The entity is sending me to the void

Alright yall, the proposed changes have finally broken me.
I've been playing DBD for quite a few years now and have always been able to find some way to make it fun or enjoyable. In the past I've mostly run altruism/healing builds with We're Gonna Live Forever being probably one of my favorites.
My enjoyment of the game started going downhill around when the big perk change happened. I feel like some things were changed for no reason for the worse (Calm Spirit comes to mind). But it has also been on a steady downhill since then with the 2 most recent killers being not enjoyable or down right boring to play against.
The game meta was also very unfun for me, devs letting Eruption run rampant for the longest of times before devs even acknowledged it and running Dead Hard has never been very fun for me. It feels like it's necessary as a perk but I also feel as though I wont improve at the game itself when I'm using it so it's a lose/lose.
At the same time as all of this has been happening, camping and tunneling greatly increased after the big perk change which means you have a 25% chance as survivor to just not get to play the game from the outset. And even when you are in the 75% that don't immediately get tunneled out of the game, your solo queue teammates do absolutely nothing, urban evading around the edge of the map and wasting a ridiculous amount of time healing with Self-Care.
This brings me to the reason I have finally decided to leave, the proposed Dead Hard changes. I will not sit here and say that Dead Hard is healthy for the game, but the idea of a perk like it does not go well with how DBD is played anyways. These Dead Hard changes just encourage unskilled killers to tunnel people off of hook even more, it makes me feel as though they should have just removed basekit BT (which I remind you was a band-aid to the tunneling problem in the first place).
Dead Hard changes will ruin the game even more and I'm finally leaving.
So the devs gut your least favorite part (the gen kick meta) while killing a perk that you admit is unhealthy for the game and needed to be changed while also making your favorite playstyle (healing and altruism) a lot stronger (as survivors are going to need strong healing players to help counter the loss of CoH)?
I can do what you want but what you're saying and what you're complaining about seem to be at odds with one another.
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You can't deny that they are making the game a ton less fun with this patch. They will most likely lose a lot of their player base if they go through with this.
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It'll be like every other DOOMSDAY DBD IS DYING Y'ALL patch
I'll keep playing and I'll learn to adapt to the changes
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K, see you next week.
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I don't know, after two poorly received chapters and now this. I would not be surprised if this is the last straw for a lot of people.
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yeah, ill be quitting as well.
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We shall see
I've seen way more praise for these changes than people mad in my circles but we won't know for sure until it actually comes out.
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The twitter response has been overwhelmingly negative from what I've seen. Better to wait for the PTB than get too worried though, you're right.
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Yeah I've already considered just abandoning the game after reading those changes. Specifically the healing builds.
COH was the only perk left that made solo bearable and they stripped that of everything that made it good. They could've kept the self healing bit by just giving it to the one who brought and set up the boon and nobody else.
Sloppy Butcher will now be meta because healing takes 24 seconds, almost as long as current Self Care. Now Self Care will be longer and even more miserable to use. Medkits have been nerfed, making them useless.
Two terrible chapters in a row and now nerfing the only mechanic/perks in the game that can make solo at least a bit bearable? It's ridiculous.
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I havent even played since skull merchants release... and i dont know if i want to now
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The impact on my escape rate will be my deciding factor. As solo I escape around 3/10 times. If it drops further than that then I'm not sure there's even a point to starting up the game. I don't mind dying, obviously, but not getting a win every now and then? Disappointing. I can think of several typical solo scenarios that will suffer and impact death rates, especially with the new anti-healing meta that killers will now adopt