Remove depipping there is not point it being in the game anymore
Ranks don't exist anymore depipping needs to be removed. Grades are only supposed to show playing time not skill expression or luck. You can't control if killer decides to tunnel you out or facecamp you. You can't control if survivors will gen rush you with strongest tools either. Both things are out of your control and result often depipping.
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Keep it as a punishment for DCing and remove it otherwise.
It made sense when ranks were used for matchmaking but now it doesn't.
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Yeah I don't know why it's still in the game. When it does happen, it seems to just put salt in the wound because you got camped to death and weren't rescued, or the killer went afk partway through so your emblems are just bad.
I agree with sizzlingmario4 that it should still be -2 for disconnecting though, not that I think people who disconnect will care but it's another minor reason not to.
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Seriously, almost everyone hates depipping and it serves no benefit to anyone
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I subscribe to this suggestion.
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My friend and I would actually play the game more if depipping were removed. Even though we try not to care about pips, it still stresses us out and we just avoid playing for long periods of time. We're able to have a lot more fun if/when we hit iri 1 because then pips aren't hanging over our heads.
We have pips we don't want to lose so we haven't played for a while, now.
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As always I will state my basic point, depipping has value.
I will agree that safety pipping should be easier, bronze/silver should have the bronze safety pip requirement and gold/iri should have the silver safety pip requirement.
However depipping is currently the only punishment for early game hook suicides, and also gives someone a reason to keep trying in a losing match.
As an example lets say your playing killer and get matched against a much better team and are getting stomped, what is it that you are continuing that match for, provided you dont DC because you wanna avoid the penalty.
BP -pretty irrelevant because your getting stomped you wont get much anyways.
Fun - probably not having much of that while your getting stomped and probably bullied.
Pride/Spite- this will obviously depend on the person
The safety pip - is one of the few legitimate things to actually strive for in a losing match.
If you didnt have to worry about depipping at all ever, whats to stop survivors from letting go on hook in a losing match or a killer going AFK at the gate in a losing match.
If the safety pip requirements were lowered as I suggest depipping would be much more rare and as such much less painful wen it does happen, Rarely is it complained about in bronze/silver, it is usually in gold/iri that it becomes a problem.
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Not true I will rarely give up on a match especially in bronze/silver because I can lose convincingly and still safety pip, I am much more likely to give up in gold/iri because I know if I lose convincingly I will depip for sure, so there is no point in trying and Im better off trying to move on to the next match as fast as possible.
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De-pipping is an unhealthy mechanic. Me and other players I know are much more likely to dodge lobbies if we have pips to lose. I become very judge-y of my potential teammates when I have pips. Too often I've had matches with bad teammates who give up or refuse to play, and even if the killer feels bad for me and gives me the hatch I still depip because the match was such a mess. If I play a match and depip, I turn the game off and often avoid playing for at least a week. It's bad enough to queue up just to be at the mercy of a bunch of teammates who AFK in lockers or crouch around the edges of the map, but to lose progress because of it? DbD can screw off. I get far, far too many of those kinds of matches.
If I have pips, the worry of depipping overshadows everything else about the match, and it makes the entire experience of playing not fun. Even winning and pipping isn't fun when depipping is a possibility. The whole thing chases me away from playing the game at all.
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So depipping can make you more likely to give up and exit the game?
Sounds like even more reason to remove it then.
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That's so unfortunately that you fear even playing the game. I have huge anxiety to play when im close to new grade and need that one pip and then have game where im 1 point away from pipping and then depipping 2 times a row after that is jus devasting. Makes me question why do I even play this game.
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Yup. Exactly. There's a stupid amount of pressure, and a lot of it is out of the player's control. As a survivor, you need the perfect lobby: they can't be so bad that they're useless, but they also can't be so efficient that they gen rush and get out before you've had the chance to work on all four emblems. Both of those are bad for a player trying to pip, and there's really nothing a player can do about either of those, it's out of their control. That's terrible design! It's one thing to have a bad match because of your teammates and another that it negatively impacts you beyond that singular match.
Killer has a similar problem. I think in my last match I was backfill for a lobby that lost its first killer, and I knew it but didn't dodge. The whole match was miserable, and even 4k'ing and getting the pip to make it to the next grade didn't make me happy. I couldn't just have fun in that match, I had to play to pip and it was stressful. I haven't played killer since.
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Yeah your right, every single game that I lose 3 gens on the first down as the killer could just afk at the gate and not have to worry about depipping until I get a match that I get 2 hooks before the first gen pops while all those other survivors ars stuck playing gen simulator.
Thats an interesting point at what rank do you start to actually think about that I'd bet its not bronze or silver but up into Iri/gold feel free to correct me If I am wrong.
Regardless how is removing depipping and increasing the number of people who first hook suicide going to help your game experience? How will you pip when a killer gives up and doesnt interact with you and you cant get points in half your emblems anyways? If bad teammates are your main issue then get a group play together to pip up and then once you've done it go back to solo queue, thats a problem with a pretty simple solution.
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Depipping is the problem here. And not everyone here has friends who play this game anymore. Easy solution is to just remove it then people can just enjoy and play the game.
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Ok well then lets get rid of the DC penalty while we are at it, it unfairly punishes some people.
There're plenty of ways to find group of like-minded players, thats a pretty lame excuse
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where do we vote?
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It starts the moment depipping comes into play at bronze and just gets worse with each successive grade. It is absolutely ridiculous that I can stay at the same grade for a week or two in gold or iri, pipping up and then depipping back to the bottom over and over again without making progress. I don't get stuck for weeks like that in bronze/silver, but I can still have numerous bad matches in a row where I depip from one away back down to zero and it takes a stupid number of matches to actually make it to the next grade.
Regardless how is removing depipping and increasing the number of people who first hook suicide going to help your game experience?
Because if I can't depip then what's it matter? People already do hook suicide all the time. At least I won't be so negatively affected when people do something out of my control. If I can't depip myself, then I can continue the match as I want and not stress. Oh no, I'm the only one the killer's chasing and not getting gen time, at least I can just enjoy the chase and not feel like, "What's the point? Why bother? I'm going to depip no matter what, might as well just stop and point at a hook and get out of this."
Things that are out of my control already happen. Depipping for things out of my control is what ruins the experience. I can deal with bad matches and if I'm not worrying about pips then at least I have the option of trying to make the best of what I'm left with. When depipping is an issue, there is no making the best of it, it just sucks.
thats a problem with a pretty simple solution.
Not really. I've tried playing with others before, and I don't enjoy it. Social anxiety plus a living situation with weird times when I can play and which may require me to stop suddenly due to an emergency; sometimes I can fit in one match and that's all, that's not good for group play. As is, I can play solo or in a duo with a person who is in the same room as me. Even though I play in a duo as much as possible, that still means two other randoms who can tank the match.
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Dc penalties have good reason whereas depipping no longer serves purpose other than making you feel bad. And punishes people like me who care I think most don't so removing them would barely affect match quality. Probably would even improve them if anything. Im fine people who dc or are AFK depipping but players who try their best should not depip.