General Discussions

General Discussions

lets discuss what are the reasons veteran players leave dbd and is there a way to retain them?

be it mmr/unfair perks/game issues etc. what are your thoughts?

I feel it is important to retain those veteran players because with backfill lobbies/mmr those high end groups will be placed with mid mmr killers who are not going to be able to handle them. i also don't want default survivors learning how to throw pallets to be fed to a 4 slowdown nurse main.

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  • Member Posts: 542
  • Member Posts: 911

    You just kind of run out of things to do after a while. I started playing a lot less after I got all the perks unlocked when 6.1.0 dropped. Plus there are a lot of other games I want to play and study, DbD is fun but not "spend my life playing it" fun.

    You can go on winstreaks or try to master different killers, but playing this game sweaty all the time is not very fun. Sweaty matches are awesome now and again, but not when it's every single game.

    There's also getting P100, but that's mostly just a time sink.

    There's the archive challenges, but they can usually all be finished in a single play session.

    So there is very little late game content, and not much motivation to get better at the game.

    Something like "Mastery Challenges" where you can unlock special Archive-esque challenges for having high prestige on a character, and completing them unlocks a special cosmetic. So you could grind out P100 Full Mastery on your favorite characters, and get some drip to show off for it too.

  • Member Posts: 542

    the only long term goals is getting every character to p100 and finishing the lores...what would change if you could see your mmr though?

  • Member Posts: 542

    mastery challenges would be nice...they could copy something like injustice 2 legendary quests for each character and make it a fun idea

  • Member Posts: 21,146

    That's my point. There's no long-term goals.

    I'd play more if I could see my MMR.

  • Member Posts: 542

    just curious why would you play more? to see how you fare against higher level players? and yeah it is sad that there are really no long term goals in this game

  • Member Posts: 21,146

    I'd just compare myself to streamers and comp players.

    See how high I can push it

  • Member Posts: 542
  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2023

    Fix? No. Better? Somewhat. It's at least moving in the right direction.

    Nothings being done in the new patch to address the last point though. They just need to let people see their own mmr's, it's an easy fix. MMR/Rank rewards would be a nice bonus touch.

    Honestly the grade system being shown but not for matchmaking is just confusing for new players and realistically serves no practical purpose. They should attach mmr to grades. IE something like a 1400 MMR makes you a "green" grade, so the grades represent the MMR.

  • Member Posts: 542
  • Member Posts: 542

    that would be an awesome idea to show off your improvements as you rise up the ranks

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Exactly! People want to be able to visually see their improvement in the form of mmr/ranks, this game is missing that though.

  • Member Posts: 1,374
    edited March 2023

    The playtime I have accrued has certainly played a part in my decision to stop playing DBD from oversaturation, but I also think part of it has to do with the overarching Killer gameplay loop of just Chase->Hook being very... uninteresting in effect. There is no spectacle when doing your objective, unless you take joy in the screams of others.

    There is a challenge, for sure. But no spectacle like the blaring of the Exit Gates. (Keep in mind I do despise the lack of interactivity of the auto-mori that was presented a while back, with it also being conditional on having a complete victory over 4 other players)

  • Member Posts: 6,289

    Pulsar words it like that most likely to save the thread from being shifted in over to the Feedback part of the forum, where vastly fewer people partake, and also to encourage debate as opposed to just sounding off without discussion.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    It's hard not to lose interest when you can see the game experience getting worse and worse over time.

  • Member Posts: 8,589

    I don't play nearly as much as I used to because there's nothing to really play for if you're not interested in mindless grinds. There's no skill based ladder or anything. You can only hit rank 1 so many times before it loses any meaning. And BP/Rifts don't matter when you have every perk on every character. The fun of the game is in the competition for me, and it doesn't consistently deliver that, especially on killer. Matches are often too easy. And the difficulty on survivor feels completely contrived via matchmaking, not because of opponent skill.

  • Member Posts: 654

    Remove the micro-transactions that reeks of FOMO, it's not that hard.

  • Member Posts: 329

    a matchmaking that works and stays in it would be nice, reducing the gap between solo q and swf and not making the gap so big again as with the upcoming patch, that you can only play swf

    until then im waiting for CS2 and staying there, I have 9k hrs and love dbd but everything that has been done is unbearable plus what bhvr wants to do it is over for me...ggs

  • Member Posts: 2,251
    • Burnout. So much fun to be had stomping groups of toxics (people trying to make you miserable, not just tagging, not just clicky clicky, not just slugging, etc) before you just get tired.
    • Seemingly random rebalancing. Fair things get buffed or nerfed for little reason in our eyes.

    These are our main reasons why we don't play as much as we used too.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    I'm going to say burnout

    Also the fact that this game is too grindy... which leads to burnout

    Learning the new Killer and perks... but that wears off quickly (be it cause the Killer isn't fun or perks aren't what we expected)

    Chasing and Hooking being the primary goals for Killer and Completing 5 Gens and opening the exit gates and escaping being the primary goals for Survivors and not changing it makes burnout even quicker for some

    Seeing the same perks being used match after match... burnout

    Not seeing where you stack up against the rest is like running on a treadmill... burnout

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    As someone experiencing this right now this is for the most part right but the game is just in a bad place in its current state and a lot needs to be done to fix that, the whole where you stack up part I disagree with because once you go to games that actually take skill this is a joke listening to people talk competitive, they think they're better at holding a button than someone else and running in circles, the skill is pretty much non existent unless you purposely stack the odds against yourself or meme and that's for both sides really, it's either genrush or die and as killer either run a mid to top tier killer and stomp everyone with an op build or run a low tier killer with a meme build and get rolled part of the time and I say part of the time because half the games survivors are bots and they do stuff to get themselves killed faster.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    yes some of us just stay naturally

