Hag nerf

foodie Member Posts: 437
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

***Warning, this is a rant.

**** This is an update to the original since this post received many comments and some new viewers are not aware of the further explanations given in the comments. I also think I can structuralize this better, since some may see this change as a buff and I want to point out why it's not.

This is about the upcoming mid-chapter update, which includes a nerf to the Hag. The suggestion was made a few short months ago by Otz and confirmed by other content creators as being suggested to the devs. None of those creators main Hag. I know Otz likes her a lot, and I do like him as a content creator but he doesn’t main her.

It's disappointing to me to see content creators who don’t main this killer get their suggestions into the game, instead of the community that actually play this killer exclusively. Her needed changes have been discussed many times by Hag mains that are content creators as well as here on the forums.

It was mentioned in the developer post that solely removing the ability of survivors with flashlights to destroy Hag’s traps is going to be oppressive, and survivors would have no way of removing traps safely.

This is simply incorrect and will in fact be an oppressive change for the killer.

Survivors have plenty of ways to avoid and remove her traps without taking a hit (I’m not including flashlights):

1.      They can crouch. Simple, maybe annoying, but it works.

2.      They can walk or run around the trap’s trigger radius.

3.      They can trigger multiple traps while Hag is carrying a survivor. Quick and without consequence for the survivors. Especially, abused by SWF. Survivors can also destroy her traps while she is chasing another survivor. I want to count that as another method, but I already said she had 5 counters in the comments, and I don’t wanna look like a liar by adding another way 😉 This method is riskier as Hag can and may teleport, but she is unlikely if she is focusing one survivor. Also setting off multiple traps can be confusing, sometimes.

4.      As a survivor, if you happen to know the Hag is very far away from her web/trap, you can safely trigger her trap without her being able to do anything about it. Yes, she would get a notification of the trap being triggered, but she won't be able to get there in time since she is SLOW.

5.      You can trigger her trap at the very edge of the trigger radius and run away from it. Even if the Hag teleports instantly, she will miss the hit, giving you even more time to run to safety. This is also a very abusable counter.

With this change, survivors will gain yet another way to not only counter but actually destroy her power, but this one with guaranteed 0 consequence.

Hag players will have to worry constantly about 4 survivors disarming her traps without her having any power over the situation.

Now, why is this a nerf and not a buff:

1.      It’s not a buff since Hag gains no benefit from this change, therefore it’s a nerf. The change will only hinder her.

2.      There is nothing Hag can do if this change is given at basekit.

a.      As a Hag main, I would rather have survivors bring flashies, since with flashies I can bring Franklin’s as a counter. I can’t bring or do anything about survivors destroying my traps by crouching over them for a few seconds.

b.      Instead of being weaker due to an item, she will be weaker by basekit without anything to compensate.

c.      Imagine you as a Hag spend 2 gens worth of time setting up your web and suddenly 4 traps disappear without you being able to counter it as a killer. Imagine the traps are fairly away from each other. What if the survivor group plan on destroying your web with the new method while you are in a chase with another survivor? What can you do in that situation? Nothing. Your web will be gone.  And what happens if you set a few traps mid chase and the survivor you chased comes sometime later? That survivor will just undo all your traps or tell their SWF group where to remove traps.

3.      It will make gen rushing easier for survivors.

a.      A lot of people seem to think that this will slow down gen times, and even the devs wrote that in the developer update, but it won’t.

b.      While yes, survivors will spend a few seconds removing traps, Hag will need to go back to their spot to retrap if it’s an important area, or take time retrapping elsewhere. This can take longer than it would take survivors to remove said traps. So instead of Hag defending or pressuring gens, or chasing survivors, she will be wasting time retrapping, giving survivors plenty of time to do gens

c.      Camping 3 gens may become a more common tactic for Hag players too, and that’s not fun for either side.

4.      New healing changes won’t be as beneficial as some may assume.

a.      This I think would apply to many killers.(Sure, it may help a little)

b.      Healing and CoH have been complained about plenty, but for me as Hag, I love it when survivors heal because that means, they’re not doing gens. I’ve noticed that when there is a boon, survivors are more likely to take the time to run to the boon area and heal, which gives me, the killer, time to pressure gens. With the upcoming changes, I suspect survivors won’t heal at all and will rush gens injured, likely picking gen speed increasing perks rather than heals.

