Myers is D tier if you do not improve his kit, improve it and he's A tier.

kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135
edited March 2023 in General Discussions

What does Myers have?

Semi stealth.

exposed M1.

Obsession add-on.

How to improve and use those?

Surge/jolt is first, he's always doing M1 and only will do M1 so surge/jolt is ALWAYS triggered and so you always have value out of the perk, always, so not using it is a big waste + it's a great way to know where other survivors are, if they work on a gen nearby you'll know and you can go for them.

Since he can 1 shot a survivor with T3 he doesn't need to hit survivor twice 80% of the time so what can be used to benefit this fact?

Play with your food! you want to have this good lethality the best way possible, being a 1 shot M1 with 130% movement speed is the most powerful thing Myers can be and it offers a very high snowball potential AND makes survivors waste pallets more.

How to be lethal quickly? Enduring with nemesis! those 2 perks together make you have play with your food stack extremely easy while also taking away the pallet, free stack of play with your food is great but the best part about it is "judith's journal" add-on, which makes stalking your obsession 40% faster, add Judith's memorial and you now have a 65% faster stalk rate on your obsession everytime you get stunned.

So you get a play with your food stack, VERY quick stalk, 1 pallet taken away, follow your obsession to get the other stacks with the 99 and let them go, if lucky they wasted more pallets, less to deal with later.

Now you are a 130% 16M terror radius 99 Myers which will appear out of nowhere, go T3, get 1 extremely free down, trigger surge/jolt taking away on average 16% progress (because of 2 gen hit by the perk) with a high chance to down another survivor within 20 seconds triggering surge/jolt for the second time, giving you possibly 2 hooks at every T3 or more, if the obsession try to take the downed survivor up you get a free stack, if you pick up and they go for the other survivor but they are close enough to start a chase it's a free stack and you are back at them with 1 or 2 stacks of play with your food.

2 stacks of play with your food making you 125% makes "safe loops" open for mind games, and since survivors will always keep in mind until they figure out you have PWYF, they think you are 115% and so will try to loop but you are too fast for it and you down them no problem.

It may not look like much but 1 single stack of Play with your food gave me MANY hits that I wouldn't have gotten without it, going 5% faster is a BIG deal, you'd be surprised.

Myers base kit is D tier, no doubt about it, improve it like I did and get a 70+ win streak, make Myers A+ tier, never lose, only win!

Always walk faster than they can run, you can't outrun walking Myers!!!!!!!

Edit: guys this post isn't about how to update his basekit, it's about a build that makes Myers A tier, if you want to give suggestions on how to change his base kit do it in the feedback section thank you.

Post edited by kill4escape4win on


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Some quality of life I think he should have:

    • Stalking rate should be more at longer distance instead of shorter.
    • Stalking stop right at 95%, you have to press M2 again to continue pass 95%, to prevent accidently Tier 3 pop when you dont want to.

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    yes his kit need a rework/update, but the post is all about using what he has now to it's full potential.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,748

    How about it stops at 100%, but you can press CTRL to tier up anytime you want? That would be super convenient.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I like his kit but I'm afraid if the dev rework/update his kiit they mess it up some how.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2023

    That 5% is to leave a very little time for survivor to react. A slight second of them moving slow.

    If he has animation when activate his power, then its okay, 1sec would be enough

    Oni can activate anytime because he has 3-4sec of powering up.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    MM simple rework.

    1. Remove the -5% speed in T1 or give him +5% speed for the rest of the game once he gets to T2. Either would be fine.
    2. Change his power to be like Oni's where he fills the power bar to 100% then taps again to turn the power on.
    3. Remove stalk on distance penalty and restore Multistalk ability like he had on release. In the movies he stalked from long distances. Now Ghostface has the same duration as MM so MM needs to be stalking faster to be competitive. Maybe even reduce how much "juice" he needs to soak up to get to t2.
    4. If a player dies or D/C's from the game then have all their stalk juice go to the remaining alive players.
    5. Give him super fast pallet break inside his power (Something like 3-4 stacks of fire up)


  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2023

    I had a 70+ win streak with this build and now currently at my 17th, I see no reason for it not beat my previous streak, give me the link once it's done :) i'd love to see your video.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,449

    Im surprised bc i use a similar build and win most of my games, but not even close to such a winstreak and i wouldnt call myers A-tier with it.

    So i really would see your gameplay or get your tips how to deal with some flaws i found:

    People predropping pallets. Early game its easy bc i can lunge into a pallet, but later i would waste a pwyf-token. Is this tradeoff for the obsession change worth it? What do you do?

    Bad early game. I use corrupt bc of it, but you dont seem to struggle to get out of T1 without it. Do you search for the obsession to get out quicker?

