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What do you think happened with the finisher Mori?

Member Posts: 1,230

I remember that they announced a change to the way a Mori works during the 5th anniversary. They announced something like a "Mori rework" or something like that. Then we got nothing.

During the 6th anniversary they announced that they still wanted to change the way a Mori works. We got a preview of that back in end of September I think and we still know nothing about it.

The 7th anniversary will be in June again and they will say the same thing again probably. Thoughts on this? Are they scared to implement this or they still don't know how to properly balance it?

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Basically, the way thewy though would work was that all survivors being unable to do anything (slugged, hooked, being carried etc) would end the game, playing a mori on the final survivor caught. In return, survivors could always revive themselves after ~40s iirc (more like 20s because unbreakable).

    Results were that games were impossible for killers playing legitimately, as they could barely ######### blink before suirvivors would be up, or 30 second games where the killer would deliberately rampage and slug, ending the game in literally less than a minute in a lot of cases.

    Basically, either BHVR is lost on what to do, or have completely scrapped it after the backlash.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    It was never intended to come within the next update. But the fact that nothing has been said since means they're going to do something different. How different is an open question; the hatch changes that became EGC weren't substantially different from what was tested on PTB despite taking nearly a year to get implemented.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    They said they are hard at work at implementing it in the year 7 roadmap additions developer update. Personally i think it would be cool if they added it with the anniversary and make it part of the tome.

  • Member Posts: 336

    what they had previewed in the ptb was poorly thought out. It killed a lot of the fun killers and survivors had together. One of the things both sides tend to like is when the killer carries that last remaining survivor to the hatch. End Game slug races were also killed with it. From what I one (or at least the majority) was happy with it. It also somehow made the Mori itself feel less special and kind of lame. (Though that one is my own personal opinion.)

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    I think it was semi scrapped since the idea was there but it didn't pay off well while yes Unbreakable was going to be base kit the killer could still slug and get the match done in a few minutes.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    It was one of the worst things they ever tried to do.

    Making moris a common occurrence doesn’t make them special or more exciting, it just makes them boring.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    Cypress Memento Mori as base-kit would be a lot better than the finisher mori.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    They realized it was a terrible idea and that everyone hated it. Hopefully we never see it again.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited March 2023

    I don't know why they overcomplicated it. It was suggested before, and since that PTB, that simply making a Yellow Mori basekit would work fine. The final survivor would then be mori-able in every game, giving killers the choice to use it, or score a hook if that's what they needed, or to be able to let survivors go or carry them to the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 239

    Hope it's scrapped. I love carrying last survivor to hatch or watching them go thru the exit door with a few nods.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    All they have to do is making it work when you down the last survivor in the map, not the last survivor standing.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    If only the games fog looked like the fog on that set 😮‍💨

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