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When Is Spine Chill Getting Fixed?

How does a stealth killer counterplay getting detected anytime they're remotely close to a player with the perk? A player who can also warn their teammates, thus protecting multiple people with a single perk, indefinitely? Revert this specific change and make the perk only light up when the killer is in LoS, as intended.
Getting Fixed? Spine Chill is working fine.
Spine Chill got nerfed last meta shake up patch (last year) and it's not as good as before anymore. I don't see this perk at all in games.
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How often do you genuinely see spine chill? It’s purpose is to know when the killer is looking at you through walls so you can make a play before they get there.
If they already see you then the perk is useless
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Spine Chill is a TR indicator. If the killer has no TR, then the perk doesn't show the distance.
So stealth plays are still very much possible.
Plus, if 1 perk out of more than 100 counters one specific kind of play, it wouldn't even be that unfair. You don't know who you're going against, so that's a blind choice you're making.
Plague hard counters medkits and altruistic heals, a whole part of survivor gameplay, and that regretfully doesn't mean she should get nerfed.
Post edited by HugTheHag on2 -
Since when? spine chill will light up anytime the killer is within 36m, stealth or not.
It counters stealth killers entirely, not just a particular style of play.
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That's not true, it'll light up anytime the killer is within 36m, stealth or not.
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This is correct.
But it's balanced. The counterplay is to approach the gen from an unlikely angle. Survivors trying to sneak away will often run into you. The perk is just a generic alert. It doesn't tell them if the killer is actually coming for them nor where from. Survivors need to make judgment calls every time or they'll waste a lot of time.
And tbf, it's not even worth playing around it in the first place. The perk is just not commonly used anymore.
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But that's not true, survivors can just run towards a pallet even if they can't directly tell your direction. And with the new gen indicators it's not hard to tell if no one else is being chased, and that they are the target. It doesn't matter if it's not used often, it still is too strong against stealth killers, even if players don't really prioritize that ability.
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Imo they could fix it by making the icon only light up in LOS and increase the action speed bonus to compensate. Gives stealth killers more counterplay against it and makes it more useful against other killers that aren't really affected by it much
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Spinechill was buffed, not nerfed. It's far more powerful than it has ever been.
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Please refrain from spreading misinformation. This is not how the new Spinechill works, at all. Survivors are given a guaranteed 36 meter warning, period. No line of sight is required. It completely counters stealth players. Some stealth players like GF or Pig have to take their time to approach. This gives the survivor more than enough time to get to safety. A single perk entirely shuts down Ghostface and Pig (and T1 Myers). With Spinechill, it is impossible to ever be caught off guard unless you aren't paying attention to the icon.
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Hard agree, it's bad design to have a perk completely shut down a class of killers and have little effects on everyone else. At least give it some meaningful counterplay.
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Same, as a longtime ghostie player I feel like there's nothing that can be done other than go for other players, who might also be warned by the spine chill user or could be using the perk themselves. In my experience, 2 spinechills a match isn't uncommon.
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Yup. A single perk should NOT eliminate a killer as a credible threat.
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Hadn't checked the perk in a while, so no voluntary speading of misinformation. My bad ! Please continue your debating =D
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Spine Chill is dead like iron will, if that was the intention of bhvr instead of nerfing them then congratulations bhvr you got it :)) and the funny thing is perks that change meta and bring new meta 10/10 bhvr xD plus other perks that meta are almost impossible to change like pain res and DH are still meta like before the "nerf" one thing is for sure, bhvr is Masters in something dead nerfed (spine chill, Iron will) or things are made too strong or left (CoB, Pain res, DH)
Iron will you could nerf from 100% to 75% that's it with the nerf if you don't want the survivor to be completely silent or they stay at 100% but if you're exhausted then it will be disabled, that would be a nerf the first one people would play the perk less but use it for Flashlight saves etc, the second one people would play it again more often but without exhaustion perks (so they wouldn't play meta perk + meta perk) but what did bhvr do ? both and so you really want to delete the perk? Bhvr: YES!
"What about Ruin and Pop were nerfed to death too!" no! quite simply these are normal gene regression perks, means if there are other gene regression perks they will of course be preferred, take the gene kick perks out of the game and you will see how people play pop and ruin again :D but what iron will there is no compensatory perk for this except OFR, but OFR is not taken for that reason, but mainly because you get 80sec BT protection, the rest is a nice side effect, no mither: don't need to explain to you why it's not the same perk as Iron want is
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Spine Chill used to work only when a killer was looking in the survivor's direction. During the perk reworks it was changed to only light up if the killer was within line of sight.
But some players complained claiming they were hard of hearing and Spine Chill help them play. With this the Devs changed the perk into what it is today. Lights up regardless if the killer is looking in their direction and added a gradient for how close the killer is.
The OP is correct. This was a straight up buff without the counter the original had. Though this change was just a work around. Now that they are adding the heart beat, Spine Chill should be reverted.
The new heart beat won't be as detrimental to stealth killers as the current Spine Chill as it will only work off the terror radius.