Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.


RowdyGhoul Member Posts: 2
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hey there! I've been playing for quite some time, definitely not as long as some, but I've been around to see many changes made to the game! As someone who has used boon of healing I'm sad to see it changed but at the end of the day, I can change my perks around. What really bums me out is how survivors are getting the bad end of this deal with the changes to healing, especially when playing solo q and having unreliable teammates. (I totally understand that killers are also getting it bad with nerfs to regression perks). I'm saddened that healing is receiving such a nerf when things such as camping haven't been addressed at all from what I've seen. It's a huge bummer when you're put on hook and left there until dead because the killer is camping you and everyone is afraid to come get you off the hook. I think it would only be fair if you implemented something to, at the very least, slow down the hook timer if the killer is standing in front of you on hook for a prolonged amount of time.

Post edited by RowdyGhoul on


  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,453
    edited March 2023

    Hook grabs from healthy should be removed. Especially now that self healing is getting nerfed and it's easier to keep people injured. There's really no excuse. "But survivors can trade last second!" And what were you doing the other 60 seconds? Nothing? Go get people injured, get another down somewhere. Besides, they can't unhook for "nothing". It's always a trade now that the attack cooldown is lower.

    Also I sure hope 24 second heals don't become base. 30 second Sloppy sounds miserable.

    I also had a simple fix to Bubba camping, or at least a halfway fix. I think that if Bubba hits a survivor that is unhooking another, or has unhooked another survivor recently with his chainsaw, he should hit them with it, but also tantrum. That way you could at least get a trade as long as you can reach the hook without getting downed. And the survivor that was unhooked will be able to get away instead of getting hit as soon as they get unhooked, then get hit a second time thanks to Bubba following them.

  • m4x1m_000
    m4x1m_000 Member Posts: 103
    edited March 2023

    Hook grabs from healthy means you need to take a risk and try to unhook by yourself OR you can play safely and wait for another teammate to do a double save. If devs will remove this mechanic, genrush will be even worse, because survivors will always be able to unhook in solo, but now it requires two survivors and two tanked hits if killer camps. Also you forgot that survivors have Reassurance, Deli, DS, OTR, FtP so there’s no need in removing this mechanic because if you will remove, killers will loose a lot of pressure they can create. There’s already perks to counter it.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,453
    edited March 2023

    I see your point, but I don't think it would be a problem. Not to mention, we should push the game in a direction where pressure is created by taking chases and getting more people on hook, not camping out someone. High level players already play around hook grabs, and rarely ever get grabbed. But when they do, it screws the entire game. It's silly.

    I say we remove it for a patch, and if it's too much, re-add it in a later patch. Just to see what happens

    Honestly, I think it's mostly lower level killers that will struggle if hook grabs are removed, since low level killers will try to camp hook and get a grab a lot. The most skilled killers prevent unhooks by keeping players injured, keeping track of who is on death hook and cannot trade, etc. And with CoH nerfed, Medkits nerfed, doing this will be even more viable.

  • m4x1m_000
    m4x1m_000 Member Posts: 103

    Whatever you will do, but this is the game design - the faster one survivor will be outed, the better for killer who plays for win. Survivors can counter camping with double save or Reassurance. Resources which survivors will lose after double save and resources when only one surv can unhook another are incomparable. So yes, it will be a problem, because killers already the side who do not have enough time because of genrush perks. Remove grabbing = one surv with Deli always will exchange, the other is on a gen. For now if they want to play safe they both have to come for unhook.

  • RowdyGhoul
    RowdyGhoul Member Posts: 2

    There are ways to counter camping yes, but in solo q you're putting a whole lot of trust in people knowing how to counter camping. The same can be said about COH though in the sense that killers can counter it by just snuffing out the boon and bringing shattered hope so why did it need to be nerfed? Everything can be countered in this game and yet things are still nerfed so I don't see why doing something about camping would be any different than nerfing COH or medkits. I don't mind healthy grabs at all, but I still think the timer should be slowed if they just stand there.

  • m4x1m_000
    m4x1m_000 Member Posts: 103

    Boon was nerfed not because it has not counter play. Right now boon is an infinite resource of self-healing and this is very imbalance perk.

    Playing with randoms is what Solo Q about. Devs invented an MMR system to give you teammates which you deserve but yeah sometime you will get baby survs who doesnt even know what double save is.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I 100% agree with this. I am happy healing is being nerfed, even though 24 seconds is probably too much, but camping absolutely also needs to be nerfed in the same patch, or it will just be buffed indirectly again, since healing takes longer now. And that would be horrible.

  • papi_papayaa
    papi_papayaa Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 7

    Well said, I really love your idea that if a killer is going to camp you then the hook timer should be slowed down. If bubba for example is camping in my personal experience players will get instantly downed when they try to save a player on the hook. This has resulted in not saving players who are being camped by bubba.

  • papi_papayaa
    papi_papayaa Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 7

    Personally I do not think healing should be nerfed, solo queue players are going to be affected the most by this update. I think healing is fine and they should focus on changing other things such as camping or nerfing bubba or the plague or someone.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Altruistic healing being nerfed means swf will be hit just as much. 24 seconds might be too much, but healing being nerfed is a good idea in my opinion. It makes killer gameplay more rewarding.

    The devs are not going to get rid of the killer buff and then nerf killers as well. I hope you realise that survivor queue times are already longer than killer queue times. Not a good idea.

    If anything, a nerf to healing will allow BHVR to nerf camping without losing killer players.