DBD is the only game where abusing mechanics is called a playstyle

For better understanding, I have been playing DBD for approx. 3k hours now, mainly solo Q survivor but I also enjoy playing legion/dredge and spirit from time to time. And especially because I've been on both sides, I try to make the game fun for myself while also trying NOT to make it unfun for the other side.

Ever since the last lackluster chapter came out, I have been trying out other games and what I've noticed is, no other game has mechanics that can be abused and be called a playstyle by the people who do abuse it.

For example, I had a game (as solo Q survivor) on ormond against a blight. His first chase was me, I looped him for 2 gens and from the moment he finally downed me the game went downhill because all he has been doing was slugging me/my teammates repeatedly, going back and forth as soon as either of us got picked up. He refused to hook people and it resulted in 3 people dying on the ground (do the math, how long the game has been going on). Unfortunately I don't know what happened to the last of us, but I guess he was left to bleed out as well.

In what world can you call it a "balanced" gameplay or a playstyle and why does the game allow that? And mind you, I know that some killers tend to "punish" survivors by leaving them slugged for BMing or running dead hard or flashlight clicking. But none of us were running meta perks and none of us BMed this poor Blight, so I don't quite understand what his intentions were slugging every single one of us.

For context - this is the builds of me and my teammates. No dead hards, no breakout (wouldn't have made much of a difference that one of my teammates had saboteur because he didn't even pick up anyone to begin with).

If the next patch doesn't scare away a big chunk of solo players, killers like this blight sure will.

Stay safe, be kind


  • Interocitor
    Interocitor Member Posts: 149

    Some people do that continuous slugging to finish the high number knockdown challenges in one match

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    Yep. I do this every time I have the knockdown challenges. I play mostly for challenges and I want to have chases while also getting my challenge done in a match if possible.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I think slugging is still better than being hooked? you can move around unlike in hook.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    That was my first thought too. Like has OP ever come across camping? 🤣 abusing solid walls and doorways to farm kills.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Maybe he versed a toxic SWFs before you, who knows. Us solos need to pay for that sometimes.

    Anyway, i don't think one bad game is worth a forum post. Just move on to the next one and forget about it.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,526

    Looks like you got off on the wrong foot with the Ormond map offering and it escalated.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Post didn’t go the way you thought it would aye?

  • MaudetteClorel
    MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83


  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    When people bring “head on,” it’s not usually for normal gameplay. IMO and experience as killer.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251
    edited March 2023

    He is clearly not talking about abuse of game mechanics, he is talking about abuse of rank.

    the thread starter is devotion 11, so has quite some experience in the game and he's talking about something he doesn't enjoy even if it's at the limit of the game mechanics. it's right and important to say what you don't like in the game.

    most players will agree that playing this way is not fun. now the question arises once again, if nobody is having fun with it, except for a few special individuals. why doesn't the developer change anything? maybe because he doesn't have enough feedback yet to justify changing the game mechanics? without this feedback there will be no change.

    I would like to honestly say thank you for your contribution and would like to encourage you to use the support's well-hidden feedback form to present your legitimate concerns there as well.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 663
    edited March 2023

    You know that people who use those "tactic" gonna say "Skill issues"

    The Blight do that ONLY because the time he got you, two gen are done

    The... excuse of saying "yeah but you are running DH" it's just some justification for playing like that... You can do anithing, playing like the "rulebook of killer" because, yes, one of these exist... If the killer want to do that, he gonna do, he gonna win, and the only thing you can have it, it's only your tears

    People gonna defend the slugging issue, the camping issue, the tunnel issue, EVEN when all her claim's was done by the dev, because something gonna just make her angry

    It's sad, but it's how it work here

    It's one of the most efficient way to win when you play killer

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514
    • noob tubes in MW2
    • AWP in Counter-Strike
    • projectile spam in literally any fighting game
    • Early Void Rays in Starcraft 2

    You need to play more games. People have been abusing things in PvP games for ages.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    DBD is the only game where playing a certain way is called 'abuse'.

    No but slugging isn't against the rules or abusing anything. If a killer doesn't want to hook they always have the option of trying to get all survivors downed at the same time and win that way, assuming no one has a perk that lets them pick themselves up.

    I understand that many survivors don't find those sorts of games fun but it's a legitimate part of the game and by playing DBD you agree to deal with this if it happens.

