

Can we stand back and let Behaviour destroy their game?

Member Posts: 155
edited March 2023 in Polls

Can we stand back and let Behaviour destroy their game? 20 votes

Developers making the game worse and worse?
7 votes
Should we players write the same letter to the developers?
2 votes
No one play in a week to prove a point
3 votes
Do you think about quitting the game?
8 votes

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  • Member Posts: 810

    Obnoxiously slow healing times, and nerfing good add-ons on bad killers while ignoring/refusing to rework the bad add-ons on bad killers and ridiculously overpowered add-ons on good killers.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I mean some mismatch on which addons they should be focusing on is destroying the game? That's going a bit over board don't you think?

    Healing will take much longer but all the gen regression perks are getting nerfed as well. The killers need slow down somewhere. If it's not in the gens it's in healing. How is this destroying the game?

  • Member Posts: 810

    Step 1: Devs make heal time 24s.

    Step 2: Sloppy/Mangled becomes meta.

    Step 3: It now takes 60s to heal 2 survivors to full, which is the same amount of time as 1 hook stage (not counting the time it takes for them to find each other)

    Step 4: Killer camps; since it takes at least 2 survivors to rescue vs. a camping killer due to the BS of being able to grab healthy survivors while rescuing, they automatically get a free hook stage if the survivors have to reset

    Step 5: Survivors stop playing because this is some stupid, piss poor excuse for game balance that anyone can see if they just do some goddamn math.

    As for the add-ons; it just adds to the frustration that they have no idea what they're doing. Who asked for an Engravings nerf? Who is going to use Freddy's blindness add-ons, or Oni's add-ons which increase movement speed while absorbing blood orbs? They needed to be REWORKED, not thrown token buffs that still don't justify using them!

    Meanwhile they have a GIGANTIC backlog of killers who need add-on passes: Billy (again, but don't ######### it up this time), Myers, Freddy (again), Slinger, Pyramid Head, Blight (for having OP as hell add-ons that remain UNTOUCHED), Twins (which was promised well over 6 months ago but is nowhere to be seen), Nemesis, and Sadako.

    Not to mention the dud that the last two chapters have been, both killer-wise and perk-wise.

    I am so tired. I don't want to be so negative. But they insist on releasing 4 new killers every year despite the obvious lack of ideas, polish, originality, etc... and refuse to fix the backlog of trash we already have because it doesn't make money.

    Gen kick meta, dead? Good. Dead Hard nerf, great! CoH nerf, fantastic! QoL and accessibility improvements, wonderful!

    But some people in that company I have had it with. It's so hard to be positive about a game where the developers won't even work out basic consequences of their changes.

    "I'm sure they'll listen to feedback after the PTB!" you say. But the bottom line is that the Engravings nerf and 24s base heal speed nerf should not have needed more than 5 minutes worth of thought to understand why they shouldn't have even dedicated coding manpower to it in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 6,504

    Lmao no. They probably just want to test how far they can push healing times. I predict that they are going to settle for 20 second healing times in the end, which would be perfect in my opinion. And I am also sure that they will end up nerfing mangled a bit as well, since even with 20 second heals it can't stay at 20%.

    But the idea to have killers slow down the game more by playing well and spreading damage, while slowing the game down less with slowdown perks, is a good idea in my eyes.

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    The changes are going on the ptb first and the devs have made adjustments to things on the ptb going live in the past. Maybe let's not scream the sky is falling just yet.

  • Member Posts: 810

    Nobody cares about your Us vs. Them nonsense. Most of the changes are fine on both sides. It's the 24s base healing and the Engravings nerfs that most people care about.

  • Member Posts: 1,979
    edited March 2023

    No the perks aren't the issue and it's fine rhat they're being nerfed but the main issue is the healing times and billy nerf

    By increasing healing times and the rarities of medkits you are:

    -nerfing pharmacy (lmao)

    -nerfing self care (self care claudettes incoming)

    -nerfing literally every healing perk except instant ones with fixed times/no time

    Personally I wish they would have just changed the problematic perks but now weaker perks are going to suffer AND every medkit will be no better than brown medkits (why even have extra rarities then? Just make it simpler and delete them entirely or transfer them all to brown)

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    As far as nerfing billy's Addons, I mean come on: They don't give killer buffs unless they're going to be nerfing them in the same breath. Everyone hates the dumb overheat system, so they're dialing the numbers down on it to the point that (it is claimed) you can pretty much ignore it entirely. Great! So... that means undercut the most-used addons as well. That's just how the balance team operates. People should be use to it by now.

