It will take 48 seconds for two survivors to heal each other. Hook timers are 60 seconds.

If the killer is camping, that leaves the survivors 12 seconds to both make it to the hook, and make an unhook play before the person on hook dies.
Unless the killer has sloppy, in which case healing will take 60 seconds and the person on hook just dies.
he4ling is detrimental for killers :(
tunneling is a valid strat :)
13 -
If both players have Botany then the healing goes from 48 to 32 seconds. If they both have botany and killer has sloppy it goes from 60 to 40. Man botany is such a good perk next patch.
5 -
This is indeed very true statements despite the attempt at mocking it. Funny thing is I RARELY see survivors bring healing perks that affect their own heal speed nowadays that isn't CoH. I'd maybe see botany maybe 1 match out of 5 while CoH would be in at least 3 of them. It's just survivors will be more enticed to run a healing perk now because being injured is actually a threat now that DH is also nerfed.
11 -
You did ask when we'd be out of the horrible meta and get another one. Here it is.
11 -
that's not something I feel like anyone should have to bring, healing should be balanced on its own, that's the same line as why they made BT base kit because if a killer were camping you'd just get told to "just bring BT then" but that's not a solution, I shouldn't have to bring anything to save my team from a highly unfair game mechanic, that the killer can take advantage of just by standing there these healing changes are creating an overall slowdown, or a speed up to how long games last, either survivor are gonna find time to heal and the game is gonna last a million years because it takes forever to heal or do anything, or it makes the game way too easy for the killer and they just win
I think this can be separated into high-skill and low skill
high skill the games would last for eternity, low skill the killers would win easily, I don't think that's fun either way
20 -
It’s pretty unacceptable.
20 -
Couldn't you say these about a killer perks though? Like I have to bring slowdown perks otherwise gens fly by.
7 -
Botany and desperate measures will become more use! survivors will adapt. Unfortunately camping and tunneling will probably be the strongest it ever been but on the flip side gen rushing will be way more difficult to stop.
Just gonna be more killer raging on gens flying and more survivor DCing cause the killer tunneling or camping them to second stage
0 -
Would be great if self heal took 24 seconds, but healing someone else would still take 16 seconds.
7 -
Increase hook timers 🤣
1 -
no not really because I'm talking about a situation that is uncounterable, I can not save someone from a camping bubba without a second person who is fully healed, so that's why I say it about this
gen slow down is only a result of skill, when gens fly by it means you are failing to apply pressure to the team, so that's why you need it, I'm not saying that's an issue but in no way should gen slowdown perks become base kit considering its counterable, you can kill survivors
so to answer your question no, you can not also say this about killer perks
7 -
Somehow, Insidious Bubba is being buffed this patch.
20 -
Yes, you will get punished for playing poorly as survivor.
4 -
Why waste all that time healing when you will probably get grabbed at the hook anyway when in that same amount of time you can complete a gen? Bring gen perks and focus on gens instead.
1 -
I would not say something is suddenly good because the base is really bad...
To OP, I saw this the moment to see base healing to 24sec. Its not simply just 8sec per heal as most killers see.
3 -
How does one save vs a camping bubba?
healing should be balanced on its own
How does this not apply to gens? There are a bunch of healing perks in the game but you seem to be saying that healing should be balanced without this perks. They are trying to shift the meta into a meta where healing is very valuable. Do healing perks not fix this issue? The only reason this scenario is a problem is because both players have zero healing perks and the killer has 3 injured and downed one while also putting one on hook and then camping before these players did a reset.
1 -
But wouldn't the perk be very good compared to the value it gives vs all perks in the game? Prove is 7 seconds saved with 2 players on a gen and botany is 8-10 per heal. Since we are going into a healing meta then you might be healing players 5 times a match. That's 40-50 seconds of saved time from one perk.
0 -
Hook is what has to be changed from fundamental anyway, it's the roots of literally any problem this game has.
