Did they forget that Nemesis' zombies also have a flashlight based mechanic?
They mentioned they wanted to remove flashlight mechanics that interacted with killers and their powers, and they seem to have forgotten Nemesis' zombies. Why are they leaving this in while taking the mechanic away from, for example, Artist's crows?
Doesn't seem fair to me.
None of the other powers affected by flashlights have an autopilot and moves around the map without any direct input from you and for basically free, searching and hurting survivors. You can't drop pallets on top of the other powers either because that powers are not a separate entity from you.
I don't mind that zombies are still affected by flashlights as they are technically "extra minions" and not your main power... but for the love of the T-Virus, improve their AI! I'm tired of seeing survivors passing right besides the zombie and it going straight up the other direction the survivor is or simply not detecting him, among other things.
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But then why is it flashlights and not something base kit, as they did with Hag? Why is leaving the area, or using teamwork, or actually using a pallet to kill a zombie not appropriate counterplay? Why does one specific item now counter a non-insignificant aspect of (now) only one killer's power? Nemesis' add-ons modify his zombies; does this not make them intrinsically linked?
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The Zombies being stunned from being blinded isn't really similar to the other killer's powers being affected by flashlights. Nemesis can still use there power regardless of the zombie being blinded by a flashlight.
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The real question is... why not? A blinded zombie doesn't have a big impact in you anyway as you can still move, chase, attack, use your real power and everything. In the other cases the flashlight neutralized the power in some way and degree, even more so in the case of the Hag. And if you think about it, a blinded zombie can be an advantage as it is a signal that not only he found a survivor, they are more than probably close to him. And all the things you said there are still an appropriate counterplay to them, but you can also blind them if you have the chance.
I don't know, I don't really mind for them to leave this specific interaction in as long as they maintain it constant in a future (in other words, if they add other killer with "minions" that have eyes, they can also be blinded).
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Again I'd make the argument that his zombies are part of his power. And to be perfectly clear, I don't particularly want the interaction removed per se, I actually like the flashlight interactions with Nurse and Artist especially, I just don't understand why Nemesis was left out of the "item X shouldn't disable killer powers" pass.
And as for your point on killers with minions, I assume you mean autonomous, and I'd argue the Knight has minions that are semi-autonomous once locked on, and flashlights do nothing to them.
It just seems inconsistent to me, but I'm willing to admit that I could be in the minority on this. I'd just really love to hear from the devs about their reasoning when choosing to ignore this interaction but not all the others.
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I already told you: The other interactions completely nullified the killer's power. That's not the case with Nemesis's zombies. But hey, I won't mind if they removed the interaction with the zombies, too. But they have the right call removing the rest, especially the Hag one.
And no, Knight's guards aren't the same that zombies, starting with the duration they have and that you should send them in while the zombies would do their thing without any input from you. Also, and again, The Knight without the guard would be useless as he doesn't have anything more while Nemesis has.
Now, I don't want to get offtopic too much here, but it just crossed my mind... can you blind Victor? Because if you can, there is no reason for that one to not being also removed.
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I wouldn't be against changing nemesis zombies to not be affected by flashlights and doing something else. But at the same time, zombies are not hard to deal with without a flashlight so I don't see this as a big deal right now.
Removing lightburn and giving hag more basekit counterplay were needed changes compared to the zombies and flashlights.
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Agreed the zombies are already bad enough they should remove this from them as well.