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Why not focus on things that matter?

The devs want to nerf things that no one even asked for like billy and hag. Then that awful healing nerf that they are trying to introduce. But ive experience so many bugs this week and i was wondering if anyone else is experiencing these things as well. The merciless storm bug were if you miss a skill check the gen will go down to zero. A freddy went invisible when picking up survivors. Adrenaline wasnt activating end game. My resurgence wasnt making me healed 50%. Seriously what is going on? I think its funny that merciless wasnt kill switched yet. Because if it was the other way around where survivors could instantly do a gen then i would be kill switched.


  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2023

    Game studios are large and have multiple groups within them working on different things

    The balance changes for the most part from a code perspective are pretty simple. Most complex is writing some new code for CoH and gearhead. So it's doubtful that this has detracted from any bugfixing.

    And besides, they actually are doing things that we've asked for for a long time. The bloodweb autospend is great and the autohaven tweaks are very promising as well, and both are probably where most of the actual labor went for this update. The visual terror radius has also been a long time coming.

    It's fine to criticize, merciless really does need to be killswitched, it was before for a relatively benign bug even, but they aren't just only doing things that don't matter.

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    So why havent they kill switch some of these perks that have been bugged for over a week?

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,879
    edited March 2023

    Honestly from a logic stand point the hag change can be either a nerf or buff. It's a complete nerf to basement hag but CAN be a buff to regular hag that sets around hooks because its significantly easier to get away from a hook in the middle of nowhere where disabling the trap would actually cost you time therefore a net positive for you.

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    I mostly play survivor but when i do play killer im a hag main. Hag already is a slow killer and its hard to defend gens on big maps. I usually place my traps at hooks and gens but now that they can just remove my traps at the hook it seems useless. Im thinking about becoming a doctor main after this update.

    SAWII Member Posts: 92

    Freddy has an add on that makes him invisible to awake survivors while he’s carrying someone.

    adrenaline - did the killer have terminus or forced penance? I think legion has an add on that makes you broken too. Did you need to mend, in which case only the deep wound health state was healed?

    resurgence - did the killer have sloppy butcher or scourge hook gift of pain? Or an add on that makes you hemorrhage?

    Merciless Storm is definitely bugged and should be killswitched , but your other examples need more info before they can be classified as such.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,879

    Idk if the proposed nerfs to gen regression are as bad as they are now actually go through it's not like hag is gonna be shifted aside anyway. Cause what happens if those changes go through? Gen stall meta with deadlock, dms etc. Hag is just not built to really be an area denial killer at all and I don't see what buff could make her actually good against decent survivors other than making her 115.

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    So it wasnt me who had adrenaline it was my friend but we werent going against anyone who had terminus because thats pretyy rare for us honestly. It activated for 1 friend and not the other in multiple matches. She just took it off because it wasnt working. For resurgence they couldve had sloppy or something but i didnt know that the perk doesnt activate if a killer has sloppy.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    It's an overall buff for Hag, imo. Everyone can disable traps now, but they can't get rid of them as quickly or easily.

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236
  • Strapper_Marx
    Strapper_Marx Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2023

    Anyone notice a bunch of Exploit Killers lately? Do they ever get Banned? I have Killers zipping all over the Maps flying through the air, invisible, giving hook progression in seconds. I literally just got banned for 15 mins for quitting a game like this 3 mins in because its frickin pointless to play that way. We are on Xbox. If we turn off "Universal" or whatever it's called, and be bound to only other Xbox players, would this stop The Exploit Cheats? I ask because I've heard you cant Exploit on an Xbox but don't know if that is True? Also, does it take much longer to get a game when sticking to console only players? Thanks for any insight in advance.

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    I honestly dont think they are gonna go through with those changes (thank god). I guess for me i just dont like that they get rid of my traps now ☹️

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    They want to swap up the meta. Many have asked for that.

  • Strapper_Marx
    Strapper_Marx Member Posts: 5

    BTW, the Wraith not being able to burn him out of his cloak is dumb. It is useful to do when you have someone playing an Away From The Keyboard, or whatever it's called, as The Wraith is THE FAVORITE of those absent Killers and if I am doing a blind or some other Challenge against one of these absent Killers, then at least I can still complete that by burning him out. You may say it's not fair to complete the challenge like that, to which I say poppycock. It's more unfair to force me to play a game with an absent Killer just looking to get XP cheaply and we've already seen why you can't just quit a game against a cheater ala my other post in this topic. If it wasn't a big usage thing and no big deal, then leave it alone. I should be able to wake up any absent Killer or maybe BHVR should give ZERO XP to any Killer below 1000 points because they obviously weren't playing at all and I just Lost excellent addons and offerings on that BS. How when you have a Killer score Zero or close to it, Survivors should get ALL their items they started with back. It's really annoying to waste a Cake or Bloody Streamers on one of these Absent Killer Games.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    You're right, they should focus on removing the time-limited cosmetics instead.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,568

    The healing nerf matters to me. Medkits needed a good hammering.

  • Strapper_Marx
    Strapper_Marx Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2023

    Every move BHVR has made for the last 2 years, has been made to help Killers. I play both and I am bored playing Killer more often than not and I'm not near the best Killers so what Killers are doing all this complaining to get all these benefits in nerfs etc? I posit if I'm not up against a SWF that are experienced, then i'm taking out 3 atleast and many times all 4 and I am not near the best Killers. No Camping or Tunneling. I can prove it in one afternoon against teams of your choosing of Randoms and then some SWF's. What you are going to have is, 100% Bonuses for Survivors 90% of the day because Survivor are going to start quitting early. I play Killer every day and I'm already seeing quitters as soon as I shoulder them, quit. I hate the small maps, every redo has miniature sized maps now. I like a lot what was done with the Forrest map, but its now way too small. Maybe I am in the minority but any Killer worth his salt should get 3 Kills almost every time he puts in the effort.