I realized something

When 1 survivor die. If 3 remaining being injured.
Dwight being chase for 50sec. Meg and Clau spend 50sec to heal.
Dwight down and hooked. Meg go to unhook and heal for 24sec. Clau being chase.
16sec already create this loops. 24sec makes it totally impossible for Gen to progress.
Gen/Healing time being short makes the game goes so fast, but being long makes it impossible for remaining survivors to escape if at least 1 of their teammate dies. So I have this in my mind:
4 survivors should not be so strong, and 3 survivors should not be so weak.
I really think the number should be nerfed more for 4 survivors, but buffing up the more survivors die. It will not stop Killers tunneling, but it will make tunneling less meaning.
Honestly? having a survivor die mid game itself is a "problem" if we think about it.
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Yup, tunneling gets a gigabuff it doesn't need with the heal speed nerf.
The medkit change is fine, circle could have had reduced self heal speed imo, but even with both of the proposed changes as-is it would've been enough.
The heal speed going to 24 seconds destroys large parts of the game. One of those is solo q, and for this exact reason.
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If the killer was tunnelling, how are you all injured?
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Yeah, this is certainly not a situation of tunneling, but more like a match with decent amount of skill gap.
If 3 players are injured and one died, and there is lot of generators to the point healing will be better option, that is basically already losing game.
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And people really think that a forever healing meta’s gonna be more fun than what we had before lmao.
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I didnt say killer tunnel in the example? And even if they tunnel, there would be teammates trying to tank a hit for the tunneled
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You're not wrong, but DBD already had this issue.
Mathematically, it wasn't problematic, but psychologically... Hatch gave most players enough reason to enact the prisoner's dilemma.
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Sorry. Your last line about tunnelling made me think your post was referring to tunnelling. My bad.
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Tunneling is worse in the next update
If you tunnel one survivor the others aren't getting injured and the regression perks are worse so it's harder to defend the last gens when the killer has tunneled someone out.
The only way tunneling is better is if there are a lot of gens left after someone is dead but that's on the survivors. If the killer is able to focus one survivor down and not lose 3 gens in the process then survivors messed up
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I mean at that point the killer already has a kill and 3 people injured, it should be hard to bounce back after that.
You still being able to heal up and do gens in that situation is why this change is good. Now you have to choose
It also ignores perks Botany shaves of 8 seconds of that heal,
COH not only shaves of 16 seconds but let the Claud and Dwight coordinate where to heal even if in solo
Autodictate will also be a lot better seeing how not only will you have more time to get stacks but it is % based so the bonus is better then with 16 second heals.
There are a lot of good healing options that in the past weren't usefull cause of how strong healing was basekit
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Oh my god can we please stop with this crap? It's not even out yet for you to even TEST. Maybe it is total overkill maybe it's just what the game needs, either way NONE OF YOU KNOW RIGHT NOW so stop acting like the dang sky is falling because I promise it's not. Good grief this forum community sometimes...
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i mean... if you look at the numbers, it's a pretty glaring issue.
you don't really need to playtest when you can do simple addition.
Edit: Also, there is literally no harm in someone pointing out a potential problem. Whether the community's concerns mainfest in game, or remain theoretical, these posts serve as a way for the developers to see what players are most concerned about.
Player A might be upset that healing time has gone up, because that's one more boring m1 task they need to devote time to.
Player B might be upset that longer healing times means less objective progression which means they're less likely to escape.
Player C might be upset that Plague gets the short end of the stick from all of these changes.
And Player D might be upset that killer is going to be too easy now.
Without these posts, we simply would not know what the community is thinking.
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You dont need to test to see Gen rush will be the obvious thing to do in the next update.
2 survivors healing each other cost 1 Gen.
2 survivors healing each other cost 1 hook state.
There is nothing Survivor 'should' do except Gen.
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Gen rush is always an only thing to do tbh.
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when i read all this here, i lose interest in dbd today, even before the update.
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4 survivors should not be so strong, and 3 survivors should not be so weak.
