How about a counter to killer instinct?

HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Pretty much every gameplay mechanic in dbd the game has a perk designed to counter it. You even have a perk that supresses screams

Except killer instinct for some reason. There is literally no way to counter it at all.

I'm not saying make a killer instinct distortion. I don't think the perk should totally nullify the mechanic.

My suggestion would be either a perk that removes the sound element of KI, helps against some instances of KI.

or an information perk that informs the survivor when they are revealed by KI.

Example: sixth sense (can't believe this hasnt been used as a perk name yet lol)

As some killers instinctively know where you may be hiding. So too, do you have a supernatural sense that prickles the hair on your neck when you are being hunted.

When the killer reveals you using killer instinct you hear an audio cue and gain 2%haste for 5/10/15 seconds


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I think the perk would be extremely niche, unless you're in Legion limbo and see them every other game.

    That being said, as long as it's not fully removing KI, I'm good with what you're offering.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    Yeah, like the guy above me said, all killer instinct has a way of countering it built in.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Not as such, I don't see how you can counter nemesis/wesker unless you just want to make yourself more vulnerable. Legion is janky, you definitely can't avoid it because it's when your teammates get hit and you really have no control over that and staying out of TR isn't really feasible unless you know exactly where killer is. Even then it'd still be difficult.

    And I'm not saying KI should be blocked. My favourite solution is to let the surv know that KI is on them so they know whether to shift W or not.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    You're basically just asking to nerf legion. Who is a bad killer.

    When you play against them literally just stay away from other survivors. I only get frenzied when I'm the initial target. Otherwise I know to just leave when I see the mending pop up. Frenzy lasts ten seconds. Count down from ten with each frenzy so you know how much distance you need to make. If you see mending within the terror radius you can just leave and they won't catch you in ten seconds. You don't need a perk to neuter legion and crutch on when you can just use game sense.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028
    edited January 2023

    As long as it doesn't make you immune to killer instinct in any way.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Okay, Legion can be countered by respecting his TR, PH by not stepping in trails etc, etc.

    Let's go over Neme and Wesker. Can you stop them from getting information? No. But what you do control is when the KI procs and if the information is even worth using. If you're across the map on Dwelling at shack with... idk, 30 pallets nearby, idc if I know where you are because I can't touch you.

    Knowing when KI shines on you just comes with general killer/matchup knowledge. With experience, you should know when it is/isn't shining on you.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited January 2023

    The perk would hardly neuter legion. I doubt it'd see use at high mmr which is where legion struggles at anyway. I don't see many high level survivors using it. But it'd certainly be a handy tool for newer players, particularly those who don't play killer, to figure out when KI triggers are.

    Lord knows a lot of newer players need it, because if players don't play killer, and don't happen to sit down and research how they work they have literally no way to tell. Not like I'm proposing a hard counter that blocks it entirely. It's a perk that would help build that experience to learn how to counter play a mechanic. Like windows.

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    We need to make it so that the killer instinct can only see a healthy survivor but not a wounded one. This will solve the issue with the fact that this is not a Legion nerf, but an excellent solution to unfairness

    Well, or make it so that the conditions for blocking it will be like an aura

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    You know what's really unfair? Nerfing a C-tier killer because they make you unhappy sometimes.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    It's not nerfing a C tier killer though. You're acting as if I've suggested this a basekit change that blocks KI, rather than a choosable perk which simply gives information. A perk which is neat and probably won't see any usage at higher mmr.

    Weak as legion is to meta players, they tend to dominate low level games.

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    I agree with you that distortion / or some other perk that hides traces / auras should block the killer instinct, but for some reason everyone thinks that they are asking to nerf the legion. God, nothing bad threatens him

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Thing is I don't want something that blocks it. My favourite idea is to get an audio cue so they know when KI is active on them and killer knows where they are.

    Still useful for surv but doesn't hamstring a killer like legion who relies on the KI.

  • Pinheadftw
    Pinheadftw Member Posts: 35

    Learn to counter the killer and you will counter the Killer Instinct. That simple. With Neme and Wesker. The notification to them of where you are is the penalty you pay for cleansing your infection. Neme doesn't need a cleanse other then cough and tentacle can hurt you. Wesker does, the hindered sucks, but YOU choose when that info is given and if he is chasing someone, chances are he ain't gonna ditch them for you. Killer Knowledge goes a long way here. No changes need to be made.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited February 2023

    Like I've said earlier in the thread this is more of a perk to help newer players. Not everybody is going to sit and read through killer powers or the dbd wiki.

