Survivor mains flooding social media

Twitter, official dbd forums and Reddit they are flooding spam messages with rage and entitlement. I'm praying the mods dealing with them Asap.
It’s like they didn’t notice the nerfs to PR, COB, and OC. Substantial game play changes for both sides.
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The difference of course being not every killer and those perks, but healing is something that every survivor has to do, which is arguably a nerf to solo q, the already weakest role in the game
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They are simply doing what the killer mains have been doing for the past six years
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This also did stealth buff Sloppy and mangled add-ons, while nerfing Self-Care as well.
While I absolutely HATED gen kick/gen rush meta, this patch also sucks a lot of fun and soul of our DbD... Again...
I personally really dislike them removing the burn mechanic, as it was a unique mechanic that allowed you to change your play style versus a killer if you brought/found a certain item. I understand it is frustrating to go against, especially as Wraith (who is one of the top killers affected by this), but it was also something that shook up how you might chase/loop. They're making the game an M1 simulator for survivors and tunneling simulator for killers. They somehow manage to make matches feel awful for EVERYBODY these days.
I think 6.1.0 and on has been a very big mistake and needs to be reworked. While the game before that was miserable for killers, at least survivors had some enjoyment (not saying that's right to exclude killers), but now NOBODY is having fun. It's a chore for all 5 players these days, and I'm surprised how Behavior even managed that.
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Thanks for letting us know.
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A good chunk of people only focus on the negative. I guess because they just like bitching and moaning but idk
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And i support it
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As they should.. And I support it because it isn't fair.
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It's totally fair.
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How many people complained about these?
Imagine if they made Dead Hard basekit but then nerfed Red Herring, Urban Evasion and For the People and everyone went 'well, they made things better for your side too!'.
Tunnelling, something that did actually get loads of complaints, got buffed, by the way, just as an aside. As did 3-genning, which was the root concern for COB and OC.
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it isn't though. They nerfed survivor and buffed the entire basekit only nerfing a few slowdowns...
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Why nerfing this perks and not who make the gen faster for the survivor?
What reasons will survivors have for not making generators faster?
It make no sense...
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Camping as well. Now it takes longer to heal, meaning it will be more difficult to save someone when one or more Survivors are injured.
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"only nerfing a few slowdowns" Yeah, the gen regression perks that enabled 3-gen playstyles, which everyone hates last I checked. Also Pain Res which was one of the more effective regression perks. Now killers can't camp as effectively and survivors can't heal as easily as breathing and use Dead Hard every chase.
It's fair.
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Deal with them? Sure entitlement can be annoying, but everyone deserves to have their opinion heard,
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Quite a lot of people complained about them. Also the very existence of Knight and SM, but they definitely got complained about.
Your comparison is more for Shadowborn, Spies from the Shadows, and... I dunno, Bloodhound? Grim Embrace? But those haven't been nerfed.
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From someone who plays both killer and survivor, this game seems geared more towards the killer.
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Lmao everyone got what they wanted. DH nerfed. Healing slowed down/hit and run being viable again. Kick gen perks nerfed to almost uselessness…
Let’s remember the last time this happened, Freddy became a more boring, unfun killer. Be prepared to see all the coolest changes (specifically on killer side) changed/nerfed. Honestly who thinks healing didn’t need to get wrecked?
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Quoted for the truth! Preach!
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Except this time, baselessly! These are truly new frontiers.!
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God forbid survivors give feedback! It was totally fine when the forum was spammed with "nerf DH" posts every other day though.
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Us vs them #8163061064
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I am pretty sure the devs aren't really taking most complaints serious, considering the changes aren't even out yet. Once the ptb drops, they will surely listen to all people again, and make further changes if needed.
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These were my thoughts exactly.
I don't think either side can complain they got hard nerfed this patch and the other didn't.
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Ignore these kids. They are all entitled survivors. Look at twitter too they are full of it they even suggest to put regression levels so it won't go down under 20% of gen progression.
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I'm praying the mods dealing with them Asap.
Mods are there to moderate, not for censorship.
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Yeah, don't know why so many people think the mods are there to silence complaints
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I admit I tend to bias slightly towards killer, but generally I have a fairly balanced view, and have been accused of being a Survivor Main™ on many occasions.
That said, I notice a significant difference in the attitudes of those who do seem to identify as a Survivor/Killer Main™...
Killers mains after killer nerfs: "Oh well, guess we put up with the same ######### for another 3-4 months. Game is survivor sided as always."
Survivor mains after survivor nerfs: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *throws tantrum* "I'M QUITTING FOR REAL THIS TIME"
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Unless they're being actually unhinged threatening and harassing people, why on earth should "mods do something about it"?
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There are people saying that they'll kill their families or threaten them by blackmailing BHVR. These tweets were deleted on the spot and their account got flagged.
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Are you seriously suggesting nobody has been complaining about Call of Brine and Overcharge and Pain Res?
