Why do they continue with FOMO?

They give you a propeller beanie if you make a purchase with a time limit. Why do they keep doing this?
Because people buy it
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Greed, mostly.
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Unfortunately this.
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Nailed it in one
If it didn't work, companies wouldn't do it anymore. But it works and it sounds like it works really well...
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Because they are a business
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Here's a better question: Who would buy this? It's a reskin of a hat already in the game, but with a propeller. This is just lazy design
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When you go to Auric Cell Packs in Store, it says: Dwight Propeller Hat Free with Auric Cell Pack purchase!
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Np and good job this game is a mess rn
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Well that's cool. A little bonus.
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I already buy cells every so often, so it's a nice little bonus when doing so. But obviously the point is to encourage those who don't buy cells often to do so more
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What's the FOMO in this? The hat looks stupid.
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There’s this awesome thing called choice.. if you like it, make the choice to buy it. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. :D Crazy concept innit?
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exactly, also it's just a hat for one of survivors... Not everyone play survs, even less people play dwight(although it's a fair amount of people)
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Because it works. And the charts have to go up, up, up!
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It's not a big deal really. It's just a little hat you get as a bonus for buying auric cells. There are far worse things than this.
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Because FOMO works otherwise there would be no point in doing it
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Honestly I think it's just a nice little thing there to reward players for supporting the game. It's nothing to really miss out on, unlike the full outfits from the "Events".
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Because FOMO works.
Its very well studied that if people feel like they'll miss out on something they'll be less likely to critically assess the scenario and rush to buy it. Whether they want or need it or not.
Almost all advertising is built on the premise.
Limited time only! is a very powerful motivator.
It's also why people who did buy it, or earn it, when it was originally offered can get so angry if it gets offered again or eventually made easier to get.
Satisfying FOMO often creates a sense of achievement and status when you have something that others don't. So when others eventually get the chance to have it too, the original purchaser either suffers buyers remorse or a sense of loss of status both of which are rather negative.
If you can afford it and you want it by all means buy it, but like any FOMO scenario take a moment to think am I buying this because I actually want it
Or am I buying it purely because I'm afraid of missing out on it, which is actually different from really wanting it.
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Nobody is buying auric cells so they're taking some BS cosmetic that was supposed to be part of a future season pass and "giving it away" as incentive to buy.