1 -
again, if there is a camping killer it is required to have 2 survivors fully healed, this mainly applies to m1 killers, if the killer brings sloppy and it is quite literally impossible to counter an m1 killer camping because it takes too long to heal since the hook timers aren't long enough, then that is an unfair game mechanic, if it takes 60 seconds for survivors to die, and 60 seconds to heal 2 survivors then there's nothing you can do, that's the point I'm making, as a killer, it Is not impossible to stop a gen from getting fixed I guess try the math on your gen perks and get back to me on how it's impossible
but what has been presented to you is in fact an impossible scenario to counter, and that's why I differentiate this from killer, killer is getting a lot of value from this, you don't need slow-down perks anymore, healing just became a burden to survivors I've heard multiple top 1% players/streamers say that this is basically the death of dbd if this goes live, and them also being primarily killer mains makes it all the more important
Ohtofu 4k percent of 90% as deathslinger
Vulpixia she's possibly the best nurse main you'll ever come across
Otzdarva, he's just a legend we already know about him
all these people have come forward and said negative things about these healing changes, you need to slowdown and think about how telling this is before you double down on this
7 -
So m1 killer injures all 4 survivors and get a down before they decide to reset. Not all 3 reset and no one knows what healing perks do in a healing meta? Isn't this how PVP games should work. Like you are just straight up getting outplayed making massive amount of mistakes and then the killer punishes you and is going to get rewarded.
It's is impossible when you make massive amount of mistakes. How is that not something you should be punished when the team is making mistake after mistake after mistake while you still being able to remove the mistakes you make by running healing perks.
I've beat vulp as soloq vs her Nurse with the old 1900 MM
Double down on what? We are going into a healing meta. You run 1 healing perk and this removes the nerfs.
2 -
Are you implying that you are entitled to a Healthy hookbomb?
3 -
Curious, how does this affect the guy with the instadown chainsaw?
2 -
Are people meant to be able to be saved off of hook
20 -
Depends on many, many, factors. Sometimes the killer has a power that makes that hard. Sometimes you are hooked a million miles from an open gate. Maybe someone has Reassurance. Maybe the guy on hook tried to 4% and threw away a chunk of his timer. Maybe no one wants to mess with NOED and just leaves.
2 -
It'll take longer than 12 seconds for solo players to even find each other, especially on larger maps. More people will just die on hook.
4 -
This change will literally give every Killer Bubba's camping power.
If people are injured and someone is on hook, that's literally game over. It's gonna take more than 12 seconds to FIND teammates to heal and another 50 to heal both of those people.
These changes are so awful. Double saves are going to be extremely hard.
16 -
Healing speeds are being nerfed, as compensation for the gen kicking regression perks being nerfed into the ground. There will be much much less slowdown from gen regression, and that slowdown time needs to go somewhere. If you don't want healing speeds to be nerfed, then ask BHVR to revert all the gen kicking regression perk nerfs, and ask BHVR to allow 3 gen scenarios to be as powerful as they currently are.
Because wanting gen kicking regression perks to be heavily nerfed, but also wanting for survivors to be able to bypass any sort of slowdown nerf on their side, is absolutely unfair.
6 -
Less chances for unhooks end game, too then. Just leave... boring. 😒
4 -
I don't understand why, though.
If I am playing Basement Bubba, and you come running down the stairs to save..... your health status is irrelevant. I'm going to rev the weedwhacker and take you both out.
3 -
So you run healing perks to counteract that time?
1 -
The Insidious Bubba thing was mostly a meme.
This really just lets the average Killer camp extremely effectively, once again hurting Solo Q.
13 -
I think if it becomes actual time pressure/limitation rather than coordination issues, it would hit SWF more than solo q.
0 -
It's impressive that as much as I hate the current meta, this somehow seems worse.
5 -
That doesn't make any sense. Even if coordination wasn't an issue in solo Q (it is), how would it hit SWF more?
It's going to hit SWF hard and annihilate solo Q.
9 -
Only nerf self healing while keeping altruistic healing the same.