    Do you down the obsession or do you just get the stacks and chase someone else? Sometimes i need to play without pwyf bc the obsession is on hook and nobody else stuns me, so i waste the rest of the T3.

    With how many stacks do you use T3? Always with three or also when you have the oppurtunity to down someone with zero stacks?

    What is your second addon?

    What do you think about the new perk Game Afoot?

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    I have 1 gameplay video for you about how I use the build,

    Here's one that got me n.4 position on

    Can easily make a video out of every match because I always win.

    I pretty much play all the time like this and I have this result pretty much all the time.

    Now the flaws you mentionned.

    If they predrop just stalk them at 25% speed and go 99 and leave them, catch others off guard or find your obsession, don't waste your time on them if they waste yours, since they will call out your 99 if in swf you are more likely to get stunned, and for solos they have no clue so they will stun you, if they don't you are 99 so they die, happened a few times where i'm 1 meter behind them and they don't drop the pallet and I just go T3 haha, if they won't give you stack just get the hook.

    Bad early game doesn't matter because YOU are the one in control with this build, once I had a game they did 2 gens the first minute and they didn't do another one after that, the game lasted around 8 minutes, this build can ALWAYS do a comeback and only when the exits are open and they are at the exit it's over, don't think you lost even with 1 gen left, get your stacks and 99 yourself.

    Finding the obsession isn't the priority, it's the best scenario, you'd get out of T1 very quickly and get a stack but if you can stalk others simply do until you get T2 and keep stalking until they see you or if you are close enough start a chase when close to pallets so they stun you, if they don't simply stalk until they forcefully stun you from fear of T3 and get your stacks, do not worry about losing gens, once the pressure is applied you pretty much always have them pressured.

    I do not down the obsession most of the time, it's so I can start a quick short chase while carrying a survivor if possible to be able to get a free stack, I often have 2 stacks and the obsession is 2 meters from me and I leave them alove, I care more about having 3 stacks and get 2-3 downs per T3 with 2 hooks, get the obsession when you know you've won or you have 3 stacks and you'll have 2 after it, but I suggest you do after some hooks/pressure.

    I T3 whenever I can get someone, if there's another survivor around and I can start a chase they will drop 100% and so give me stacks, even in T3 I try to get stacks and not down my obsession, once the obsession is down you need a stun/blind to get new stacks, as long as they are up you can get new ones everytime you see them, best case scenario like I said it's when you carry a survivor and they go for the other one on the ground, you back to 2 stacks or so for free and by the time they get the survivor off the ground you will get another stack and can get back the injured one, tho if they are injured you have to keep in mind DH, most of the time, nearly all the time they still heal against you, but injured, keep DH in mind.

    Game afoot is useless, your chases are very short most of the time unless you chase your obsession because of the stacks, you want to constantly get stacks and if you down a survivor but they were the one you chased the most they are now the obsession and no way for you to get more stacks anymore until you get stunned, so use my perks and only those, check the gameplay I sent you and you'll see how I use it.

    My 2 add-ons are Judith's journal and Judith's memorial, 40% obsession and 25% stalk speed.

    Hope all this info helps you.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 880

    I’d love it if they made it so survivors never ran out of stalk juice. Maybe make it so once they hit their current max, it trickles in at like a quarter speed or something, but I feel it should always be possible to gain EW progress from stalking.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Tombstone Piece is the strongest addon in the game. Inf T3 and Tombstone are egregiously designed.

    Rework all 3 of the above, and make stalk passively refill for survivors.

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135
    edited March 2023

    he is without add-ons and proper perks, but he doesn't need those add-ons to be A tier.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Sound's fun I will give this build a try but I don't think it makes him A tier maybe B.

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    oh trust me, it makes him A, I got 70+ win streak with it.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    It's not realistic to consider a killer without their addons though.

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    how is the killer without add-ons, blight is strong, nurse is strong, spirit is strong, deathslinger is alright, ghostface is okay, waith is okay,

    Myers is weak without anything.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Yes, killers are weaker without addons. My point is that considering a killer's tier without considering their addons is unrealistic.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Myer is m1 killer with instant down. He's not any better at using nemesis+pwyf then any other m1 killer. He can use PWYF better than any other killers using his Tombstone piece and Judith Tombstone where his power becomes instant kill instead of instant down, but that is an entirely different game at that point.

    Nemesis and PWYF can ascend M1 killers but its little bit like Enduring Spirit fury. Pre-drop pallets and the combo does nothing. Its just that people do not respect this combo as much as they do with Spirit fury.