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Survivors saying "I'm quitting for real this time!" has the same energy as "I'm moving to Canada if so and so becomes President".
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Your perspective isn’t balanced. Lol. The second half of your statement demonstrates that effortlessly. You’re a biased killer main like every other BKM in this forum & everywhere else BHVR has a forum presence. Same talking points, same deceptive “but I’m objective” caveats, all of it. At least be honest, Seraphor. Especially when people can see the truth.
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When you're so far to one end of the spectrum, everything looks biased against you.
I actually play a lot more survivor than killer, solo survivor at that.
I've posted tons of suggestions, theorycrafted perks, builds, chapter concepts, in favour of survivor. Like I said, I regularly get called a survivor main, it's hilarious being called killer main one day and survivor main the next. I'll say something like "new DH is a huge improvement over old DH, it doesn't need much of a nerf if any, and doing so would be tricky" which gets me lynched by delusional killer mains, then I'll say "CoH is far too oppressive and single-handedly destroyed hit and run playstyles" and get lynched by rabid survivor mains.
I would invite you to read through my post history, as it no doubt contains a bunch of killer sided and survivor sided suggestions and arguments, however from the phrasing of your post, I expect you'll cherry pick the killer sided ones and ignore the survivor sided ones.
YOU are a survivor main, so EVERYONE ELSE looks like a killer main in your myopic eyes.
The difference is I'm not emotionally invested in one side or the other. I don't see a proposed change to killer/survivor and feel personally attacked.
I did admit I'm slightly killer biased though, no one is 100% impartial, but the main thing with objectivity is seperating emotion. Survivor mains are currently having tantrums, that's 100% emotion.
As for recognising the killer mains, I stand by the opinion that if you can go for five minutes in a tru3talent stream without rolling your eyes, you're probably a killer main.
Post edited by Seraphor on4 -
It’s pretty obvious that a lot of the whining is coming from players who have no experience playing one side or the other. People who only play killer have no idea how much it sucks to go against repeated camping, tunneling, and hour-long 3-gen standoffs, while people who only play survivor have no idea how much it sucks to go against a coordinated SWF with four Dead Hards on a broken map with safe loop after safe loop strung closely together.
You have zero right to whine unless you have put yourself in the other side’s shoes and maybe you shouldn’t post about killer vs survivor topics like this until you have.
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This is why it took 6 years for BHVR to touch Dead Hard. They knew how much it would blow up when survivor players had their favorite crutch perk nerfed and could no longer have the consistent GG EZ matches they have enjoyed forever, COMPLETELY IGNORING the fact that maybe the other side doesn’t enjoy losing those GG EZ matches time after time after time.
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Kinda shows how much survivors don't want to adapt to changes anymore. Killer players get their entire meta thrown out of the window once again and have to change their perks which is considered fine, but when heals and constant DH get rebalanced then suddenly a storm of hate starts raging.
I'd say take a bit of your own medicine and learn to adapt. I know it's bitter tasted but that's what killer side has been doing for all these years.
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You guys as killers are doing the same things also. Let's not pretend and gaslight as if you guys weren't raging over DH constantly
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I dunno, this doesn't happen when only killers are nerfed.
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And killer mains don't?????
Hilarious take.
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I like kicking gens, I find healing obnoxious at as it is now. I'm good with the refresh.
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Those changes are kinda bold and honestly doesn't seems very well thought out, but then big changes itself isn't bad.
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HAHAHAHA all you survivors who couldn't win without dead hard threatening to uninstall ROFL! Talk about being such a bad gamer you can't adapt without one ability being in the game. They act like DBD revolves around dead hard. What gonna cry cause you actually have to learn how to play. HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Definitely not true
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"a few slowdowns"... basically every gen regression perk got nerfed/gutted EXCEPT for Huntress' Lullaby and Surge which is already only useful on m1's.
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Lmao good picture. They really are a joke
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You mean this patch. Over the last 9 months survivors have only received buffs. I don't see how the game would be "geared more towards the killer" when survivors only receive buffs while killers get nerfs (and a lot of them at that).
Both sides will be significantly weaker than before. I think the healing nerfs are a bit too heavy but everything about self-healing was necessary. OC and CoB as well as Pain Res are completely worthless, if this goes through. A rework would be the better option. The DH nerf was a long time coming and I hope they'll nerf it again, if it doesn't disappear from the meta now. There are other exhaustion perks. It doesn't have to be DH.
We'll see how it goes. This could change the game even more significant than 6.1.0, so I'm not sure if any of our predictions are anything more than that. Predictions.
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I've collected some reactions to the ruin nerf from 2020 (which was arguable not that bad, considering ruin was still meta until 6.1.0).
That was a five minute search in the forums, I'm sure I could have found more especially on less moderated sites.
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All comments and feedback are accepted if they are within the rules of the game. Locking this, and if there are questionable posts regarding this, please alert us to them. Thank you.