Will cross progression between consoles and PC come to DBD?

HuntressSuperiority Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

I haven't played DBD in a while since my move from PS4 to PC because I spent a good amount of time and money in progressing my PS4 account and buying DLCs only to realise that I can't switch to PC with the same account. A few of my friends also have this issue including those switching from PC to PS5. This is leading me to believe that a lot of people might be having this problem and it makes sense with the excitement caused by the latest gen of consoles. I'm not very sure about the technical details behind introducing cross progression but I imagine its not as simple as it may sound so I can only hope. I really like DBD and would like to come back to it with my friends so I hope you look into cross progression as I cannot see myself buying all the DLCs again.


  • Technature
    Technature Member Posts: 619

    Is it that time for me to mention once again that I bought the Switch version because BHVR said cross progression for that was coming?

    You can at least pin Sony consoles on poor research since they never said cross progression would come to those (though they do want that from what they've said), but people on the Switch were straight up lied to at this point.

  • Dreadnight
    Dreadnight Member Posts: 128

    I hope crossprogression comes to consoles. I have stopped playing on ps4 and will only come back when they implement it.