5.      She doesn’t have the benefit of time on her hands + She has low mobility

a.      Her Traps are going to be removed without her being able to do anything about it and without any sort of method to help her. She will need to waste even more time retrapping. She is slow, and she won't be able to get to the destroyed trap's location in time, she will need to constantly retrap.

6.      Some said that this change will motivate the devs to buff her in the future. I don’t believe that. Hag is unloved by the devs with her last change made in 2018. There is no proof so far that the devs would consider buffing this killer in the short future. In fact, we saw proof that she is uncared for since her Halloween outfit came out bugged and to this day, it's still bugged.

7.      This change will also affect how well some perks work on her. Some may not work well on her at all anymore, making the available perks even less for her. Even the lack of need for Franklin's is not good enough since other perks will be less effective.

8.      This is going to motivate camping as a tactic for success, which will give Hag an even worse reputation as she is often deemed as a campy killer.

9.      There is no risk to removing her traps in the new way. She already has counters that pose no threat or consequence already.

With such a big change and virtually no given benefit for Hag, she needs a buff or a full rework. Some buffs mentioned and suggested are:

1.      To increase her movement speed to normal killer speed. This will make her more useful in chases, help her when her traps are destroyed, make it a bit easier to keep an eye on gens, will speed up her trap and retrapping setting time.

2.      Increased lunge after teleport. This will prevent one of her counters and with the addition of a new counter, the change would buff her chase and further incentivize the removal of her traps when it is safe.

3.      Add-on rework complementing the new changes to her power counter. I would like an add-on that will injure survivors who remove her traps, just like Trapper and his add-on that injures all survivors that remove bear traps. This might actually make the healing nerf more useful to Hag.

4.      A secondary power. We see a lot of newer killers getting secondary abilities, Hag can benefit from such as well. Example, with trap wiping, survivors become cursed and receive a negative side effect for a said amount of seconds. Like, being unable to do gens for 10-20 seconds after wiping a trap.

Hag being one of the most unplayed killers will now become even more unplayable. Devs are not working to motivate their player base to play this killer, learn how she works and have fun with her. I'm sick and tired of facing the same killers over and over as a survivor, and Hag will become even rarer to face with this kind of change.

I would not mind such a change if some of her other counters were removed, or if she received a buff to compliment her and help her more with gens.

This change has been thought only through the survivor perspective and not from the killer's perspective. Too much fear to not make Hag too oppressive and now she will be the oppressed one.

Post edited by foodie on


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140


  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I want to point out that one of the major reason hag has been in a rough spot was because how easy healing was. Now healing being nerfed into the ground I believe hag and waith are going to be a lot stronger. Even otz said that one of the major reasons hag moved down his tier list in past year or so was because how strong healing was with CoH and strong medkits. Also I think it's fair to allow everyone a way to disarm a trap without having to have a item to do so. I still think her traps will be just as good since they are hard to see on most maps, not like trapper's bear traps.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,710

    She needed a way to safely remove her traps without flashlights that didn’t involve waiting for someone to be downed and then running over them all while she was carrying a survivor. Flashlights were too oppressive against her but there was often little that could be done without them. It was like night and day.

    If Hag ends up needing additional buffs to offset this, that’s fine. But she will be much more bearable to face now and it makes traps near hooks less powerful, which is good.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Healing has never been an issue for me as a Hag main. In fact, I see most survivors jumping on gens as fast as possible, even while injured. The issue is how much time she needs to spend trapping and retrapping. She doesn't have high mobility, it takes her longer to move around and trap. She is not good at keeping an eye on gens and making sure survivors stay off them. Unless you 3 gen, of course, but that's not my gameplay and not what I want to be stuck doing. In fact, it's an issue if you feel that you need to camp 3 gens.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    I think I mentioned this. If such a nerf is to be made, I want to see compensation, but I don't see one, so it's only a nerf to me.

    Hag games without flashlights don't feel oppressive currently, and I'm saying this as someone who mains survivor. Hag is the only killer I play, so maybe that's why I don't see her as oppressive to face without a flashlight.

    So if it's fine now to face her without a flash, why would it be different after the update?

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Before, if you didn't have a specific item, you couldn't really counter Hag's power without taking an excessively long time to crouch over it, in which the crouching speeds are very slow, or walking over it and hoping than the Hag doesn't teleport. That's not really engaging gameplay and doesn't leave the other side much of a choice. I think this change is great, the traps now won't instantly be disabled from an item, but can be interacted with if the survivor decides to spend some time doing so.