    Bring No Mither if it's such an issue.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Back before we had MMR I played Michael Myers when I had otherwise mostly lost interest in this game. I played with no addons and bled out 99% of the people I played against for about two years.

    Considering that many of the strongest survivor perks require unhooks you are sometimes better off just leaving everyone on the floor.

    There is nothing in the rules saying : you are not allowed to slug the survivors to death. I know most people didn't enjoy playing against me when I did this but I didn't do it to BM. I was playing the game "my way".

    Also considering that I got very good at bleeding people out I found it was easier to win this way than hooking. The final piece of the puzzle was that during this time you could effectively "smurf" this way and kill all four survivors without ranking up.

    Bleeding out is not an exploit. It's a much more difficult way to end the game actually.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,766

    Agree with the OP. The difference between DbD and other games is that the community will actively defend the unfun elements. Every game has problems, and every game has things that people disagree on whether they are balanced or not, but DbD has lots of 'sure, it's not fun, but that's the game' like the game is some immutable thing that cannot be changed.

    Examples from this thread:

    There is nothing in the rules saying : you are not allowed to slug the survivors to death. I know most people didn't enjoy playing against me when I did this but I didn't do it to BM. I was playing the game "my way".

    If something is unfun, it should be changed.

    I understand that many survivors don't find those sorts of games fun but it's a legitimate part of the game and by playing DBD you agree to deal with this if it happens.

    But why keep it in the game? If many people don't find it fun, why wouldn't you want BHVR to change it?

    Do you think Survivor care about Killers fun when they do all 5 gens under 7 min or when they sent you to trash unbalanced map with sabotoolboxes, anti-slug build and Hook distance spawn offering?

    Why does one make the other okay? Yeah, everything you listed should be changed. 4 survivors who bring BNP, map offerings, and spread out the hook is not fun. Yeah, it's not actually against the rules, but we should want those rules the be changed.

    The main point: no, killers and survivors in game should not care about each other's 'fun'. But if there are game elements that are clearly unfun/unbalanced BHVR should address them.

    Is it possible to make every game that is played fun? No, that's not how any video game works. However, there are few clear elements on both sides that people seem to agree 'yeah, this is awful when the other side does X' that should be addressed.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 424

    My biggest beef with this game and community is how they change the narrative depending on the side.

    If killers stand still in the middle of a 3-gen or the exit gates to avoid losing, that's a strategy. But if a survivor stands still in a far away corner to apply pressure to the killer so they leave said 3-gen, suddenly that's taking the game hostage and the survivors being petty and not playing to win because they didn't throw themselves to the arms of the killer and they should be banned.

    If a survivor gets slugged, that's a strategy, and allowing a survivor that has been slugged for 3 minutes to pick themselves up would be the single most gamebreaking thing this game would have ever concieved because sometimes slugging is unavoidable and therefore it should be allowed with no repercussions. But you can bet your life that if survivors could stunlock a killer to prevent them from moving, all of the sudden players shouldn't be able to restrain other players from moving and that should be bannable and no player should get to the point where they have to stand on a match when they can't do anything to progress their objective.

    It is insane the amount of nonsense I've heard from this community to defend that they're playing like the older brother laughing at his younger brother because they were pretending they were playing but the controller was unplugged and the kid figured out and is now crying because he wants to play. Like the absolutely mindboggling "Real killers don't care about you having a good time. They will rip you apart and enjoy your screams while you ask for mercy." (this isn't word for word what they said to me, but it was something along the lines) which is straight up talking like a psychopath.

    Even League Of Legends, which is my favourite example of terrible game design, doesn't allow you to be supressed permanently. People sitting at the fountain can still fight back, and they have a massive health regen to prevent the other team to just bullying the team from afar. Any supression in the game is limited in time, and abusive strategies like splitpushing keep getting nerfed when they become unbearable to handle while still being an option to provide pressure as the losing side.

    Yet this game and this community can't seem to understand the difference between "Slugging is okay if you see someone trying to perform a flashlight save" and "Slugging for the 4k or slugging to win by default shouldn't be a thing" and immediately default to "BUT MUH WINRATE???? MUH POWER ROLE????".