    As for nerfing healing times: Good! Healing times at the present levels are 'acceptable'... assuming nobody brings any speed buffing effects into the match. The issue is that people DO bring speed buffing effects. Quite often! One could say 'all the time.' And then you get 6 second heals. The speed buffing effects aren't vanishing, just getting a little weaker. The baseline time is slightly longer, and the max speed is (hopefully) WAAAAAY slower.

    Killers have a finite-but-layered goal, but survivors have an infinite, on-demand, one-and-done heal. Removing the stages of progress killers have to climb to achieve their goals SHOULD take time. It should slow the game progress for the survivors and create pockets of opportunity where the killer can search, chase, carry, kick, and all the other dozens of tasks they have to do while survivors are healing instead of face-grinding gens all across the map.

    And all the 'sky is falling' talk abut not getting 6 second heals is so absurd that it's frankly laughable.

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    No one play in a week to prove a point

    Until they see a drop in player retention and loss of revenue, they will likely do little

    Honestly, a lot of their staying power is anchored in the pillars of their content creation community. It is likely that if streamers choose to not stream DbD for a week in protest, Behavior will have no choice but to make a few changes.

    It is unfortunate that what must be changed is not the reversion of a few horrendous design choices, nor guidance of ostensibly bad balance updates... but there are key players in the company itself that fundamentally should not be working on this product. I don't know who or what - but there's obviously a few bad actors that are spoiling things downstream for everyone else.

    Things like "Let's just drop a massive 50% increase to all healing time" are the kind of self-destructive blunders that come from a place of power, where teams of talented and passionate people have no choice or options but to comply with the direction of their superiors. There is a group - great or small - who has authority that continues to make massive choices regarding the game's future who is clearly not qualified nor good willed in their applications.

    No matter how much people protest, those key figures will not be removed and they will not be replaced. If the company loses money, it's likely that the folks that will feel the worst effects are going to be the passionate and talented people that we all wish more of.

    The only thing that we can do if we see these poor changes is do what we can to disengage with the product and pray that someone up top makes a career change.

    We shouldn't write angry letters that will precipitate executive action against the employee's best interest, we shouldn't review bomb the game, and we certainly shouldn't blindly accept what is given to us. The only thing that we can do is human and wise: accept that this is simply the nature of things and remove your energy from it.

    If Behavior executives want to repeat what they did with Deathgarden, it's their business to act upon. But it is not our job to submit our time, energy, and love for a product helmed by suits that neither understand nor care about our plight.

  • Member Posts: 3,746

    Just wait and see. I think nothing is destroyed here.

    Nerfing everything is the only right decision at the moment.

    Everything is to fast and powerful. They have to slow down and i hope they continue with this.

  • Member Posts: 3
    Developers making the game worse and worse?

    The fight against Meta will never end, Next survivor Meta will be gen rushing perks then that will get nerfed to nothing, after that a new Meta will ocure and they will nerf that meta, and soon enough playing survivor will be next to impossible.

    My honest opinion is they do need to do some nerfing to perks and and what not for healing but nefring Boon: COH to be worthless is stupid and it will become the least used perk, then they will finally revisit it in 2 years provided DBD survives another 2 years.

  • Member Posts: 3
    Do you think about quitting the game?

    I’m just tired of all these ridiculously nerfed perks (survivor main). Ever since they changed the DH, I haven’t put much love into the game anymore.

  • Member Posts: 309

    Survivor perks barely ever get nerfed, and even when they do it takes forever and is done incrementally. Dead Hard will still be one of the most used exhaustion perks even if the new hook requirement nerf goes through. Meanwhile killer perks get dumpstered so quickly that killers are used to completely changing their builds every few months. Survivors have never had to do that. At most they've swapped a Decisive Strike for Off The Record.

  • Member Posts: 5,504
    Do you think about quitting the game?

    bHVR has turned this game being played up by 2 times over a year, is this the... Destroying their own game developer you talk about?

  • Member Posts: 528

    If the survivors don't agree with the change, it is "killing the game".

    No one actually cares about killers. The "60%" kill rate is fine, and definitely not massively inflated by suicides. As long as the killer players will STFU we are fine, and can complain on the fourms to nerf anything we want! I am not sure, but I believe that Blight is getting slaughtered next. There's only a few people who are vouching for him, and all survivors want him dead.

    This is what appears to happen. Some survivors wanted pain res dead? They killed it. Survivors wanted regression dead? They killed it. They meant to put the flashlight and healing changes to get killers to be quiet, but they accidentally over-nerfed healing. I'm sure that part won't pass the PTB.

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