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Show skill rating
I say it again and again Please show the player's skill rating.
I would also like to see my skill and be confused why someone low ranked like myself (presumably) is matched against SWF sweat squads every day.
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Can I ask why?
I've never really seen a good argument for it beyond a general curiosity or explicit desire to be mad at perceived mismatches, neither of which are really compelling. However, that doesn't mean no such arguments exist!
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Are you really against letting people see their own skill level in game?
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When it's not actually a "skill" level but more an "average kill/escape rate" and whose purpose is purely to serve matchmaking for the purpose of a fair chance of killing/escaping, and not actually evaluate skill... yes.
It's hidden to prevent players gaming the system. Because increasing your MMR isn't a goal or a trophy to strive for.
It's also hidden because no matchmaking system is infallible and mismatches are inevitable due to player numbers, peak/off peak fluctuations, and backfilling, and showing it would just cause a load of unnecessary, uninformed, and unwarranted complaints.
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There is good reasons to show not only to us, but in lobbies before the game the MMR of players.
Seeing your MMR could help you understand how good are you in the game and to do things to improve based on it. If you get your MMR to go up, then you are doing well. If it is going down, you are doing something wrong. If you can't rise it more, it is time to really learn the ropes and see where you are failing. And as you said, maybe you don't really mind how much is it, but want to simply know.
If it is shown in the lobbies, it can help have an idea of what to expect from your partners / rivals and prepare for it. It's not the same to confront 4 low MMR than a team with 3 high ranked survivors. If the killer your going against have high MMR, you can expect him to be hard to loop. If one of your survivors have low MMR, you know you can't expect him to do some advanced things like coordinate to do an unhook.
In short, it is an useful information to have that can help you get better and / or know what you can expect in a match. In fact, DbD is one of the few games with ranking systems I can think of that doesn't show you and your rivals ranking and I don't really know why.
Post edited by Batusalen on2 -
Most games don't show you the inner workings of their matchmaker, is the thing, so it's not that I'm against something expected, I just don't see a reason to do something *un*expected, if that makes sense.
I suppose, though I think in practice that's going to result in a lot less preparation and a lot more 'leave lobby'. There is some limited application in preparing for a tough match, but in general your matches shouldn't have enough variance in your opponent's skill for that to matter all that much, I feel.
It's funny you say DBD is the only game you can think of that doesn't show you your matchmaker number, because I can't think of any game that does. Usually that's the domain of ranked mode ladders, regular matchmaking systems don't really show you that kind of data.
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"Ranked mode" ratings are usually what the matchmaking system uses to match you against others when playing ranked matches. So yeah, it is showed to you. Other thing is that what it is showed to you and what the matchmaking system really uses isn't exactly the same, or that the system take more things in count unknown to you. But any PvP competitive game I can think of in many genres (Overwatch, MTG Arena, Tekken, etc.) shows your current "rank". That rank in DbD right now would be MMR.
And the funny thing with "lobby dodging" is that it already happens by something that should not only not be important, but doesn't means anything more that you play the game a lot: The prestige level. So, if the problems would be the same, why not show the MMR instead of or at the same time?
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Well, yes, but the number used for your Quick Play matches in those games is also MMR. It's the same system, just with slightly different parameters for the ranked mode- alongside ranked mode also having more game restrictions to enforce more competitive and 'serious' play. DBD doesn't have a ranked mode, it has a regular queue, and that's not the kind of queue that typically shows your matchmaking numbers.
And while I agree with you in broad strokes, I don't think "this bad thing happens already sometimes so it happening more is fine" is really a great direction to go in. People shouldn't lobby dodge based on prestige, partially because it isn't a reliable indicator of anything but mostly because lobby dodging is bad for the matchmaking system.
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Sorry, but you are wrong. Usually, the only difference between what you call "Quick Play" and "Ranked" in matchmaking terms is that in "Quick play" you are simply matched against any player that also want to play, and in "ranked" you are matched against others players taking in count the "ranking" system that developers have come up with (some uses their own system, like DbD, others uses their own implementation of established ranking systems like ELO, etc.).
DbD, by own definition, only has a "Ranked" mode as even if we don't know what our rating is, the matchmaking system uses our MMR to match us with others with a similar rating. Not only that, but depending of how good we do in the match we will lose or win MMR. So, it can't be more literally a ranked queue. The only difference with the ranked mode in other games is that, again, we don't really know what is our ranking.
And I didn't say lobby dodging would happen more, I said it would keep happening regardless. I don't think it really happens so frequently to be that of a problem to begin with, and I don't think it will be worst with MMR being shown.
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I just want to know my level. I think a lot of people want to improve on this game. I've played this game for 9000 hours, am I a good player? It doesn't show skill rating anyone knows.
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yes please
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It promotes honesty. I have had many bad experiences where game companies hide things because they change things without telling us.
We would know that the devs are not doing something sneaky like "zapping" fog whisperer accounts with low MMR so they get easy games to make the game look good. I know some companies that have done far worse.
The fact that they keep MMR hidden only reinforces that they have something to hide.
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Only you know your own skill level, but many people fall prey to Dunning-Kruger.
When we get a skill based system, I too would like to know my number. The problem is we have a kill/escape based system.
When I 2-hook tango as Killer since the Survivors brought BPS, I get punished for giving them each the 7k (boosted to 14k) Survival BP. When my teammates leave me to die on first hook from a Killer that isn't even camping, I get punished. Heck, even when a killer facecamps me from the start, I get punished. If I hook trade in endgame, I get punished.
