Overpowered Killer

darkwalk93 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

Seems to me the most of these killers are becoming way too overpowered to the point where I can't even hide in a box would literally hide in it as soon as they come around and they find me first time? So is it me or that just seems like I'm just losing every match I'm getting into or is there others?


  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2023

    What killers? And what's happening?

    I think you're saying that you're going into a locker and are being found instantly? If you get into a locker quickly it creates a loud noise notification for the killer which directly tells them what locker you got into. If you get in the locker quietly it still makes a sound too.

    Lockers are very niche, most good players use them very rarely.

  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Yeah, we need more information than this.

    It's heavily recommended that you play the game as killer, specifically against a team of perkless bots so you can have a good idea as to WHY you're being found all the time.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,930

    Legion in Frenzy can see you inside a Locker.

  • Dark17Style7
    Dark17Style7 Member Posts: 17

    I would like to help you, but there is not much detailed explanation about which Killers specifically and why they are a lot this could even be due to perks that show the killer's aura

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,162
    edited March 2023

    There are different ways how the killer can tell where you are. In addition to all the posts above I can tell you this:

    There are perks which show in certain situations where you are for a few seconds. If you stay or especially if you go into a locker the killer will find you. For example

    • Lethal Pursuer reveals all survivors in the beginning for 11s.
    • BBQ & Chili reveals all survivors who are further away than 40m from the hooked person for 4s
    • Nowhere To Hide reveals all survivors in a 24m radius around a gen for 5s if you kick it
    • and many more

    There are also perks and Killer Powers which reveal your relative location like Infectious Fright or the Doctor's shock. And some killers can get "Killer Instinct" which is like a heartbeat that works like a radar. And there is also the Crows. If they are scared, they fly away and the killer can spot them, which also let them know where you are.

    You can do something about this though. Against auras Jeff's perk Distortion helps a lot. You are not only hidden from the killer if he uses aura revealing perks like the above mentioned, but you also notice when it happens (which can tell you the perks they use). Crows and screaming based perks can be countered by Calm Spirit from Jake, but I don't recommend it, as it is very niche and only handycapps you in the long run. It is better to get found sometimes, so you can improve.

    There is nothing that helps against Killer Instinct though, so it is recommended to learn which killers use this and when.