The Legión Suggestion.

Dark17Style7 Member Posts: 17
edited March 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello, I would like to leave you with some suggestions that I would like you to take into account, I will start by telling you that there is a specific killer that I love, as in power and appearance, this is nothing less than The Legion is a killer that has total ease when it comes to injuring survivors. that in order to achieve it, taking out the greatest potential of its power is very circumstantial and difficult since it requires the 4 injured survivors having to execute a total of 5 hits throughout the entire map, this can be a great disadvantage for the killer in the case If the survivors are separated by the map or the map does not favor them, here are the suggestions that I would like them to take into account or take inspiration from it to achieve a better solution.

The first would be that the time of the 5 hits in wild Frenzy be reduced to 3 hits in total once which hits 2 survivors in the third attack with frenzy will leave the survivor in a dying state but you will not be able to leave the second survivor in a dying state has received the second hit you will have to return for one of the other 3 survivors that you have left or are on the map in the event that you hit the one that received the second hit, the wild frenzy power will simply be canceled this to better balance it out.This is a new mechanic in terms of how much your addons could be reworked, buffed or nerfed if necessary if they were getting out of hand.

In the second suggestion it is more or less the same, only with a small difference and it is then that you hit the second with savage frenzy you can go for one of the other 3 injured or unharmed survivors in case the first one has removed the state of deep wound this to better balance this new mechanic.

These are the suggestions that occurred to me and I really wanted to share them with you.

Post edited by Dark17Style7 on


  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    Well, Legion would be one of the most benefited killers with the changes to healing. It would be wise to see how those changes affect him before doing any changes to him.

  • Dark17Style7
    Dark17Style7 Member Posts: 17

    Personally, I don't think it benefits him too much, that's why if you play as a survivor against The Legion, you can't heal, you have to keep repairing the wounded, as I said it's very easy when it comes to hurting the survivors but occasionally and difficult to get him out take advantage of his power to be able to knock someone down.