    Also her main problem was that her hit and run style was negated easily from the fast healing speeds. With healing speeds nerfed overall, she should have a better time chaining hits.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I was a hag main in the past. I don't know how you call this a nerf. The entire healing meta is being nerfed, which is the only reason she fell from an S tier killer and nothing else. A flashlight countering a killer was always bad by design and hags issue is that she easily stomps majority of the player base, so adding in that extra trap counter play is good.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    It's a big deal because she is slow and will need to constantly retrap. Her biggest issues are still present and even more with this change. She is not able to keep an eye on gens effectively like other killers. 2-3 gens are done by the time she places her initial traps, she then needs to constantly retrap.

    There are games where I don't kick a single gen because I don't have enough time to go to any gen to kick it

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It's a healthy change. A killer shouldn't be massively weaker just because someone brought a particular item into the game. Hag NEEDED Franklin's if she even smelt a flashlight because it countered her so hard. Likewise NOT having anyone with a flashlight made Hag much, much stronger and meant it was much harder for survivors to do anything against her.

    This way they got rid of her massive weakness, while giving all survivors a less efficient way of getting rid of traps.

    Overall it probably will be quite a big nerf to her and I do hope they give her some buffs down the road after collecting data from this change, but it's much healthier.

    Also as mentioned, huge healing nerfs will mean hit-and-run killers like Hag are much stronger.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    The flashlight interaction changes are a blanket change for multiple killers to make it so flashlights don't serve as any direct counters to any specific killer. It would be different if the flashlight changes were solely for Hag.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    I don't care about healing and it has never affected me in my Hag games. I would be ok with this change, if Hag received compensation for it - a speed buff, an add-on change to compliment the trap nerf, so it doesn't feel so bad from the killer's perspective

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Yes, but no other killer received a nerf to the removal of the flashlight effect. Did Wraith, Nurse, the Artist receive a debuff from the change? They didn't, only Hag did, so for them this is a solid buff

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Instead of being weaker due to an item, she will be weaker by basekit without anything to compensate. The issue is that the devs are going through this change without giving a buff to the killer. I'm not talking a crazy buff, but she needs something.

    And again, I've never had issues with healing, so all these changes are not going to affect me as Hag but affect me as a survivor. I'm mad about my Eboony, but that's a different subject.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Maybe but it only really works if the time to erase her trap is roughly equivalent to the time it would take to sneak over it anyway.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Pretty rough nerf on Hag who needed a buff. Hopefully this means she's got buffs coming in the future.

  • Bigfoot
    Bigfoot Member Posts: 5

    The best workaround in regards to this nerf is if they buff hag's movement speed at the same time or add an add-on that makes it so that traps can't be destroyed under some circumstances. If survivors are able to destroy hags traps without consequence, then the devs should make it so that killers like Blight can't destroy pallets while charging. They should make it so that you can kill or disable Nemesis' zombies without needing a flashlight. They should make it so that Huntress has only 3-4 axes to throw, or much fewer axes in general in lockers on the map.

    Nerfing one killer and making it, so that players would not want to play it, is just game content that will be disregarded and will impact the game negatively, as this would limit players' choices in terms of gameplay.

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76

    This nerf screams "we did not talk to anyone who mains Hag at a high level" and I can't see it being the end of this conversation. I think that she has gotten a noticeable buff to her chasing power here, but it is overshadowed by a large nerf to her map control. It will incentivize her campy playstyle that she is unfortunately known for without addressing the issues with her kit. I am ready to see double trapped hooks and 3 gens from players who are trying to overcome this nerf instead of some muddy hag paradise in which she is the sneaky tactical killer she could be if she got some close attention paid to her already substantial issues.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Well said, this change will be very oppressive for the killer and make it even easier to counter her already very counterable power. She needs a buff

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    The healing nerfs are more than enough for hag to be in a better position. Sure traps will be easier to get rid of but survivors will spend much longer having to reset giving you plenty of time to replenish your web

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437
    edited March 2023

    Healing has never been an issue for Hag and the healing nurf is not going to change anything for the better. Instead of survivors healing, they will just be rushing gens injured with adrenaline ready, inevitably making it harder for Hags who already struggle with gen rushing more than most killers.