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    Coming from personal experience:

    • Static, and end game is rather unappealing and unfruitful (charms don’t feel valuable enough to be a reward).
    • Again: Static. The base game hasn’t changed a whole lot despite the games large lifespan, but this is more of a personal complaint.
    • Rift feels like a chore to do. Doing one at a time feels exhausting, leaving the menu feels like an unnecessary journey. I don’t see why it shouldn’t just be auto-claimed
    • A battle pass (something you have to pay for) feels like a band aid fix to an issue far deeper: the rewards for progression feel lackluster.
    • Not enough content mechanically to keep the game fresh, especially since Killer popularity dies after the month or so of their launch. And we’re then left with the same slate for the next 2-5 months or so until the release of another chapter.
    • No new game modes. Half of the time the event content is grab a rift and do a mini game or, just don’t die.
    • Events don’t feel meaningful.
    • Lack of characterization in survivors if at all. There’s nothing really fun going on between them, Renato and Lyra are a step on the right direction.
  • Member Posts: 3,259

    You brought up how if you're not seeing how you stack up against rest then it's like running on a treadmill, and I was just pointing out this whole game is like running on a treadmill because there is very little skill involved in this game once you figured it out and when you play a real game that actually takes skill this one seems like a joke to have people acting like it's even up to par to be really competitive, and in that sense this whole game is just like repeating the same level over and over again once you're broke in and used to it

  • Member Posts: 1,713


    The longer you play, the more expectations you have for the direction the game should move in. When those expectations are not met, the game slowly loses its appeal.

    When I got into DBD I was not a fan of the horror genre--neither in games nor in cinematography. I enjoyed the game because of it's core gameplay loop. As a result, I'm more interested in seeing improvements to gameplay than licensed DLC.

    Since the release of Pyramid Head, I've been disappointed in just about every update they've released. The game isn't moving in the direction I would like, so I've lost interest in it.

    I can't deny the impact the game has had on me, though. Since I got into DBD, I've seen Halloween, TCM, Nightmare on Elm St., Saw, Silent Hill, Pinhead, Friday the 13th, and I've played RE Village.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    Sorry... I did bring that up...

    Talking about skill... yes there isn't much that one player can do to express it... and reaching Iri 1 "isn't that hard"

    Perks and Maps have something to do with it IMO

    So what if they did make a Perkless mode... would it work or no???

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I would rather see new game modes and new ways to kill and escape, not the same old hold m1 for the whole match, but something more interactive that brings life back into it , or even have the 2v8 people were asking for, forge mode to build maps and then have the community submit to be ranked by the rest of the community on a dev stream that the winner each month has their map added to the pub rotation and then once there's enough winners you could have a community choice rotation, etc.. there are plenty of ways they could revitalize this game and they're instead choosing to make it boring hoping we switch to get on their new game meet your maker

  • Member Posts: 542

    because i encourage discussion otherwise its off to the feedback and suggestion forum even when the topic isn't feedback or suggestion (case in point i asked why 2010 freddy was in the game because of his lore being so disgusting and it was sent as feedback when i wanted the communities opinions on the topic)

  • Member Posts: 21,146

    I won a couple of games, I didn't win the tournaments or anything

  • Member Posts: 542

    does it help playing a variety of killers? i feel that stops some of the staleness

  • Member Posts: 1,374
    edited March 2023

    It does, for a bit, learning how they work, and experimenting with Perks on them (assuming I have the Perks with which to experiment with, otherwise I get to play the ever exciting game of: "Watch the Bloodweb!" ... sarcasm... )

    (Plz BHVR, make Perks unlockable via a Perk related Challenge on the Killer, have gameplay lead directly to gameplay progression instead of gameplay lead to UI drudgery leading to gameplay progression).

    Then I realize that now it's back to the same loop of "Hook Survivor till dead, repeat until match end or they escape".

    It's not that it's stale... More that it's monotonous? There isn't much buildup for any payoff when playing as Killer. It's why I play Executioner. Leaving Survivors Tormented and not using the cages means that once they're down the third time, I can perform a flourish, something different than just Hooking them. And it's something I need to work towards as well, since Survivors can only be Tormented by my own input (not only that, but placing a Trail of Torment is more distinct from a Chase), so it's not always a guaranteed event.


    It'd be really nice if there was some kind of state change in the Trial when you get all 4 Survivors Hooked once, so it acts as a kind of Secondary Objective: You can focus on Killing all the Survivors, but something else will occur once you Hook all 4 at least once that may be a better, or simply a different option, than just tunneling this Injured guy off Hook)

  • Member Posts: 542

    still you got to compete against higher levels which is good

  • Member Posts: 542

    you can also use different addon layouts to spice it up like wall of hagatha or matchstick nurse or silent sniper doc

  • Member Posts: 21,146
  • Member Posts: 1,607

    When you have thousands of hours, you learn about the game deeply. You learn its mechanics, and everything about it. Possibly as well as the devs do. At that point you can see the imbalances. And then you see the devs basically vocally saying they don't believe that/will never ever ever change it. So, then you just leave since the devs are clearly not going to fix things, and you have enough hours to see this stuff.

    I very much felt that way during the ol' "Hockey Analogy" stream

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