One of the cruxs of the game is that 4 survivors = stronger than killer, but 3 survivors = weaker than killer. There is no 'even' playing field.
I think that is a necessary element of the game. If losing a survivor wasn't such a blow it wouldn't create the same teamwork incentive for survivors to protect the weakest member.
Once the survivors are knocked down to 3 they should be in gen rush mode (if they weren't already). Unless the game is a stomp, by that point there should be 1 to 2 gens left and they should focus on those. Even with the current setup, healing with 3 survivors is a waste unless
A) someone has healing perks to really speed up the time
B) the person being healed is great at loops and is going to take the killer on a long chase
C) the team is in full reset mode where gens have no progress and they are grouped up away from gens healing
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You know what would be kinda cool, if healing time scaled based on the number of survivors left in the match. Something like:
4 survivors = 24 sec
3 survivors = 16 sec
2 or less = 8 sec
It would be the best of both worlds, rewards the killer for spreading pressure, and at the same time punishes them a little bit each time they eliminate someone.
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Why do people just completely forget perks that help healing speeds?
You know perks get nerfed so other perks can shine. Now healing gets nerfed so maybe its time to start using perks that help healing?
Stop using the same 4-5 perks and try something new once in a while.
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and as a soloQ player, how should i know what perks my fellow players have and whether it makes sense to let me heal? With crossplayer you can't even talk in the prelobby chat about your build
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I play soloQ too and hopefully with time survivors will smarten up to put at least 1 perk to help healing. You don't need 4 perks to help healing 1 will be enough.
SoloQ isnt as bad as people make it to be. Sure you'll get bad eggs there sometimes, but if your MMR is at least midrange survivors know what to do and wont hide in corners and self care against slobby, and have decent perks to counter killers.
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Its up to how much job a killer gives to survivor. A hit giving a healing, a hook giving a unhook and a healing, a chase giving one to be chased...
If there is no other things to do, they will do Gen, certainly. Thing is other things take shorter time to complete than a Gen, which encourage them to do anything other than Gen.
Im talking about what Devs should do is to nerf the strength of 4 survivors, while buffing 3 survivors.
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i agree. survivors shouldn't be allowed to die. they should be forced to respawn until they escape.
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I mean tbh even now with an early death the game is generally going to be a wash for survivors, so that hasn’t really changed. After the update I personally would not prioritize gens with 3 survivors left unless there were only like 2 gens remaining. 3 remaining is incredibly risky but some might pull it off. And people saying survivors should use those weak alternative healing perks (Botany Knowledge, Autodidact, etc) are obviously misdirecting. Survivors should run perks that decrease Gen completion time because pushing gens is still going to be more efficient than trying to coordinate altruistic healing. Also more survivors are going to play for hatch so they’re not even gonna try to heal one another, as they become adversaries in a way.
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Yes, thats what I mean, for most actions: Gen, Heal, Totem.. (except the Gate).
I think Devs acknowledged that 4 survivors are too strong and they want to nerf them by forcing survivors to use 4 perk slots for Healing. But at the same time 3 survivors play with 9 perks instead (because forcing 1 perk for Healing) which even weaker than before.
There must be a strength scale for survivors. It would make tunneling far less meaning and not punish fair play killers.
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If you bring the absolute cases that an early death game, which is already lose to survviors, yes. Or some 3 remaining who are extremely good might pull it off, yes.
But there are alot of gray between those. 2 Healings adding 16sec for each survivors. That is a huge game changing in late game where a chased survivor just down and other 2 either power the Gate or still on the last Gen.
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I just don’t think you’ll see more survivors making it to gates with these healing nerfs. They’re struggling with it now, at least in solo queue.
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I don't think this will be such an issue. Ideally, the devs could buff survivors just in general for every survivor that is dead in the future. I think that would very much benefit the game's balance a lot.
But as of now, you have to keep in mind that gen regression perks, which would also heavily effect a team of 3 survivors, are getting nerfed heavily as well as compensation. So I don't think this will change much. A 3 vs 1, unless there is 1 gen left, will still be almost impossible to win.