Honestly this is a great update

But the mangled effect needs changes the healing changes are OK but taking 30+s to heal is not
And Billy's addons need to be changed
This update is dogshit.
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You say all killer regression gutted as if that's not a good thing
Especially the likes of CoB, overcharge which are spammable and free. Least old ruin pop required you to actively push people off gens and get hooks.
Lil iffy on how they're handling pain res, but we'll see.
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It is a bad thing since they left Gen Speed Perks, Tool Boxes, and BNP unchanged yet again. I have seen nothing but Purple Tool Boxes with BNP just the best addons and never heal. If you don't play a good Travel based Killer that can have map coverage then you'll lose the Gen Pressure advantage.
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What we see on the PTB isn't necessarily what people will do in the real game.
I doubt most players will be using BNPs, they never did, just like how we weren't seeing all 4 survivors running green medkits with the 16 charge addon and syringes when that was nerfed.
For the average player playing unhealed will be a really quick way to get themselves killed, so while some really good players will ignore healing and just hit gens, most probably won't. Especially in deadzones.
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No not all were gutted pain rez was too much
"Buffed nurse" by removing a mechanic that rarely came to play
Medkits needed to be brought in line
" Everything" ?
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They should've tested the Med-Kit changes and CoH nerf prior to messing with base heal speeds.
I've never once heard someone say that a Brown Med-Kit with no add-ons is OP. 16 second heals were perfectly fine.
FIVE 16-second heals were a problem. 6 second heals were a problem. Base heals were not.