    This change will be more beneficial for other killers maybe, but not Hag. She has 5 counters to her power as it is right now. Devs will be adding a 6th counter that will only damage her. Tell me what other killer has 5 counters to their power, let alone 6? I'm not counting flashlights in the 5 counters

    She won't be able to do anything about her traps getting constantly destroyed by 4 survivors. She is slow, and she won't be able to get to the destroyed trap's location in time, she will need to constantly retrap and lose all time.

    Her biggest issues are the trap setting time, given her slow movement speed. She needs a lot of time to set up her web, and constantly retrap, leaving survivors to do, gens.

    This is an extremely oppressive change to a killer that already is in need of a buff.

    As it stands, Hag is only viable at the hands of an experienced Hag and even they struggle. Imagine new players trying out this killer.

    Devs are not working to motivate their player base to play this killer, learn how she works and have fun with her. I'm sick and tired of facing the same killers over and over, and Hag will become even rarer to face with this kind of change.

    I would not mind such a change if some of her other counters were removed, or if she received a buff to compliment her and help her more with gens.

    I'm considering making a video showing off her counters, especially one that is already very oppressive and abusable even during chases.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    But Hag isn't getting nerfed at all. Her biggest weakness was CoH constant healing and Flashlights. Both of those aren't going to be a problem and she has a counter outside of crouching everywhere.

    She was only rough because of how easy healing is against her

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Instead of fearing the 1-2 survivors with flashlights destroying your traps without consequence, you now need to worry about 4 survivors doing the same thing. And can you imagine a SWF working together to destroy her power?

    Imagine you as a Hag spend 2 gens worth of time setting up your web and suddenly 4 traps disappear without you being able to counter it as a killer. Imagine the traps are fairly away from each other. What if the survivor group plan on destroying her web with the new method while she is in a chase with another survivor? What can she do in that situation? Nothing. Her web will be gone, survivors will only benefit from it and do gens while she works on retrapping.

    She is slow, she won't be able to get to the place her trap was at on time even if she tried. The survivors would have moved to another location and Hag will need to replace traps instead of chasing survivors or protecting gens. How is that better?

    I would rather have to worry about 1-2 flashlight survivors and bring Franklin's than fear 4 survivors working together destroying my web all the time.

    She needs a buff with this kind of change.

    This change has been thought only through the survivor perspective and not from the killer's perspective. Too much fear to not make Hag too oppressive and now she will be the oppressed one.

    0 thought has been put into how this change can be abused by survivors to literally destroy this killer.

    It was also obvious to me that the devs don't know of all the methods survivors currently have at their disposal to counter Hag.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619
    edited March 2023

    edited: someone told me what I was missing.

    Allowing survivors to remove hag traps is an horrible idea.

    If they could instead focus to fix the 180 bug/exploit/hack, that'd be nice.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437
    edited March 2023

    I think I mentioned all reasons in the main post, but also in the comments.

    This can be abused heavily since it provides 0 punishment to survivors. Hag can't do anything about this and given that there are 5 other methods to removing/avoiding her traps, this is a huge nerf.

    She is not getting any buffs for this change, but I explain this in more details above

    A balance change would be if she is getting something back, but she isn't. She will now have to worry about 4 survivors ruining her power without consequence, instead of 1-2 or even 3 survivors with flashlights. At least I could bring Franklin's and now what can I bring to help me? Nothing, so it's a nerf

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    I was missing the "without flashlight" part. (Someone told me in another thread)

    This is so stupid I thought that what it meant was that survivors had to crouch with a flashlight to remove a trap.

    They are killing her.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    The situation you're describing is a slower, more coordinated approach to counter her as a swf which is a whole different issue. If anything, doing this method is a lot slower than flashlight Andies and if they know it's a Hag, they can drop a Flashlight early. I don't think this change is going to ruin Hag or anything

  • YearOfTheHag
    YearOfTheHag Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2023

    I don't think the change will RUIN Hag, but it adds another layer of consistent counters to a killer that already has a lot of them. The change means her area denial game is hurt in favor of her chase game. I think her chases were already pretty good, so it feels like a straight up nerf. To the 12 people who still main Hag, this just feels bad. Just about every patch this past year has hurt her, so it feels like adding insult to injury.

    Hopefully the devs consider a buff to compensate.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    good, maybe people will play fun killers such as literally anyone else

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Not only that, but it could be a buff depending on numbers.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    I think the post and its 30+ comments explain well enough why and how this change can never be considered a buff to the killer. A buff for survivors, sure, but not for Hag.

