Some of these changes really miss the mark

The dev update has a lot of concerning changes in it and I know we have to test it to get a better idea of how much impact they make, but some of these changes you can tell immediately aren't super healthy.

Like the most obvious one being Billy, most of his add ons are completely useless and if overheat is essentially a non issue now-- then get rid of it?

The next is med kits, I know these had to be nerfed but what about just getting rid of the green and purple and keeping the two lowest tier as they are? Add ons still of course need to be looked at.

Pain Res is, I think, a fair perk if people don't run DMS. In my opinion, scourge hooks shouldn't run out of uses unless the hook is destroyed from someone dying on it. Maybe make scourge hooks change places each time a survivor is hooked on one? Also Call of Brine and Overcharge on their own weren't huge problems, just make the regression not stack.

Finally, altruistic healing should not be nerfed at all. Two people using their time to heal is good for the killer, but if it's gonna take 3 business days to heal two people to save someone on hook we might as well face camp them with the killer. Med kits and COH needed to be looked at, not all of healing. Thanks for reading all this if you did!


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    and if overheat is essentially a non issue now-- then get rid of it?

    On that subject, we'll have to see exactly how it is in the ptb. However, the being a non-issue part was specifically referring to feathering at loops. According to their wording, overheat will very much be a concern when going for map traversals. Which in turn means, that if you use the chainsaw to travel around and are forced to overheat constantly, then that is indeed an issue because you won't have your power at loops.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    The idea with the general nerf to healing is to give killers more slowdown by playing well, injuring survivors as much as possible, and in return, nerfing the best slowdown perks noticeably, which is exactly what is happening.

    I do agree that 24 seconds might be a bit much, but 20 seconds I think would work perfectly. If they do revert the healing nerfs, they will also need to look into the nerfs to the regression perks, or things could potentially become problematic. So I don't expect them to revert the healing nerf, but I can very much imagine that they have a 20 second healing time already ready as a back up plan.

    Medkits definitely needed nerfs though, so I am happy that's happening. The one nerf I really dislike on the survivors side is the CoH nerf. They should not get rid of the self heal ability.

  • LostSpirit
    LostSpirit Member Posts: 10

    the death of deadhard

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    Am I wrong or does that sound like the opposite of fun? I know that's subjective but Billy really doesn't need that kind of change. Some of these changes are so bizarre

  • Gummy
    Gummy Member Posts: 25

    I do kinda like the encouragement to do more hit and run, but imagine the legion games.

    COH could have been nerfed a few ways but they decided to do what is possibly the worst. It just doesn't seem worth it to run when you can have empathy or even Empathetic Connection without having to waste time setting up a boon.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I don't want to imagine Legion games. I am just going to argue that they are terribly designed.

    I agree with CoH. I really hope they revert that nerf. If anything, they should just decrease the bonus healing speed slightly.