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OhTofu's opinion on the Mid Chapter Update (BHVR is killing the game)

Member Posts: 213
edited September 2024 in General Discussions

Quintessence of OhTofu's review on the upcoming changes starting here:

Regardless the entitlement of biased killer mains all people who understand how this game works say that the healing change is just horrible for this game. If it come live killers will have to wait 30 minutes in their lobbies for the next easy mode 4k cuz noone will wanna play a boring m1 holding simulator anymore.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2023

    i think at worst, they might increase healing speed to lesser value like 20 seconds instead of 24 to be less extreme. I think if their objective was to make healing slower then they could buffed mangled to higher degree like instead of -20% healing, they could went for -30%. That likely would been a bit less polarizing of a change.

    I could see healing going from 24->20 but I do not see them removing it completely.

  • Member Posts: 691

    You run botany and will have more things to do in the game than current dbd which is literally sit on a 3 gen and watch some dude go around kicking gens for 30 minutes. Botany is 16 second heals now which is literally what the currently is on live.

  • Member Posts: 691

    Well the time it takes to heal with botany will be 16 seconds next patch and then there is gen efficiency loss which is more like 42-48 charges since you would have time finding players 16sx2players+16s to find a player to heal you would be 48c.

    The math shows that healing and extending chases are better than staying injured and doing gens. If you last 30 seconds longer in chase because of a additional health state you are looking at 3 players potentially on gens putting 1 charge per second resulting in 30 seconds longer chase being up to 90 charges or 1 full gen with the killer not have any good regression perks. Now if you run botany and don't have to find a player you are losing out on 32c compared to the potential 90 for healing. I think it also takes m1 killers 20 seconds to hit a survivor a second time if that survivor is able to straight up hold w for the entire time. Probably more fair to say a survivor on average will last 45 seconds per health state. If that is the case then it would be 45x3=135c compared to the not healing being 32-48c. Granted this is more of a perfect scenario.

  • Member Posts: 20

    jeez you highlight the only content creator you want to hear eh

    both killer and survivor got butchered and you went on like only survivor is affected.

    the only thing i disagree is the default speed of healing, all the other nerf for survivor is well deserved

  • Member Posts: 691

    You realize if survivor start playing ultra sweaty then they will get the S tier killers every game . Have fun playing vs Spirt, Nurse, and Blight playing like its a comp match with the best add-ons every single game. Bet that will be a blast for survivor players.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    It's the same things on repeat, over and over and over.

    DbD is dying, players will leave the game, this will create hour-long killer queue times, BHVR is biased and only listens to people I disagree with, this hurts soloQ, this makes SWFs worse, this buffs Nurse and Blight, this encourages tunneling, and camping, and genrushing, and a hundred other things.

    If there's legitimate criticisms to be had, it's hard to find in this mess of outrage and hysteria.

  • Member Posts: 213
    edited March 2023

    My build on most killers was Bamboozle, Corrupt, Call of Brine, Nowhere to hide.

    I don't feel butchered at all at this aspect. I will just switch Calll of Brine and Nowhere to hide for Deadlock or Sloppy Butcher and still 4k 80% of my matches.

    Or even more since with new healing times snowball will become much easier.

    Not everyone relies on walking around the map and kicking gens to win.

  • Member Posts: 316

    My issue is why should I have to run 1-2 perk slots JUST to be able to heal? That’s such a waste all because BHVR decided to nerf all forms of healing across the board and for what? Nobody asked for all that

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Because healing is an integral part of the game? Along with running around and doing generators, but I don't see you complaining about picking perks for those.

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    The whole point is that the game will suck for solo q, so yes. I completely agree.

    SWF will play this way and killers, who already have the mantra that 'tunneling is necessary' will scream it even louder. You can't change how the killer plays, and hard tunneling is where we're headed.

    If your options are never escape or play competitively and sweat your balls off, people will either quit the game or adapt. The survivors who are left will be the ones who adapt and can occasionally win games. Mostly SWF, if the changes go through.

  • Member Posts: 3,136
    edited March 2023

    Idk when I see a slug get healed from nothing to healthy in less than 15 seconds THROUGH coulrophobia.... I think the healing changes aren't as bad as everyone says. AFAIK there wasn't even a boon up but I can't check becausethe streamer I watched doesn't save vods from people using his clips/vods without permission and people witch hunting.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Lmao these same things were said about the game when 6.1.0 released. Something tells me the game won't die.

  • Member Posts: 691

    The patch is a massive bump for soloq. Bond is already the best info perk for soloq and you throw on bot for the changes to mean nothing. But what is changed is the fact that the 3 gen bs is dead. The fact that with these changes its pushes hooks more. Those things are good for the game.

    Hard tunneling even though DH is weaker so OTR should be used more and proxy camping is nerfed thanks to the regression perks taken out back not rewarding killers anywhere near the amount for camping with gen kick builds. The slowdown change for healing doesn't do anything for killer if they hard tunnel.

    Your options are bring a perk. Literally it's one perk. one. whole. perk. slot.

  • Member Posts: 8,598

    Self-sustain was the core issue, not altruistic healing. It's their nasty habit of not quite understanding the product and throwing everything at the problem.

