DH Now De-Activates Upon Usage, Regardless of Successful Activation

Very significant nerf, imo.
It has a capped usage, requires a Safe Unhook and will be removed upon any activation.
Considering how often I see failed DH's and server rollback DH's, this feels like a very strong nerf.
This finally makes dead hard a high risk high reward perk, which is what it should be. The perk will finally have an actual risk, because if it’s used incorrectly, the survivor loses the activation.
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I think this firmly makes the perk not worth running over Sprint Burst and Lithe, perhaps Overcome.
I could be wrong, but perks that are reliant on the Killer's internet are generally not very good.
If they want to keep that aspect of the perk, I'd suggest adding more activation conditions. Perhaps pallet saves or flashlight saves. At the very least, make Pyramid Head cages count.
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I think it would be incredibly healthy for the game, if dead hard was finally not worth running over the other exhaustion perks.
I really hope we can have a chase oriented meta, and this requires dead hard to be massively nerfed.
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Well, if your only goal is to remove it from the meta, I would say mission accomplished.
As for making it not worth running, I would think that very good Survivors will still run it, the perk is just dead for casual players.
Also, holy ######### Self-Care is awful.
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Yes, the perk still has the Exhaustion effect.
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It's apparently not a nerf to the PTB, but was always the intention in the dev update, and it was just written in a way that was hard to understand.
Personally feel like it's much too hard of a nerf, I think the previous dev update version was fairer.
However, it won't change my DH pickrate as you can't downgrade from 0 haha.
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I always did not like DH.
I am still for the original DH but just a one time use perk.
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DH got nerfed way to much imo. That perk hard countered inexperienced killers and killers with high mechanical skill like Huntress and Blight. But that’s the thing, DH against a good blight for example is like hitting your decisive strike skill check, you hardly got any distance, even against a good oni or Huntress. You hardly never got to use DH against legion and killers that ran certain addons like original pain for Pinhead etc.. You couldn’t use DH with OTR, you couldn’t use DH after being hit after you got unhooked 2 -5 sec afterwards if the killer chooses to tunnel cause of the built in endurance, there’s far too many situations where DH is just straight up useless.. Deadhard against experienced m1 killers like wraith, Trapper, Clown, GF, Skull merchant etc was so effortlessly waited out by good players.. I’m more upset at the Hillbilly changes but yeah DH got nerfed too much..
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I thought the Dev Update was pretty clear, but I guess it was a mistake.
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I was about to comment something similar. If there are only going to be one or two attempts that may not succeed to use Dead Hard on the average per match I don't know if it should still be exhaustion dependent.
I don't think dumpstering perks is a good thing to do and proposed DH doesn't like it's a useful perk.
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I think at this point the perk just needs to die. Its overwhelmingly high usage has had quite possibly the longest longevity of almost any perk, build, killer, etc. in the entire game. It’s been an insanely popular meta perk since it dropped in 2017. I for one would be very happy if this perk’s use rate dropped dead after this patch.
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The perk still needs its exhaustion effect, so that dead hard can finally be a high risk high reward perk.
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It's already pretty high risk as it is.
That being said, it should not be spammable.
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This is a great idea.
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It's apparently not a nerf to the PTB, but was always the intention in the dev update, and it was just written in a way that was hard to understand.
That's just plainly a flat-out lie. The original wording was very specific in that it required a negated hit to be deactivated, there was nothing ambiguous about it.
The fact that they went back to edit the original text to hide how blatantly clearly they stressed that it needed to protect you from damage to be deactivated just underlines it.
BHVR, don't just lie. Have the balls to admit that you just slapped another crippling nerf on DH before the first was even put into testing.
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The perk is a guaranteed health state, no skill or timing required.
I agree with the people above. If the perk is going to deactivate upon any usage, it shouldn't be an Exhaustion perk.
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dh is probably the only chase oriented exhaustion perk, besides smash hit. Every other exhaustion perk is mostly centered around leaving chases before they really happen.
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I'm still gonna be pressing E but most people will drop it entirely probably
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That is exactly why dead hard needs to keep its exhaustion effect.
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The intent was to thana/ruin/CI/pop/Call of Brine/Overcharge/eruption it. Not give it a slap on the wrist/a sideways buff. Removing exhaustion would be a net buff. You can combo it with any exhaust perk in chase for the tradeoff of only getting 1-2 attempts usually?
That's an insanely strong buff and I imagine it would for sure remain a #1 perk pick if you could get two exhaustion perks in a chase with a limited activation condition
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While i think that DH was relatively fine before the change, i have to agree with @Coffeecrashing that its now a high risk, high reward perk. Which was a category seemingly only reserved for Hex perks till now. But its nice to see that more perks are added to this category.
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Not sure if you agree or not.
No matter.
How would you prevent spamming DH until it actually dodges a hit?
Another unhook? (Or is it already the case?)
