A letter to BHVR, change for the sake of change is exhausting your player-base
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Sounds like change is only bad when it's nerfing your side.
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People have been asking for behavior to do more changes to shake up the meta
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Players: The game is getting stale and boring.
BHVR: Changes stuff.
Players: No, not like that!
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Nah, CoB and OC totally needed nerfing, stacking them together to camp 3-gens was awful.
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Yesterday? It has been DH for 5 years.
Stack them together to get 150% regression at max vs. 300% regression at max... Sure. No difference.
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DH has not been an issue since they nerfed it
I find that a little hard to believe, but okay, believe what you want.
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This entire post is poetry. Nerfing stuff because it’s popular is not a good reason. At this point I’m not convinced that decisions aren’t being made just to troll their playerbase and see how long they can piss people off and still keep them playing the game.
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The fact that DH is your fav perk is so telling lmao
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They're probably a survivor main.
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For real, this community is becoming something else...
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Exhausting player base???? These are the most refreshing changes in a long age.
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"I suck at using DH and so it shouldn't be nerfed"
I use DH every game, and I run into it every game I play killer. It needs a nerf yesterday.
Medkits are far too efficient. I've done a thread explaining this before. A single medkit with two heals is more efficient than a BNP for the survivor team. Survivors don't only need medkits when they "win" a chase. There's also SWFs rotating to take a hit, then resetting in seconds with medkits to do it again.
Although I'm not a huge fan of this change, I like that they at least made it so it incentivizes spreading hooks. The slower healing alone may do wonders for the speed at which gens get done.
It's gonna be a very strong perk still, considering healing is slowed down further. COH creates a beacon for survivors to regroup and reset much faster.
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"We're nerfing medkits because there are good survivors who can use them which makes them REALLY strong. Everyone else who is not a 2k+ hour survivor pro be damned."
You do not need to play the game for 2k hours to know how to use a medkit properly. Medkits have always been the best item in the game.
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And the most balanced (at least since I started playing). But even if killers would also be nerfed, they're going to nerf survivors so the changes are trash and they don't know what they are doing, of course.
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Flaslight change agains't wraith was good but other changes were not needed. I think nurse, blight and spirit will need to be nerfed down after dh is gone as it was only thing holding them back.
They nerfed healing too much med kits needed to be nerfed but normal basic healing not that much. Dead hard should made to have different activatio condition which does not promote tunneling like after you're unhooked you can use it only once in match but it stack with endurance. So now it would work more as an antitunneling perk.
Call of brian was overnerfed even worser than ruin... they could just make it not stack with overcharge maybe make it 150/160/170 so it would still be fine. Overcharge skill check should be made easier and regression could be 150. Pain res should be left untouched or make work only when you hook different survivor but works on any hook. So it would promote spreading hooks.
Hillbilly change is just ridicious instead making the add ons basekit they nerf them... Hillbilly is hardest killer in this game to play and if anything he should be considerably buffed. Most skillful killers should be the strongest.
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You're right, I clearly don't know what I'm talking about.
Medkits are actually the worst items in the game.
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gonna disagree with "It's gonna be a very strong perk still" its botany knowledge tied to a totem...
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if u think CoH is still going to be good and used then you have zero clue what the hell you are talking about and absolutely nobody should take you serious.
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You're saying Medkits are being nerfed because "A few good survivors are using them".
This isn't true.
EVERYONE is using them right now.
There is literally no reason to be able to heal in 8 seconds.
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Nah I'm actually with you on that one
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"I am not saying they're being nerfed bc of a "few good survivors" like you keep straw manning."
"Translation: We're nerfing medkits because there are good survivors who can use them which makes them REALLY strong."
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So you are saying "They're being nerfed because of a few good survivors".
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reduce the skill ceiling for both survivors and killers players alike
BHVR is doing the opposite: they want skill to matter. They don't want perk strength to be the defining factor of a match. When perks become the most-used because they're the strongest, BHVR is going to nerf them. That's their plan for the foreseeable future to keep the game from getting stale. And really, they should do it more often than they are, because the game gets stale pretty quickly. It doesn't take long before one side is always running certain perks so the other side feels forced to always run certain perks in a vicious cycle that causes the death of variety.
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If that's the case, they should just delete all perks, items, and add-ons entirely (and make Kindred basekit). Only then will skill actually matter.
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You can't tell me you're not saying something when you are VERY CLEARLY saying it!
I'm not that stupid!