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I find slugging more fun than hooks and it prevents survivors from suicide. More chases for everyone and I don't have to bother with wasting time on a carry. Bleedouts are the pure result of bad altruism and repeat failures.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,687

    The video game functioning as intended is not abuse. You may not enjoy it, but it is valid. There are many things in this game that are unfun for one side but are still valid, because this is a competitive game where both sides are trying to win and therefore must impede the other side to make them lose.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 424

    But survivors hide to force the killer to find them and push them away from a 3-gen and suddenly the game functioning as intended is abuse and they should be banned.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,687

    Both sides scream accusations of abuse at each other all the time. Your bias is showing, and it's extreme.

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178

    It's just bad design. One of the main things about designing for multiplayer games is planning how your players will use or abuse a mechanic.

    This isn't the fault of the players at all, it all comes down to design. Players will always try to game the system.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,504

    Should not be survivors want to pip too or at least get safety pip but when there is blight doing that stragedy that is not possible. He hooked last of us when two dc:t I quess got bored.

  • ironblade
    ironblade Member Posts: 270

    Abusive play style? Since when is DbD domestic violence?

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607
    edited March 2023

    I agree. The bleed out timer should be 90% faster so as to prevent survivors from having to wait to die. I get the feeling the actual desire here is basically "make it impossible to kill me this way

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,807

    I was expecting some rant about window tech, 360, huh tech, ...

    Not about playing the game.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 424

    See, that was exactly my point. The moment someone so much as points out that, for example, 3-gen "strats" are disfavorable to survivors because they are the ones that can be banned for it even though they are not the ones making them, suddenly that's not bad game design, nor are survivors following a strategy. Suddenly I'm extremely biased and that is not how the game should work.

    And just like that, all criticism to the game's mechanics are thrown out the window and the game remains in a constant "it is what it is". Because why make the game enjoyable at all points and then rebalance everything else around this when you can just throw "Well, you're biased." and have it be a misserable experience.

    I cannot stand how stubborn and shortsighted this community is.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,687

    The moment someone so much as points out that, for example, 3-gen "strats" are disfavorable to survivors because they are the ones that can be banned for it even though they are not the ones making them, suddenly that's not bad game design, nor are survivors following a strategy.

    I have no idea what you're talking about.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 619

    Alright listen,

    If you're playing in higher MMR matches, a good killer will not and should not have a problem multi-slugging to create pressure, just like good survivors should not take issue in finishing gens as fast as possible. Killers are not there to be your buddy, they are there to make you die. Survivors are not there to play grabass and chum around with the killer like it's some kind of stupid cartoon, they are supposed to try to get the hell away before they get ######### up and murdered by the monstrous shade of a psychopath/unfortunate soul turned monster/straight up monster, conjured up by an utterly evil, hope-sucking, interdimensional entity.

    All this fingerpointing talking about "they didn't play nice" is just about as dumb as dumb can be (all things considered).

    If you're looking for kindness as far as gameplay goes, you're playing the wrong game.

  • Eizen
    Eizen Member Posts: 1

    Welcome to a multiplayer game.

    As many have said killers are not your friend.

    [ I'm a survivor main myself and dabble in Legion pig and trickster]

    I have been where you are slugged camped and more but at the end of the day slugging is a tactic just as camping can be, will it suck? Yes. [ Sometimes you just gotta get that kill or force them to try and save just how it be ]

    A realisation I have come to is the killer is not responsible for my fun or yours, same goes for us to killers.

    Here's some advice I learner long ago

    Killing everyone and getting out alive is not the only way to have fun or feel like you did well.

    Do challenges ( sometimes it takes multiple tries ) the tome is there for a reason

    Try new perk combos makes for some interesting learning

    Getting a pip regardless on the outcome.

    Killers job is to kill ours is to survive loop or die.

    Some games are rough some are good.

    If you can't get over being slugged, camped or tunneled then you will never have fun. When this is happening use this time to improve your looping skill / mind games.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,766

    But you can bet your life that if survivors could stunlock a killer to prevent them from moving, all of the sudden players shouldn't be able to restrain other players from moving and that should be bannable and no player should get to the point where they have to stand on a match when they can't do anything to progress their objective.

    Agree with this 100%. If BHVR doesn't want to change mechanics, I wish they'd just let everything go. You can slug and camp, but survivors can hide for 60 minutes if they want. Bring back the bugs that allowed survivors to stick killers in the air or out of the map. No one is responsible for anyone else's fun.