    You could even argue that they didn't meaningfully nerf med kits. Two heals in a medkit is a problematic med kit. Survivors have never needed more than 32 charges unless their teammates are AFK.

    The CoH change is good. I don't really have a critique for it.

    But the more I think about the healing changes, the more I think the devs completely misunderstand what the issue with healing is. Being able to self-heal in 24 seconds with a medkit twice in a match will still be extremely strong. The only thing that is changing there is the speed, and again, good players almost never need more than 32 charges+Adrenaline. The game is over by the time you need a 3rd heal. Because of all that, medkit healing is still a better option than altruistic healing. The changes do nothing to make medkits a worse option. Heck, at 24 seconds, altruistic healing is a throw against a good killer. I'll never lose a game on Nurse with a mangled add-on after this update.

  • Member Posts: 213

    I agree. This game is gonna be miserable for all those casual survivor players who arrive at home in the evening to have few chilling hours in an online game, alone or with their low level friends. They barely see an open exit door already now and after dying match after match multiple times in a row against auto mode killers these playerbase will just abandon dbd and rather go and play phasmophobia.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    Altruistic healing should remain 16 seconds as it already requires two survivors that aren't doing gens, and of course should still be faster with more survivors that are participating in the healing action. I do think that base solo healing should be around 20-24 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 213

    Best info perk in solo q is Clairevoyance, not Bond. I run Bond in swf and its great to know where my friends are for perfect save timings against camping killers, to see them dropping pallets so I can avoid that area when I get chase or just sit on a gen in killer's terror radius without having to worry that he might catch you off guard as long as you can see your friend being chased nearby.

    But Bond in solo q? It's just awful to watch the playstylle of average players who throw 2 god pallets and still manage to die within 30 seconds.

    Camping got buffed, not nerfed with new patch. You can't unhook while injured against a camping killer. So survivors will have to heal. Unhooking is also the situaion where many casual survivors giive killes free hits which makes camping even more effective.

  • Member Posts: 213

    Most competent survivors prefer interactive fun matches and being chased by the killer rather than just sitting on gens.

    With dead hard removed and healings nerfed this aspect of the game will suffer considerably. In order to compensate this they will prefer to stay injured, bing toolboxes and smash the gens into adrenaline. That's what my friends and me are gonna do.

    However, since most of the survivors are not competent at all they will just give killer free hits, try to heal and still die in the end at 4 or 5 gens.

  • Member Posts: 691

    Best soloq info perk is bond imo. When in chase you avoid bringing the killer to gens, meaning the perk helps gens go faster. You can reset with your team since you can see their aura from 32m. If they are running the killer near you it tells you what pallets are being used. Bond is just such a nutty perk that is also going up in value next patch since you can't self heal. The perk is insanely good for helping soloq players do resets and I would say it is legit a 10/10 perk.

    Yea if killer injures the team and survivors think they are just going to not heal then the killer can punish the survivors by camping the hook and punish them for not resetting. You can already do this in the game right now though. Camping is nerfed because gen kicking perks. No longer are killers getting gigga rewarded for hooking a survivor and proxy hook with nearby gens regressing/ doing a 3 gen. The next patch rewards killers for getting injures and regression is just trash. Would say that it is basically a no brainer to run Botany since mangled without healing speed is 30 seconds for a single heal. Botany reduces the change back to where it is now (20 with mangled)which is basically survivors swapping Prove for Botany and calling it a day.

    I can see where you are coming from with casual players. Making mistakes certainly will be more punishing now especially if players are not running healing perk with the killer having mangled. How do you fix that if you are looking to do a meta shift with healing being the new meta?

  • Member Posts: 691

    When did I say killers won't camp? I'm just saying camping would be weaker next patch than what it is now since gen kicking builds encourage camping and that is dead.

    Again you are trying to insinuate that because things are not dead that they are not getting nerfed. Let me ask you this one simple question: is it easier to tunnel 4 OTR players or 4 players with no OTR?

  • Member Posts: 7,217

    They can just put a 33% self-heal debuff on medkits to make it 24 seconds and keep normal healing the same. Doing it this way also prevents Self-Care from being indirectly nerfed again.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    I agree, that is also another way they could handle the healing and medkit changes. I want to way I'm surprised that there was no mention of changes to Self Care in relation to the healing changes, but BHVR seems to be intent on killing perks completely.

  • Member Posts: 258

    There isn't much substance in that video. He is saying the medpack changes are terrifying (his words) and he is worried about his DBD streaming career because of these changes. Does that not seem like an overreaction at this stage, when it hasn't even been in PTB?

  • Member Posts: 316
    edited March 2023

    Seeing as how I don’t run gen perks I have no reason to complain about those. Having to run 1-2 perks just to avoid being removed from the game in 2 minutes is beyond ridiculous when we had an item specifically for that or our other survivors. But both of those are being nerfed into the ground

  • Member Posts: 6,119

    Well no, he reflected back on when there was a previous change to the base healing speed (4 sec increase) and the impact that it had on the game. If he was present and experienced that, then he has a pretty good idea of what's to come with this change.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    If you need dead hard to ensure a long chase, you aren’t a good player. The game is full of strong tiles and pallets that waste a ton of the killer’s time.

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