" :)
    Except the killer buffs are a load of horse feces and will never come. That's what all the killers already know. It's all hot air and pillow talk. Buff the killers to deal with SWF first, then the solos to match the SWF, then we can talk.
    And by the way it will buff SWF. The 2 and 3 man SWF that wish their solo queue teammates were more useful? Yeah, they just received a buff.
    It's funny there is all these solo buffs being talked about yet not a single iota of information about what killer buffs are coming to compensate. Anyone have an inkling or is it something that will be pondered for years while in the interim the killers are expected to just endure? Never mind the fight that will have to be made for every crumb of compensation as the newly buffed survivors fight to keep their ez mode.
    Yeah, that's the ticket.
    What a crock and the shills are out in full force trying to help it gain traction.
    But 2-3 men swf groups are still not that strong compared to 4 man SWF groups. I always take reference to 4 man groups because these are the death squads who are making the killers life to a hell.
    My overall killer buff idea would be a second objective for survivors. For now, a second objective would work against those swf "death squads" but against solos it's heavy.

    We all want the second objective for survivors, I just think it's currently not practical for Solos (obviously it depends on how the second objective is).

    No, you just didn't think anyone was smart enough to highlight that about 2-3 mans or you yourself never considered it. The rest, whatever.

    Why you bring that up then? You sound upset

    No sweetie I just don't like you. So when you have an argument you can't just dismiss and you suddenly switch up to a more reasoned and polite approach I don't start liking you again.

    You don't get to dismiss the 2-3 man SWF buff with some meandering about them not being 4 man when your ideas turn the odd man or even 4 individuals into a ad hoc 4 man.

    Your ideas are bad and ill thought out. Simple.

  • MRose said:

    Anything that buffs solo survivor buffs SWF survivor. If you can't see that then you have such an obvious bias that you cannot be helped or reasoned with.

    Per usual, people don’t understand this simple fact of balance. Anything that buffs the single survivor also buffs the SWF. 

    ”but but but... SWF already shares this info!”

    Yeah, sure. Some might. Not all do. And now they don’t even need to try. I’ve seen plenty of SWF streams where they get hit with NOED because they forgot about a totem, or they thought they got 5 but they got 3 or 4. This would be a big buff to ALL survivors regardless of SWF or not.
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:

    Tucking_Friggered said:

    @HavelmomDaS1 said:
    fcc2014 said:

    I voted No, It feels like too much information and puts the killer at an even more disadvantage. This would help solo survivors though with totem info that swf may share. to give this info to survivors you would need to buff totems for killers to benefit them somehow. You and many others see this as a "one step buff for solos and nothing for killers" change, but in fact with this exclusive solo survivor buff (swf won't get stronger with that information, they already share it) we are one step closer to close the gap between solo and swf and as a result we can buff killers without completely make the solo experience to a hell ride. We need to think 2 steps ahead, even if the first step sounds bad for killers, at the end killers will benefit form that.

    Because I think the only reason why the devs are holding back to buff killers so they can compete with sweaty swf groups is that they don't want to hurt solos to much.
    Hopefully that makes sense and you change your vote to "Yes" :)
    Except the killer buffs are a load of horse feces and will never come. That's what all the killers already know. It's all hot air and pillow talk. Buff the killers to deal with SWF first, then the solos to match the SWF, then we can talk.
    And by the way it will buff SWF. The 2 and 3 man SWF that wish their solo queue teammates were more useful? Yeah, they just received a buff.
    It's funny there is all these solo buffs being talked about yet not a single iota of information about what killer buffs are coming to compensate. Anyone have an inkling or is it something that will be pondered for years while in the interim the killers are expected to just endure? Never mind the fight that will have to be made for every crumb of compensation as the newly buffed survivors fight to keep their ez mode.
    Yeah, that's the ticket.
    What a crock and the shills are out in full force trying to help it gain traction.
    But 2-3 men swf groups are still not that strong compared to 4 man SWF groups. I always take reference to 4 man groups because these are the death squads who are making the killers life to a hell.
    My overall killer buff idea would be a second objective for survivors. For now, a second objective would work against those swf "death squads" but against solos it's heavy.

    We all want the second objective for survivors, I just think it's currently not practical for Solos (obviously it depends on how the second objective is).

    No, you just didn't think anyone was smart enough to highlight that about 2-3 mans or you yourself never considered it. The rest, whatever.

    Why you bring that up then? You sound upset

    No sweetie I just don't like you. So when you have an argument you can't just dismiss and you suddenly switch up to a more reasoned and polite approach I don't start liking you again.

    You don't get to dismiss the 2-3 man SWF buff with some meandering about them not being 4 man when your ideas turn the odd man or even 4 individuals into a ad hoc 4 man.

    Your ideas are bad and ill thought out. Simple.

    Oh It's you, I wasn't even paying attention to your name lol. Don't worry, I will keep ignoring you you salty poor little kid. Next pls.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    They don't want solos buffed because it buffs swf yet they dodge swf anyway.

    Told you before they just want the ez 4k. It's sad.
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Peanits said:
    Tzeentchling9 said:

    Include a token count based on the number of totems left to Small Game instead.

    I would be inclined to agree, but this change would basically be just for solo players. A group can already share how many totems each of them has destroyed to figure out how many are left, but a solo player has to check the entire map. Having that information available to everyone would help being solo players closer to a SWF level, which would allow killers to be properly balanced around coordinated groups. Putting it on a perk would mean that solo players have to use a perk slot to get the same information as they'd already have if they were playing with friends.

    Not to mention it could benefit the killer as well. If you can see how many totems are left, you'd be able to tell if NOED is going to activate or not.

    @Peanits said:
    Tzeentchling9 said:

    Include a token count based on the number of totems left to Small Game instead.

    I would be inclined to agree, but this change would basically be just for solo players. A group can already share how many totems each of them has destroyed to figure out how many are left, but a solo player has to check the entire map. Having that information available to everyone would help being solo players closer to a SWF level, which would allow killers to be properly balanced around coordinated groups. Putting it on a perk would mean that solo players have to use a perk slot to get the same information as they'd already have if they were playing with friends.

    Not to mention it could benefit the killer as well. If you can see how many totems are left, you'd be able to tell if NOED is going to activate or not.

    Not all SWF's are created equal. 2-Man SWF with 2 solo are not equal to a 4-man SWF. The only reason I say this is because tying it to only solo play is not exactly a fix. If the idea is a 4-man swf can communicate each doing 1-2 totems, then a 2-man has to search out all 5 totems alone.

    Just playing devil's advocate.

  • Gemasuda
    Gemasuda Member Posts: 70
    Votes so far