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No BHVR is making this game easier for low skill players, but punishing good ones with nerfs they literally said it themselves.
Okay, but the devs also said what I said about wanting skill to be more important than perks when it comes to winning:
The truth is BHVR needs buff all the weaker perks that people pass over for better ones in order to increase variety.
That leads to power creep, which is unhealthy. Peanits addressed that recently to someone else who said weak perks should be buffed instead:
In terms of the upcoming flashlight changes, BHVR has been trying to get away from perks and items countering killer powers for a while, now. Toolboxes used to disable Trapper's traps, that was removed. Small Game gave notifications for Trapper and Hag traps, that was removed. I'm surprised the flashlight interactions weren't removed sooner.
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I have to disagree with some points on your list.
First of all, I do not think that “Chapter 26: Forged in Fog” was badly executed. The visuals, the music and the perk all were quit well received, Vittorio became a popular survivor very quickly and his perks are also quite nice.
While I agree that the Knights power can be used in a very unfun way (drop it at loops) there is an easy counter to act as a deterrence to that gameplay (shift+w). After his buffs the better way is to use his guards for actions, spawn them on healing survivors (further encouraged in the future) or on a generator to double up on the chased survivor.
Same can be said for Tools of Torment. I will cut this short and say that Skull Merchant was disappointing. However the two survivors and their perks are quit good, nicely designed and were also well received. The visual update to the Red Forest maps was also nice as well as the addition to the Shelter Woods map that was honestly just boring to play before and had to many dead zones.
You seem to look only at the Killer when reviewing those chapter when they are much more and that leaves out some important aspects.
Dead Hard was problematic. Even thou it changed it quickly became the top perk in the game again and lead to many situations that were “just wait it out” moments. Sure some Killers could counter that (Wraith) and bait the Dead Hard but using it at a pallet lead to a lose-lose-situation for the Killer.
For the huge reward the perk offered and the options it allowed you the risk was just not there. A change was needed.
The medkit nerfes were also coming for some time. Using them was easy as hell and even bad survivors were getting a huge reward. A beefed up green medkit could literally allow a survivor to heal in less than 10 seconds which is possible even during chase sometimes.
So far you know nothing about how the new medkits will do when facing the perks you mentioned. So for now let us assume that they will overall work the same as before. Right now you can heal trough Sloppy Butcher with a brown med-kit because speed and charges interact in a different way than what you said. Franklys already kills medkits with no add-ons and who aside from a few Masterminds runs Coulrophobia?
Here I suggest we wait until we see how exactly they are going to change med-kits. If they still offer you one solo-heal per trial than you will have nothing to complain about.
Balancing around the better players is usually the better way to do it. You can not balance a game around “bad” or “mediocre” players because if something is broken it is broken and you only incentivice people to learn how to abuse something, hindering growth of players as well as the game development in general.
However on Pain Resonance you make a good point for the overall issue: “if it is popular it needs changes” is a terrible idea. This should not take hold and issues should not be addressed in that manner. The nerfs to Hillbilly show how wrong you can go on that route and we already saw this issue with the nerfs to the Twins in a former patch (where also Blights Adrenaline Vial was buffed for no reason).
However then you contradict yourself: “… the neutering of perks and in game mechanics disillusion your player base and reduce the skill ceiling …” What happened to “… Everyone else who is not a 2k+ hour survivor pro be damned.”? Either way you want a skill ceiling or you do not. Pick your poison.
If we want a skill ceiling and med-kits make the game to easy because you do not have to coordinate with your team, then med-kits be damned. If we do not want that then the flashlight mechanics on Artists, Nurse and Hag be damned.
Also you fail to address two of the most important issues: That altruistic healing was never a problem and that they buff things based on statistics too (Pyramide Head, Pig etc.) which is not a good idea as well (leading to something like Adrenaline Vial).
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No BHVR is making this game easier for low skill players, but punishing good ones with nerfs they literally said it themselves.
LOL yeah, keep saying it to yourself if that makes you sleep better at night.
The changes they are doing are precisely the contrary. With the healing change, now good survivors that are good at looping or playing stealthy would be more benefited as they would stay healthy longer, while the bad survivors that were making mistakes or playing without any care as they had 3 medkits and 2 CoH and could just reset all injures in no time would get punished. In other words, now you have to be good at not getting caught as the game is no longer having your back.
The same goes for killers, as know their only method to make real pressure to survivors is hurting them, so know every killer would have to learn how to mindgame and learning the maps, not just pushing W and regress gens.