Dead Hard is finally dead!

Killers can finally seek treatment for the psychological damage that dead hard has inflicted onto them.
I'm prepared for the sprint burst apocalypse, honestly I'm excited I love playing against sprint burst. Sprint burst and lithe are my favorite exhaustion perks to play against, so I'm happy that I'll see them more.
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You can now get a token of DH and it won't deactivate if you fail to DH.
DH is not dead but toned down and buffed for people who struggle getting any value out of it.
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It still looks usable, but I look forward to not having to worry about it as much especially since people won't uses it as much for the first while. I feel like now it won't be as bad and it will still have a niche place, but wont be meta anymore.
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Yes please I just want to see the sprint burst meta, so many people were warning about, sprint burst isn't annoying for me, I would gladly take that than a dead hard meta lol.
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Killer players seething 24/7 about DH are average at best in terms of skill and gamesense so I can easily predict that they'll still try to find other scapegoats anyway.
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Welcome to gen rush meta.
We will see Killer players crying a monsoon of tears right before the 7 year anniversary. :)
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I love how many of you are making these posts, shaking your fists and crying "YOU'LL BE SORRY! YOU'LL ALL BE SORRY!!" at the killer mains.
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ngl that's some seriously wacky stuff right there, maybe take a break from the game if you feel so seriously for a perk being slightly changed.