Ruin, Undying, BBQ, Tinkerer and Pop was the most chase-oriented meta

leowt Member Posts: 45

Ruin & Undying:

  1. Having to traverse the map to find and cleanse the hex totems acts as a secondary objective and is a slowdown in and of itself
  2. In the process of running around to find the totems, there is a higher chance that survivors run into the killer, and that the survivors are out of position
  3. Ruin only gets value if killers go away from hooked survivors, giving them an incentive to not camp and rewarding them for chasing survivors
  4. Survivors usually sacrificed a perk slot for totem-finding perks which could've been used for a meta perk


  1. Back when it had stacks, there was a bloodpoint incentive to hook multiple survivors
  2. Because it was used for bloodpoints and was present in almost every game, the killer can capitalize on the information it provided and chase other survivors, instead of aimlessly and inefficiently patrolling gens only to return back to the hook if no one is found


  1. It rewarded killers for not only committing to and ending chases, but also investing time into hooking the survivor
  2. It encouraged killers to leave the hook to get value out of the
  3. As a survivor going up against old Pop, the regression it granted felt earned, more so than many of the gen regression perks that emerged to take its place


  1. It was a great information perk
  2. It was fun to get jump-scared
  3. It encourages killers to chase the survivor off the gen
  4. It helps killers get a free hit on unsuspecting survivors that are out of position

While it was by no means perfect, that era was the most chase-oriented and healthiest killer meta that we've had.

If the devs decide to bring it back, I really wouldn't have any qualms about it. The only thing is to have tinkerer proc once per gen, and to make sure survivors don't spawn right at the totems.