    Post edited by HoodedWildKard on
  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    Where do you see a certain killer nerf here? Here they talk about the injustice of the killer instinct and the fact that it cannot be counteracted.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Killer Instinct isn't that big of a deal. It doesn't give you the information that an Aura does, rarely lasts that long, and the ones that do last long have a tell on them (Legion specifically). Furthermore you can't trigger killer instinct unless you know you're triggering it (Nemesis Vaccine, Masterminds Healing Spray, Cenobite's Box, GhostFace Revealing mechanic) or there's some other tell to it (Executioner's Torment Trails, Skull Merchant Drones, Legion's Terror Radius, Victors refusal to shut the hell up).

    I don't see why it needs to have anything against it, because you already have counters inherent to the mechanics.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    A simple "sense" perk is what he is suggesting. When you are showed via killer instinct, the perk lights up. That's it. For "veteran" players, we know when killer instinct is showing us (legion frenzy, Nemi Syringe, Wesker Spray, etc.), but newer players don't.

    I 100% think this is a good idea. All of us with thousands of hours playing and browsing the forums seem to easily forget about the new players. For reference, there are 228 perks in Dead by Daylight and 31 Killers with unique powers / addons. This is a lot to learn when joining the game, and a lot of times new players are left with the "how / why did that just happen?" It is easy for us to be condescending and say look it up, but that wont actually happen. All they will do is get frustrated and uninstall. Adding another perk like this will be trash for experienced players, but will help new players understand what the hell is going on.

    TLDR: Without more people coming and playing DBD, the game will die out quicker. Any perks that help new players understand what's going on WITHOUT hurting the killer I'm always down for.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013


    The game is pretty unforgiving for new players anyway. And I've had a couple of new players wonder how killer knew where they were when playing legion (who is a noob stomper killer for sure) and when they've accidentally revealed ghost face.

    Like i said, I don't want a hard counter. Just an information perk.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I think killers instinct was meant to have zero counterplay other than not meeting the conditions that trigger it

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    I do understand this, but I wish to counter with Horror games tend to have antagonists that can do things that, in other games, would be considered bullshit. I feel DBD should have some of that feeling of helplessness, furthered by the fact that you are playing against a big bad guy. Eventually people get past that part of it and learn what some of the "uncounterable" stuff is and how it works.

    I do think more should be done for players trying the game out though.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I don’t like having perks/items that directly counter a killers power so I’m not really a fan of this. This is why I think flashlights on hag traps and on wraith should be removed as well. Beneficial is fine, just not a direct counter as much as some of those are or a perk that blocks killer instinct would be.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519


    killer instinct is tied to killer powers exclusively, and too many of them have it. Without it, Legion, Pyramid Head. Pinhead, Wesker, Nemesis, Ghostface, Skull Merchant, Dredge, and Artist, unless im forgetting someone, would all lose fairly crucial parts of their power. This would hurt ghostface, skull merchant, and legion the most-GF no longer sees where the survivor who revealed him is, losing info. skull merchant no longer sees/hears who is exposed and where without looking at the hud and her tracker,and legion would become the worst killer in the game, unable to get 5 hits unless the survivors are literally all afk and next to eachother

  • SixShotOcelot
    SixShotOcelot Member Posts: 121

    Incase you want a direct quote from a dev, Peanits addresses this topic here: Hot take that I made on twitter about Distortion. — BHVR

    However, it mostly reiterates what others have already mentioned; "Killer instinct is reserved for killer powers and add-ons"... "a survivor perk countering killer instinct would disproportionally (to an unhealthy level) effect certain killers more than others". etc.

    I still think it's an interesting discussion, however, I am against the idea of perks that counter KI.

  • SixShotOcelot
    SixShotOcelot Member Posts: 121

    Agreed! Also, I noticed none of those killers were Nurse, Blight or Spirit; the killers who could probably use perks that counter their strengths opposed to the listed Killer Instinct using mid-tier killers' small tracking aspect of their powers.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    now that i think about it doesnt spirit have ki in one or two of her addons?

  • SixShotOcelot
    SixShotOcelot Member Posts: 121

    You're correct! I spaced those. Thank you very much for the correction! I still think the premise stands; Spirit's power would not be negatively impacted to the extent of the other KI users (Legion, Ghostface, Wesker, Dredge, Artist, etc.)

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    A perk that just tells you you triggered Killer instict sure, as long as it doesnt block it I could get behind that.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Yh that's chill, literally said in my post I didn't want a KI distortion. But a lot of ppl responding have ignored that 🤣