I have used Flashbang in every game since it was introduced and removing light burn from nurse is bs

Wraith being light burnable is 1000% too much and nobody should argue against that.

Removing Light burn from nurse is removing one of the few legitimate counter-plays existing against this killer. I Have hundreds of clips where i burn nurses mid chase with the flash bang as form of counter-play and it will now simply be gone.

I had practiced using flashbang in this manner for years and my dedication and effort to learning this form of play is punished in the most severe way.

In addition, shining flashlight on this killer is the only way to do effective body blocking, preventing her from chasing vulnerable teammates, this will be also just gone. ..

At first, stun would have triggered after nurse burn, followed up by fatigue which would let one escape a chase against this incredibly oppressive killer. And then the developers "fixed it" as apparently it was a bug by simply making her to get stunned for 2 seconds and then regain all of her charges making the counter play much weaker despite how much timing prediction and precision it required. And now only way this can work is with a blind which is FAR harder to pull off and is flat out countered by a perk. ..

I fear people will just see this as not legitimate complaints as its just such a niche thing yet it doesn't make it any better for me and others who used it in such a way. All you have to do is to not remove this. By all means make wraith immune, don't do that on nurse please.

All i want is to just try play the game in my way and have my skill and effort rewarded.