Also, why are you pretending that gen kicking regression is the only possible form of gen defense? As if we didn't have literally years of gen defense meta that encouraged actually chasing and downing people.
6 -
this is why once upon time, borrow time used to apply to unhooker granting them the endurance status effect. you know... an anti-camp mechanic. the explanation you are given is not any difference then facing an instant down killer camping hooks. This would allow you to save survivors when injured & vs instant down. You definitely argue that a perk that allows you to for go healing is possibility too strong but that is just how camping is currently balanced.
The counter is being good at solo looping and relying less of crutch health-states/body blocking to fix errors. Your describing a skill issue. if 3 people are injured and 1 person get hooked, the killer is meant to be in the advantage and you need recover. its successful killer snowball.
1 -
I agree this is going to turn things like Save The Best For Last killers a statistical nightmare for saves.
1 -
Instant down killers shouldn't be able to camp with their power. The game needs to be accessible and fun to people of average/low skill levels. People shouldn't just be getting deleted from matches on first hook simply because they messed up once in chase, or got screwed by bad RNG.
Also there's such things as Defaced Smiley Pin, which would effectively just allow Legion to get a free kill from hitting everyone with their power once.
4 -
Some games are 100% altruistic healing, so those games would have a zero healing speed nerf.
The Dev update literally says "First, healing will now take 24 seconds by default (previously 16 seconds). This will make each hit more impactful, ensuring that Survivors need to spend longer to heal their wounds".
Read that a few times. It says "EACH hit" and "ensuring that Survivors need to spend longer to heal their wounds". This requires all sources of healing to have their speeds reduced. It's literally the entire point of the healing changes. If the altruistic healing speed nerfs are reverted, then when aren't ensuring survivors need to spend longer to heal their wounds.
2 -
If people are healing each other, they're both grouped up, and also not doing gens. There's no reason to make altruistic healing take longer, other than to buff camping.
I don't know why you're quoting BHVR's reasoning as if they don't consistently make the dumbest decisions on Earth.
7 -
At the very least they should do a hot fix to Reassurance, as this should help with one part of the killers Duo Terrible, 8e camping and tunneling.
"Reassurance now has 3 tokens and can be used by one survivor one after the other. Reassurance can now be activated from 12m away. The killer gets a notification that Reassurance is in play, hopefully peeling them away from the hook."
4 -
Camping will 100% need to be nerfed in this patch as well, or things will look very grim.
12 -
Not a single killer has ever complained about base healing speed. The nerf to it came out of nowhere and shouldn't be implemented at all.
0 -
People have just got too used to 7 second heals
3 -
good idea but behavior probably won't touch it sadly
1 -
There's no reason to give basekit medkit self healing a separate duration than basekit altruistic healing, considering this is how the game has worked for a while, and I haven't seen complaints about it before the healing nerf announcements. It's clearly not a problem, and people are just using it as an excuse to get the altruistic healing speed nerfs reverted.
And I'm quoting BHVR because that is their intent with the healing speed nerfs, and their intent only works if all healing is nerfed. Otherwise, the games that have zero self healing would have zero healing nerfs for the survivor.
2 -
Remove hook grabs and do what they did to exhaustion add-ons for mangled(remove them).
1 -
Sounds like they are probably going to be addressing camping too, now that spreading pressure is going to be viable. Hmmm. Also to be fair. The counter to camping isn't to save them, its to just do gens, then do a hook trade, then "just do gens" again. Then you win.
5 -
This is a nice point to bring up but its unrealistic. Most people aren't going to be running Botany. You'll see it on the casual/newer players who want to experiment or don't know much about perk strength or synergy. Good players/experienced survivors won't be bringing it most likely.
2 -
That might be the case now but wont be in the next patch. Killers are going to be running mangled next patch which makes healing with no healing speed perks take 30 seconds. That's 2 players spending 30 seconds for just one heal. Now imagine a hit n run Wraith every game. You will quicky be running healing perks.