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The perk already gets removed if you miss the DH?
You have to get another unhook if you miss the DH already
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So basically the loop is:
- unhook safely
- get one DH armed
- (other safe unhooks do not arm the DH further? tokens?)
- use the DH successfully or not
- lose the DH.
If it's not already using tokens, it probably should, with a timer.
Maybe missing its use should be linked to a timer to auto-rearm it after 45s/60s ...
What DH needs to lose is its ubiquity.
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Maybe missing its use should be linked to a timer to auto-rearm it after 45s/60s ...
That's effectively what they had, but they nerfed it again.
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It is not using tokens, currently.
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I can't agree more !
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Dev update as of 24th March:
Dead Hard will activate after safely unhooking a Survivor. When activated, press the active ability button while injured and running to gain the Endurance Status Effect for 0.5 seconds, then become Exhausted. Dead Hard will deactivate when it successfully protects the user from damage.
Dev update revised version:
Dead Hard will activate after safely unhooking a Survivor. When activated, press the active ability button while injured and running to gain the Endurance Status Effect for 0.5 seconds, then become Exhausted. Dead Hard will then deactivate.
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I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone complain about DH not working from internet issues, so not sure how common that really is, but I will say for the change this perk got, I think the fact it is still an exhaustion perk is a bit much, and maybe that part of it can get safely removed now that it’s pretty much a on use per game perk (which I think is fair, ignoring a hit is strong and the idea a single survivor should be able to use it multiple times per match, let alone several, is actually quite strange).
Not saying I’m super excited to see a SB+DH combo, but again, is it fair considering you get a single use? I’d accept it.
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The problem with this line of reasoning is for 1. Saying how useless the perk is then being upset that is nerfed don’t link up all that well (especially against the pick-rate) and
2. When you say it soft gates killers and only really good killers can deal with it.. Well that means a perk is basically blocking most Killers from playing beyond a certain level, which I’m inherently fine with, personally… But that’s the exact reason Ruin was nerfed several years ago, so that only validates why DH must be nerfed.
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That’s a fair way to look at it, but the safe unhook action in my mind sort of makes up for it since that won’t effect killers if they hit the survivor off the hook anyway, right? It does say it has to be a “safe” unhook, I imagine
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That's definitely and over nerf imo. I think it was fine when it exhausted you even if you didn't tank the hit that way other exhaustion perks can't make up for it and you can't just spam E. If it stays then I think the unhook requirement might be a bit harsh and should maybe be something else.
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Won't people just run it every game still if they can still run other exhaustion perks. That's the point of this change, to make it less desirable.
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Good. That’s a good thing. Dead hard is finally a high risk high reward perk. All perks shouldn’t just be ez mode, if you get a good dead hard, you earned it
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Unless something has changed I believe it's almost impossible to not get a safe unhook since base BT was added. Safe and unsafe are determined by the hooked person going down or not within 10 seconds after getting unhooked. In a world before base BT that situation was possible, in today's world the only way that can happen is if the person is afk/refuses to move and the killer double taps them
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The user and all related content has been deleted.1
The nerf is completely overkill.
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Wait I thought it only deactivated when it successfully prevented the damage? At least that's how the dev Update made it sound
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They said that was a mistake.
It deactivates regardless
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No safe unhook is when you unhook the person outside of the Killers TR basically when the killer isn't around.
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I was told that DH hardly ever works and provides barely any value so who cares if it gets nerfed this much. It's so easy to counterplay that only the most cracked survivors can land a dead hard every once in a while!
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Nah, Dev's wanted it to work that way but it bugged out and now is a feature.
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As long as all the killer mains are happy, that's all that matters right?
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When Dead Hard users cry about the death of their crutch perk.
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i won't be using it again outside of mettle builds that's for sure lol
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I think some Survivors will run two exhaustion perks in response to this. Like Lithe and DH. If they’ve have shown the Killer that they have Lithe in an earlier chase, it will be easy to bait out a DH in the second chase since the Killer won’t bother about waiting out a DH.
Smash Hit + DH also seems like another potential combo.
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It was also buffed in the PTB from the dev notes.
It activates when you unhook YOURSELF now as well.
So you can get an extra Dead Hard from Deliverance.
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Yeah I agree with this actually. I think currently its probably one of if not the most busted perk in the game to have a 3rd health state pretty much whenever you're not exhausted, and while I get WHY they wanna have it deactivate upon a failed use as well, I think it should have more activation conditions as well (maybe picking a survivor up off the ground too?)
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Where exactly are you getting this info? According to the wiki it states what I said, for an unhook to be safe the unhooked player cannot enter the dying state within 10 seconds. Here's a link to the wiki page : https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Hooks
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Wait, really? The blog post literally said it’d deactivate after shielding its user from damage, and it didn’t say anything about it deactivating for the rest of the trial. If what you’re saying is indeed true, then yeah, dead af perk. Rip.