As long as we have a jank and inaccurate system, you won't have an accurate number. Even then, they have said multiple times they prioritize replacement slots over MMR accuracy. So even if you get an 'accurate' match, if someone backs out it throws that into whack.
If you really want to know how good you've been doing, keep track. Open up notepad or write on a sticky note and track did you win or lose, kill or escape (through gate, remember hatch is a tie). If your kill rate is above 60%, you are doing good. If your escape rate is above 40%, you are doing good. (Since those are the numbers they balance around.) You know if you won or not, the escape/kill doesn't always track that. I know I won if I got the clean snipe as Huntress, or ran the Bubba until I got out or he facecamped me as his only kill. The game doesn't track that. So you need to.
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Everybody have an MMR. We are rated and matched against other taking in count our MMR. We want to know our MMR, and I'm pretty sure OP was refering to it too.
Whatever you think your MMR represents or not your "real and current skill" because you made a Bubba drop it's game to make sure you lose yours, it's on you.
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I do think matchmaking numbers should be shared in a ranked queue, but not when you aren't expressly signing up for it. Since we don't have 2 queues, ranked and unranked, I think it is a bad idea to show them. Maybe if only you could see your own #, but outside sites don't have access to it (like how currently we have stats available for different killers and main gen completion+escapes).
I think the notepad method is still the best, as you can clearly discount games that shouldn't have counted by your own rules/mindset.
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Who talked about "showing it in outside sites against your will"? They should be shown in game. Also, all the sites of stats we have right now are based on user input, as there is no API to access official data. So, it won't be shown against your will as we won't have those stats right now if it wasn't for willing people uploading them.
Don't having an "unranked" queue have nothing to do with it. In fact, many games also shows your ranked rating in those unraked modes.
And again, you do you. I and many people want to know their actual MMR as that is how the game evaluate us. Having it shown won't prevent you from keep opening your notepad and keep your own record.
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No I mean people will use those sites to look up people in their lobby, and back out saying "oh you are bad I'm out". The DBDstats sourcecode was still available last I was aware, just no site is utilizing it (that I know of). People already do that looking up in Riot's games, (League and Valorant) and I abandoned that sinking ship long ago. I don't want this game to take the bad of any other game.
Again I am fine with personal stats being available, just as long as it requires you to be logged-in to the game to check, and no one else is made aware of your stats.
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You make less sense with every post. Even if someone would still use DBDstats (which isn't used and there is nothing like it as AFAIK the anticheat of the game would detect it and ban you, as it literally works as any hack by reading the memory of the game) you still need to be the one using it, so it shows your stats in app or upload it to some page.
Other games that have full stat pages with usernames included is because the game has an official API from where to get this data, or people have "hacked" the official API used to access the official stats servers and used it to create a database with all that info. It didn't happened with DbD because DbD don't have any kind of API, public or "private but exposed", for people to use or hack. That's why every DbD stats page works by volunteer user input, like that uses image recognition to read your match results screenshots to build it's database.
Either way, no body is talking about having available any stat outside of the game, or for BHVR to do an API to being able to access that data outside of the game, or for even show any stat in game that isn't your MMR (even if it would be nice).
People want to see their MMR in game as I and my rivals can see that I have the "Mighty Ruler" rank in Tekken 7 or are "Silver" rank in Overwatch. Nothing more, nothing else.
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If someone dodge because of prestige, it only means they are miss something, because with my solo q and killer experience, 100p survivors mostly are baby ones, and prestiges around 9 more common to play better.
In this game MMR means nothing and there’s no need to see it. KnightLight is doing addonless & perkless Nurse streak rn and once had an EGS gamer who said him his MMR, obviously lobby with him was the highest MMR possible. But now if you will go and see at those survivors, you will think 2 things: they are lower MMR than KL but got in lobby with him somehow OR high MMR survs are not really know how to play the game.
The only things you can relate to understand if your mates are decent are their character, hours and skins. But it’s not 100% of course. But still MMR =/= skill.
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Yeah I wonder does it even exist I do win more than half my games as killer though so that do increase it probably. But as survivor I keep dying and face even sweatier and sweatier killers...
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I don't see how I'm making less sense. When DBDstats was up, you could see information that wasn't even visible ingame, such as how many times you qualified for main building gen and escape achievements, Huntress snipes, and more. That means an open steam profile allows for more information than is visible to the players. I am unsure how they would show MMR without this also being visible online.
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I thought they data mined this a while ago and found that theirs like a soft cap that most "decent" players can reach. Cause when they had a number that could go higher than the majority of players, it took like literal hours to find suitable matches for people. Isn't it safe to assume that most people that could consistently get to iri ranks in the old system are probably around the the soft cap? Like, its basically the old system hiding behind the title MMR.
I could be very wrong, I just always heard that was the case. So if we could see ranks, a lot of us would be maxed out and it would be kind of pointless. If that isn't true though and theirs enough diversity, I suppose it would be good to see it.
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It's so weird like I see some popular streamers play and as I watch I look at how baby like these survivor players are. Odd since these streamers are good Killers and have thousands of hours.
Yet I'm a regular joe and the survivors I who I play against are sweaty af swf's.
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It's funny how that works isn't it?
The other side of the honesty issue is that we can't see if the system works. We have to trust that their system works exactly as advertised. In the history of this game there are a lot of things that do not work and have been fixed because players could see something was broken.
Overall MMR is a failed experiment that makes the game feel worse for the better players.