A short and easy guide on how to play the Knight

Hello fellow Knight players and welcome to my guide.

Im going to make this post as simple and short as possible.

Now, I know a lot of people say that the Knight is weak and that all you need to do is hold W to counter him or that his only good use for him is to place down guards to force survivors out of loops blah blah blah we’re not going to play him like this because you’re not using him correctly.

Okay so, how do we play him correctly you ask? Instead of forcing survivors out of loops, we need to force them away from their objectives like healing their friends, fixing gens, opening the exit gate, or trying to set up a boon.

You can also send a guard right after they unhook someone since 80% of the time they’re just sitting there healing each other but its a bit toxic and you might get a few angry survivors sending you hateful messages….eeh its all up to you if you want to tunnel them out of the game or not.

So you basically have to constantly send guards after them so that they can waste as much time as possible and not get any of their objectives done.

So what perks are good on him? Aura reading perks like A Nurses Calling, BBQ, Nowhere to Hide, Lethal Pursuer, basically anything that lets you know where survivors are at and what they’re doing is good on him.

Surveillance and Discordance are both very excellent perks on him since it tells you where ALL the survivors are at and if they’re working on gens or not.

He also benefits from perks that cause gen degression like Pop goes the weasel or Call of Brine (Also a VERY excellent perk to use on him).

Now, what add ons are good on him? Easy, its Map of the realm (a brown add on that increases your guards detection range by 2 meters) and Call to Arms (a yellow add on that makes your summoning range longer and faster than basekit, its REALLY useful on him). These 2 add ons are his best and probably the only good add ons he has (his others are kinda wack ngl).

Okay we are almost done, here are some quick tips for him,

1.) When you down a survivor near a pallet or a survivor with a flashlight is in the area make sure to summon a guard to protect you while you pick up the downed survivor. This usually gives your guard a free and easy hit on the survivor if they manage to blind you or throw a pallet on you. You can also use this after tunneling a survivor just in case they have DS.

2.) when survivors enter the killer shack make sure to summon a a guard and go ALL the way around the shack to prevent them from looping you the shack.

3.) I know I just said to use your guard on killer shack but DONT WASTE YOUR GUARDS ON ANY KIND OF KILLER LOOP….unless its killer shack. Reason for this is because you want to waste as many pallets as possible and create deadzones to make it easier for you and your guards to kill survivors.

4.) When you summon a guard and they start chasing after someone and you see another survivor running away, go after the other survivor so you can create as much pressure as possible. Dont worry about the guy getting chased by the guard as they are wasting their time running around.

5.) hit as many survivors as you can, you want ALL of them to be injured and waste their time healing instead of doing gens. The perk Sloppy Butcher might help you with this.

6.) This is a lesson any killer main should know by now but if you run into a survivor who is REALLY good at loops then dont bother chasing them. Go after the ones who are obviously bad at looping so you can get some easy kills in the match.

All Right, I hope this guide helps you become a successful knight main and hopefully you start winning more matches after this.

Have fun and good luck out there 👍


  • MudSpit83
    MudSpit83 Member Posts: 123

    Some other tips that I forgot to mention are

    1.) dont bother camping a survivor on a hook or a gen and dont waste a guard on protecting them since you need that guard for chasing survivors away from other gens across the map.

    2.) Make sure to “snipe” the survivors from far away so that they dont know your coming. By this i mean dont stand too close to them when summoning a guard because they can see and hear you summoning guards which makes them hide and run away which is something that you dont want them to do yet.

    3.) His power is a bit like the Spirit where you cant see where the survivors are at in your summoning power but you can hear them breathing, running, or working on a gen or totem. If they start running away from you summoning a guard then pay attention to the sound of their footsteps, breathing, and the movement of the tall grass.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    we need that 157 page knight guide next.