The devs didn’t hold back here

Holy ######### talk about taking a chainsaw and murdering everything.
Dead hard now only activates when you unhook someone and deactivates. Call of brine and overcharge were nerfed, Pain Resonance was completely obliterated. And COH is no more. Healing had a complete nerf hammer took to it.
Good news is at least Billy is getting buffed a little he won’t gain that much heat anymore when starting and reving. But he will gain more when he’s sprinting. We have to see how it is. The rest of the killer updates was just addons they suck.
this is going to be interesting. I just wished we got more perk updates
I can live with the Pain-Res change, HOWEVER then you should have more than 4 SH around the map to get it, when u mix hooks.
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Why? Gift of pain was and is better anyway. It just didn't synergize with DMS
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My guess is they are shooting for 70/30 kill rates now because 60/40 not push away enough players from the game.
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With the new HUD update, it was more likely 40/60, as it gave ALL survivors so much information, unless you're brain dead. This up date will push the 60/40 back in-line with their views I believe.
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R.I.P. Self-Care. It's now going to take almost as much time as a generator, and more time than a generator with sloppy butcher.
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Billy was nerfed actually. Good Billy players almost never overheat, it’s never been an issue to them.
Engravings however are his only useful add ons and they are nerfed now. They’ll still be his most used add ons because the rest of his a garbage, but now you’re just slower… he’s even deader than before.
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Well current 30sec DMS instead of 45sec DMS isnt as strong as people make it anyway.
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^ This.
The introduced overheat to counter chainsaw camping, now they nerf his chase and buff his camping ability again. And the nerf to his addons on top of that.
This hurts all 4 of us Billy mains.
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besides this: Blights Alchemist Ring/Comp33 and Spirits Mother-Daughter-Ring untouched.
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Oh please, with the number of survivors DC-ing at the sight of in-game grass or deleting themselves on their 1st hook, "kill counts" should still have been high, considering they count in the killers' favour, unless the devs changed that somewhere along the line.
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GoP isn't even a good perk to begin with
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billy isn't buffed, overheating was a non-issue for every good Billy player i know, instead they nerfed is map mobility and his general chase power by nerfing the only viable add ons that made him able to compete with good survivors
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I think you guys forget that not everybody is cracked at billy, this overheat changes are good for learning billy players. And if the pro billy players could avoid overheating before, they can certainly do it now.
I agree with the engravings though, stupid that they're getting changed. At least we still have Lo-pro chains.
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HUD update should've been a thing from the get go and it was just to bring Solo Q and SWF closer together to make SWF feel less strong.
Also, as I'm sure a lot of people like to forget, escape rates were at 39%, and as Nirgendwohin mentioned the devs seem to want to make that statistic even lower.
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Since when?
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Not quite. Gens are 90 seconds, tier 3 self care vs Sloppy takes 80 something
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You bring self care I'm going to assume you are throwing hahah
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That isn’t good, Karu. I’m sure if you saw a survivor using an 80-second Selfcare you’d wonder why they weren’t just on a generator. Especially if you tried healing them and they continue to use their Self-care.
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I'm pretty sure he's aware it isn't good.
Just clarifying specifics of how bad it actually is
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This kind of doesn't make sense when considering that the average survivor queue time is longer than killer queue time at the moment. Despite needing 4 times as many survivor players than killer players.
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wait, did they already roll out the patch?
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I never said it was good. I said that it wasn't quite longer than an entire generator.
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since always. it's not terrible but it's way to complicated to play around it in an efficient way. You basically can't tunnel even if you need to, and the repair speed nerf is gone once you injure/hook the person again. It may work in a perk setup with perks that are specifically aimed at hooking 4 people (No Way Out and Grim Embrace for example). But making it a 3v1 has been always the more efficient strategy.
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"Good news is at least Billy is getting buffed a little he won’t gain that much heat anymore when starting and reving. But he will gain more when he’s sprinting. We have to see how it is."
I dont know if it is a Buff or a Nerf when it comes to Overheat. DId not test it yet and I will not have time to test it on the PTB.
However, the only time I overheat as Billy is when I sprint between Exit Gates after closing the Hatch. And to overheat when using the Chainsaw to down people you already had to basically throw the game and probably not try that many Chainsaws to begin with.
So I guess it will be worse for me aka I will overheat faster when it comes to the only situation where I actually got affected from Overheat.
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lol, that's an outdated stats.