If the healing changes survive the PTB, I am giving up the solo queue

I will only play survivor with friends (because even when we are losing we can still have fun) and killer. Solo queue will be the most miserable thing in my gaming experience. I know for a fact that people will keep bringing Self Care and COH only to spend half the time healing in the corner of the map or looking for a totem to boon.
I know that nobody cares, but this is a forum and people can express their opinion.
I can take all the other changes in the game, but nerfing med kits and COH at the same time is really overkill. It should have been only one of them.
And again, camping, tunneling, and 3-gen holders are not even been addressed.
Solo queue is gonna be a pain, and I'm not gonna support that.
I don’t blame you. Limiting survivors to only heal themselves twice per trial? That’s harsh!
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Base 24 second heals are going to feel really bad. I would have rather they adjusted the medkits to be 24 second self heals and baked in a base altruism speed buff to keep teammate heals at 16 seconds. I can see a situation with 90 second gens+24 second heals+speed debuffs where everything feels way too long.
I totally get that game speeds felt too fast for some at 80/16. But 90/24 is creeping too far in the other direction IMO. VHS and other asymms failed for a reason, and it usually boiled down to sluggish pacing.
People are going to rush to call me out, but you have to consider the scenario that players default to the most unfun build here to capitalize on the changes. How are these changes going to play against Thana+Sloppy? It's going to be pretty bad.
Don't get me wrong, CoH and medkits needed changes. I just think the healing speed changes need more nuance and they need to look at Sloppy and other anti-heal perks too.
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No don't do that! With the very useful new hud icons you can see who is healing for more than a minute with self-care in the corner of the map.
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👋 bye bye
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I can take all the other changes in the game, but nerfing med kits and COH at the same time is really overkill. It should have been only one of them.
Nah, they both deserved it, and good riddance.
And again, camping, tunneling, and 3-gen holders are not even been addressed.
Yeah, it's not like they nerfed the two perks that made 3-gens very easy to hold. That totally didn't happen at all.
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Someone looked at the old Forever Freddy build, and said "y'know what? that should be base kit for every killer". Pretty sure the base healing speed change alone is slower than FF.
I'm hoping they get good feedback on this and make adjustments, because on paper this patch makes solo q unplayable.
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I play only solo queue and it looks fine to me.
"3-gen holders are not even been addressed"
You mean other than literally nerfing the perks that make 3 genning a thing by almost 50%? Really what more do you want.
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Stop acting like everything cause soloq problem. The only problem with soloq is inexperienced and/or stupid players. And you can't do anything about it.
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Yeah, it's gonna be rough.
I'm expecting kill rates to go WAY up. I'll definitely be keeping track of my games, but it seems like I might actually be able to manage a 100% win rate if these changes go through lmao
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Self healing needed a nerf but tbh 24 seconds on a altruistic heal isn’t needed. They were never the issue and self healing is still way more valuable meaning edit are still meta
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Same I don’t even want to do solo que anymore what’s the point of the boom now? That literally was the point in the game
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Even since new HUD icons many times Solo-q is still pain tho. I use medkit (with no addons) or COH just because I m Solo-q player and I want to get healed to be sure to be able to unhook Solo-q Teamate, even many times he is being camped. Even now some players still using Self-care making the actual game painful to teamates, wondering how the games ll be after such nerfs, maybe more survivors using self-care? Maybe it ll be painful to unhook teamate who ll be camped, in endgame many times impossible to get healed to unhook teamate in time.
Maybe more Solo-q survivors ll be healing under hook after unhook action? Having medkit or using COH many times i could just run somewhere after being unhooked to heal myself since some killers always running back to hooked survivor. I m not sure about these all changes. Perhaps games for Solo-q survivors ll be kind of tuff since you can not let ur teamate know where to run to get heal?
Perhaps playing Solo-q survivors wont be for me anymore, maybe just playing killers sometimes but I dont enjoy playing killer role so much. Hopefully the Devs do know what they doing tho.
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This guy gets it. Both points are on the nose. Lets just not even mention the butchering that Pain Resonance, Call of Brine, and Overcharge received. Biggest part of this community is great at one thing. Whining. xD
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Stop the cap ight don't be mad when survivors start stacking and popping gens faster than you can do anything.
It's gonna go back to the body blocking flashlight Sabo meta
Post edited by feffrey on4 -
I fully expect the healing changes to go through. this is roughly second time they have nerfed healing. this will really help stealth killers a lot to maintain healing pressure. COH is now a dead perk, I kinda expected this perk to die directly from PTB. I am honestly surprised the perk survived for as long it has and med-kits in general were over-tuned since the games release.
I think healing general needed nerf especially for SWF. Throwing yourself at killer should not ever be rewarding. The only consequence is that soloq will have a harder time healing because of lack of coordination.
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I just think its funny the default healing speed is how fast Self Care used to be able to heal yourself
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Who's gonna get the first 100 sacrificed in a row in SoloQ achievement? Can't wait!