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    you clearly haven't experienced how strong Myers is with this build to think this, you have no idea what you are talking about

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    this is one of my first builds that I made on Myers. I am not joking that you could nemesis+pwyf on most killers and get similar results. Like you could do this build on wraith. you cloak, hit people with first hit, you follow them, if they get no loop, you down them. if they do get to a loop, you swing into pallets to trigger nemesis, then you cloak/uncloak as you chase obsession gaining free stacks until you down the survivor or you go 130% m/s. You could do this Legion, On plague, On Oni, On Billy, On Pig, like literally every killer. why people not run this perk combo? Its not time efficient.

    If you wonder what this perk combo is for in regards to Myers. Its for his meme build. Scratch Mirror Myers where you permanent tier 1 and you move 105%. If you want to play Scratch Mirror against good players. you have to run these two perks to make Myers go from 105->120% to use his joke 32 meter aura reading build. Also my advice is to not use Enduring as perk. Its wasted perk slot because if you get stunned and people change loops, you free pwyf stacks and you catch-up quicker by moving faster. Like I said, the counter to this is pre-dropping pallets and hold-w while rushing generators.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Early game needs some buffs, his addons some kind of nerfs (especially Tombstone).

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    Wraith requires 2 hits to down a survivor while Myers requires 1 and can snowball way more effectively than wraith.

    I've played scratched mirror many times I know how to play Myers, I have almost 4K hours, I know what i'm talking about, and Myers IS the best killer for this build because of the 1 shot while the others cannot do that. plague works well too because of the broken status, billy too and leather face as well but they are 32 TR and myers is 16 so they have no time to react.

    Anyway you have your own opinion about the matter and I have mine, all I know is that I got around 70+ kill streak and NOW i'm at 15 wins in a row, still going up. you think this build isn't that good, you do you, I have my results and they prove me right every game.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    wraith has 0 TR and part of playing stealth killers is getting the opening hit. By getting opening hit, you only need 1 hit to down which pwyf can get you that 1 hit with augmented movement speed. I do not thinking open hit matters that much because as long you get stunned, you will eventually down the survivor even at 2 hit downing but just like enduring spirit fury, it is time consuming to get pwyf stacks and pre-dropping pallets does counter it.

    I run nemesis and pwyf as my main build on exactly 1 killer. Ghostface. Its because in his case, he has add-on called drop-leg stealth which gives you 10% speed when completing a marked action. you can farm stacks with GF and stack his add-on with PWYF. Since Ghostface has zero TR and very fast mark time(Philly is other add-on I run to increase marking speed), you can mark into 1 hit down as stealth killer. Still I would not consider this top-tier because If I faced strong enough team, they could beat it. Your idea of of 0 TR into instant down is good. Ghostface does your play-style better then Myers does it because when Myer's pop in 99% in his EV2->EV3, He is stuck in EV3 for 60 seconds which gives him his normal TR.

    When ghostface does his 99% mark into hit. he is kicked nightshroud but once cooldown expires, he can still have 2 stacks of PWYF and maintain 0 TR. When he marks someone, he will move 20% extra so the add-on synergies nicely with his perk. This is the build I have been running on GF since his rework. Still, I would not consider him top tier or anything because I think good team can easily defeat him.

    I think for normal Myers build. From my experience, I tend to play Myers like a slugging killer. I like running Infectious fright, Bamboozle, Brutal strength on him because the higher TR in EV3 allows him to use infectious fright to chain hits. I use bamboozle on him because it allows him to delete windows in tier 3. This perk has inherit synergy with his faster vaulting and T3 in general. I use brutal strength since one of his pivoting weaknesses as killer is that people can pre-drop pallets to time out his EV3. Brutal allows him to eat pallets more quickly and zone more effectively. Still, I do not think Myers is very good or anything, but he can excel at slugging and camping hooks. He can slug if his survivor opponents are poor at looping m1 killers and he is magnificent hook camper when his Evil within 3 is active.

    all I know is that I got around 70+ kill streak and NOW i'm at 15 wins in a row, still going up.

    I think your facing weak survivor players that do not understand how to counter the perk synergy which is making you think that Myer's is a lot better than what he is.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,449

    So i got a 11 winstreak. Messed it up with really idiotic plays.

    Im still not sure if enduring is worth it or some match delay like corrupt, deadlock and nwo. Maybe i will try corrupt, but now i need more judiths memorials.

    Are there some techs/tricks withy myers? I only know stalking to go through a bodyblock.

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    enduring is to allow you to stalk your obsession way sooner and can sometimes give you a hit and be stunned on their side so you hit/grab them, doesn't happen often but it does, that's why I use it, but 11 winstreak is nice :)

    You can double vault shack at T3 since it's a bit faster and with some stacks it can give you a hit.

    if you want to change enduring do it, but for me it's a good perk to have to take advantage of what you have sooner, which is stalking, and unsafe pallets with stacks means you can catch up sooner before they make it around.

    I'm glad you had a good experience