    Hag receives not attention from the devs. If they go through with this change, they won't buff her for another few years. Maybe until the devs play in a live stream with Hag and realize she needs a buff.

    If you don't know the history, Matthew Cote got destroyed in a Hag match against survivors and Hag got buffed shortly after. The community had been begging for buffs, and they only received them after Cote got bullied in a match with her. That was the last time she received a change, 2018.

    That's why I'm protesting right now. Because I see how this change will affect the killer without her receiving any compensation.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    The entire thing depends on the time you need to remove a trap. The devs notes say several seconds and its impossible mid-chase. So it shouldnt be that short, but we need to wait for the ptb.

    And healing was always a problem. Maybe not for you bc you dont play a territorial killer territorial. But if i have a web and a survivor gets hit and he gets out of the web, i need enough time to repair it, so healing time matters. With the current boon, healing is so easy and fast and as hag i cant go to the other side of the map. Every web which is bigger than half the map has too many holes.

    The dead hard nerf is great bc now i can teleport and swing immediately. The other exhaustion perks are not that strong when the camera-flick lets survivor run into a wall.

    And with the medkit and flashlight nerf franklins isnt mandatory anymore, even if the items were good bait.

    And just bc im sick of hearing it: playing territorial doesnt mean placing 10 traps around the hook like every noob hag. I have 3k hours, play since 2018 and hag was my second main.

  • Snowflake_Syndrome
    Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2023

    I wouldn't worry about it almost nobody plays Hag, hell she's not even discussed much.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    It's absolutely not going to be as long as Demo and even the long time it takes for Demo's to be destroyed, it still doesn't benefit him.

    Survivors will be able to remove her traps at any time, including during chases. While she is chasing someone, the others can remove known traps. She cant counter that or do anything about it. After, she will waste time retrapping instead of defending gens or chasing someone else.

    This is actually going to motivate camping as a tactic for success, which will give hag an even worse reputation. She is often deemed as a campy killer.

    My hag games strongly evolve around chases and hook swaps since that works good, but I also do builds revolving around keeping an eye on gens - not 3 gens, all gens.

    With the new healing changes, survivors won't be healing, but rushing gens even more while injured. Circle of healing motivated survivors to heal instead of gen rush, so it gives me time that I need as killer. I don't mind survivors healing, I mind them not healing and rushing gens.

    And as I think I mentioned, I would rather bring Franklins and keep an eye on the 1-2 survivors bringing flashies than 4 survivors ruining my web with 0 consequence of their actions and without me having anything at my disposal to help that situation

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    She has a lot of misconceptions and is hated by a lot of people that don't quite understand how she works. Just because she is not played doesn't mean she deserves to be ignored and nerfed. In fact, the devs need to work on changing her in a way that would make her more appealing, so more players player her and we can finally get some variety

    It's more annoying facing the same killers over and over. I want to see the rare killers be played more

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,599

    I'm not sure how significant this change will be. Depending on how long it takes for a survivor to even remove one trap this might be a slight buff. I'm not a Hag main, so take this with a grain of salt but I don't think this will be a horrible nerf.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    It won't be more than 2-5 seconds, which is not much different from using flashies. I mean with the difference that instead of 1-2 people being able to do that for a limited amount of time, now everyone will be able to do it at all times.

    This change will also affect how well some perks work on her. Some may not work well on her at all anymore, making the available perks even less for her

    I don't see any benefit from this change, that's why I refer to it as a nerf.

    Even the lack of need for Franklin's is not good enough since other perks will be less effective.

    Optimally, I would like to not see this change go through or if it does, I would like to see it accompanied with a buff.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    So you never set up a web around a 3-4 gen high traffic area? Do you just chase people and place a trap at a loop?

    I'm not sure how healing didn't affect you on hag unless you played like the ladder.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    I only trap gen areas if the survivors 3 gen themselves. I don't 3 gen them or work towards that goal. I trap pallets, windows and places survivors pass through during a chase - passage ways, doors, common paths

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I really doubt Hag of all killers is going to need any further buff with healing being nerfed.

    If I understand correctly, strong healing items as well as CoH is what hurts Hag the most currently.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    No, or at least not for me. CoH gave me time. Having CoH means survivors are more likely to run to the boon and heal, instead of rushing gens which only benefits me.