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All this does is make the meta back to 'run adrenaline, genrush like mad'. I, for one, will just stop playing. I've given this company hundreds of dollars over the last four years or so, hell I just spent like $35 to get 3 of the new skins from Wednesday. This goes live? I'll immediately uninstall and not look back.
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I probably already have lol
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Not bye bye my friend
I'm coming with my SWF squad now
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on god.
i cant wait for me and my SWF to punish these free lunch eating Killers who bring gen slowdowns + thana + sloppy.
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The Skull Merchant chapter PTB is where I put on the brakes.
Enough is enough. TBH, I've been better at not playing DbD. Never in my 5 years (started June 2018) did I think I could not enjoy this game... but everything since Wesker... oh boy!
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I didn't mind her initial design, but I think SM is actually more oppressive after Wednesday's changes than she was before. You still need spot on coordination to break the three gen if she does it from the start, but now she's insanely fast. They gave her too much stuff all at once. Expose effects, speed buffs, undetectable, near-constant knowledge of where every survivor is. Pretty much once you know how to play her... you win unless you've got a 4 man that coordinated and communicates well to keep track of her at all times and pressure multiple gens in the three gen from the onset... she feels awful to go against.
I thought Wesker was fun to go against on the PtB, but the amount of times I've been vaccumed back to the other side of a window after I've vaulted it... Even on a lateral dash... (ie along the wall I'm not near anymore)... he's just awful. Knight might be the worst offender though. Gets one down and just... camps. Never met a knight that didn't play like a tool.
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Autodidact laughs.
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Finally, it's Autodidact's time in the meta.
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If the changes go through, I'll finally go back to my old faithful, Inner Healing.
The game was perfectly playable before we got CoH you know.
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I'm fine with nerfing self healing, but they should at least buff altruist healing to compensate, and maybe consider making a weaker version of Bond as basekit.
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That’s fine. I’ll be coming with my Nurse to dumpster survivors.
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I can take CoH nerfs. I welcome medkit nerfs. But nerfing base healing was a terrible choice and I just cannot understand what the impetus behind it was.
It's going to make healing utterly ridiculous once you start factoring in Sloppy, and honestly it's probably going to encourage people to stay injured and slam gens, which isn't healthy.
And yeah, trying to get your teammates to help you in solo queue is rolling the dice every time. Sometimes you get super helpful teammates, sometimes you get people who run away from you across half the map or just spam point at the gen when you're 85% healed and need a top-off.
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Shame on you, I never play against Nurse
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Can't wait for survivors to start running self care again and heal for 40 seconds straight, instead of working gens.
On the other hand, playing plague now will actually buff survivor healing rather than neutralizing it.
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40 seconds? the total healing time for self-care is 68 seconds. if you are healing under sloppy butcher. it will be 85 seconds. It is almost same length as 90 second generator.
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Unfortunately I feel like I'm gonna have to do the same. The healing changes are hard on solo queue. We can't coordinate like swfs can, and we've all had those team mates who refuse to heal you because youre more useful as a meat shield for them. SC was big for solo players and that was killed several months ago. Now medkits.
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This. Nerf COH and observe. Why healing as a whole got a hit is crazy.
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I feel the same. COH was the only perk that made solo bearable and they gutted it. I do agree that this perk needed changes, but it's too much of a nerf. They could have at least kept the self healing part for the one who brought and blessed the totem.
Also Medkits and base healing getting nerfed. Medkits should just be considered useless now when it comes to self healing, and now Sloppy Butcher will most likely become base kit because of the 24 second healing time. So more time spent healing.
If these changes actually go through (which knowing BHVR, they will), people are just going to start bringing gen rush builds and try to get out of the match as soon as possible.
Also camping, tunneling, and 3 gen-ing not being addressed even though these are problematic.
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If 2 survivors healing each other, most killers see it as survivors pressure is completely reseted, but dont think about the fact that Survivors lose 32sec real time, or 64sec Gen (16sec for both survivors per heal, x2 heal)
in my other post, when 2 survivors healing each other take 48sec real time. Its better to rush a Gen within 52sec.
Then what after? Asking for Slowdown buff or Gen time increase again
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24 Second base heal. 30 with sloppy.
So if someone gets hooked and the killer is forcing a trade by camping. You can easily find yourself in a situation where you won't be able to heal each other before going for the rescue. People are gonna be left to die on hook way more.
Can't count the amount of times I've had to find another injured survivor before going for a rescue and barely making it in time. Not even considering the time it takes to find each other.
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Yes, shame on me for using a character in a game. I will continue to do well and have fun, while you play by imaginary rules.
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Solo queue is miserable already, this will be worse.
When I play killer I go against seal team 6. Solo I literally am put with people who have 40 hrs on their steam profile, no perks.
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Lol I definitely wasn't talking about that
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Maybe they can follow it up by changing the "where did they go?" achievement to wait in a killer lobby for an hour trying to get a game 😄