What's your opion about the Hillbilly addon's nerf?


  • Xerion
    Xerion Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I think they shouldn't Nerf billy, he's normal killer now, if they nerf it, this will be a trash killer.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 328

    They should Buff billy lmao. The whole "Every add on must have an unnecessary downside" thing he has goin on is asinine

  • cott
    cott Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    a great change, now I don't have to play this game anymore

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,748

    Not gonna lie, pretty disappointed in the killer changes. Happy that they're looking to change older killers, but these changes aren't a very good start. Again, happy that they're acknowledging it though.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    Hillbilly has been so weak... and yet they're killing what's left in joy of the few people who still play Billy and have been able to find fun in him. Meanwhile, Blight.........

  • Xenostem
    Xenostem Member Posts: 42

    i mean to be fair the are removing everything that is fun from the game. Since 6.1.0 game is more and more bland and boring. they removed space billy,sky billy, other killers also no longer can do jumps. time you have spent on genes is longer with make you fell like you play hold m1 simulator. Perks that were ok got nerfed like spine chill and they just added more boring endurance perks. I mean Cut Loose was added with is BIG + because it makes chasing more funny, but it's not enough to make for all the - .

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Rest in piece, Billy.

    But dont worry, you are not alone in your grave.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    I already rarely face Billy as a survivor, now I'll probably never see him again, Billy was fun to play against, especially just seeing him fly through the air sometimes, it was hilarious. Now I won't get to see that again since a lot of Billy players probably won't play him anymore :(

  • Nyog
    Nyog Member Posts: 33

    The concern to me isn't balance.

    They're removing one of the very few reason anyone still touches Billy these days and giving nothing in return.

  • guardianpalenque
    guardianpalenque Member Posts: 7

    Unneeded and misguided.

    I have to imagine that they're nerfing the addons because the engravings are two of the most used addons on Hillbilly- but to read that as them being overpowered is a misunderstanding of Hillbilly's current addons.

    As it is, engravings are two of his best addons for a few reasons:

    First, the speed they provide both makes him less predictable and allows more distance during the high turnrate phase of his charge, further increasing his skillcap and helping him deal with survivors who could run basekit billy for days.

    Second, they're some of his only universally reliable addons. Lopro is great, don't get me wrong. And I love yellow boots for turning. But, the two greens for charge rate? Their activation conditions are often out of your control and hard to get value out of even then. He's got so many hard to notice or intensely mediocre ones like his browns, the off brand motor oil, all four of the overheat related ones (cooldown based/"Active when overheated"), the whopping 15s of stealth (2.5s of which is taken by the chainsaw hit that procs it)

    His remaining addons like the iris are fun gimmicks are best, but the engravings are just about the only ones that really add a new level of depth to how he plays. To interprate their usage levels as being OP rather 2 of his 3-4 total Reliable addons is a misstep.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I think someone in the dev time got slugged to death by a Billy and didn't recover ever since.

  • Xane
    Xane Member Posts: 61

    I think the devs or morons :)

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Hillbilly getting any nerf is just some kind of poor attempt at comedy.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    It's silly and shouldn't have happened.