Disconnected players should be counted as sacrificed, always and ever.

As title says, I see no reason why people disconnecting (either out of spite or technical problems) shouldn't be automatically counted as a completed sacrifice.
It would certainly solve the problem of survivor denying adepts out of spite.
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Only if they also make adjustments so that disconnects from no fault of the player isn't counted towards the DC penalty. When those "alleged" DDoS attacks happened and people constantly being disconnected but getting penalties, yeah that wasn't really fair.
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Sadly it's physically impossible for bhvrs server to distinguish a connection loss from a pulled plug/turned off lan adapter/router.
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I think if you get kicked from a match and it literally gives you the error message "Lost Connection to Host" or whatever it is, I'm pretty sure that's different to someone manually choosing to "Leave Match", any internal match logs would show that. And yeah, it may be difficult to distinguish sometimes, but if there is a whole weekend of suspicious DDoS activity, asking for penalties to be refreshed isn't unreasonable.
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Not really "lost connection to host" is the basic connection loss error i described in my previous post.
A program internal error could give the server proof that it wasn't a ragequit.
Also "leave match" is the most obvious ragequit option but the penalty also has to cover the ragequitters pulling their lan cable/shutting off their router/turning off their network adapter in windows/etc etc.
And all of those look the same for the game server as your internet provider having problems or a weather induced blackout for example. Your signal to the server just goes dark,that's all the server sees.
Edit: Of course they can turn penalties off altogether when DDoS is rampant but they can't detect individual cases. And we know how the game plays with penalties of and people with spines softer than pudding.
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You are right in what you say, but the problem is that a "Lost Connection to Host" can be any type of disconnection, including intentional. Meaning, you only need to pull off the lan cable and that would be a "Lost Connection" and not a "Leave Match".
As far as I know it technically does. The problem is it only counts as a sacrifice, meaning you would get your points for a full sacrifice, but not the rest of the points related to the sacrfice itself (chase, damage, etc.). So, if they disconnect when you are grabbing them to make the third hook they would only save you the time to hook them, as you would get your full points and emblem ratings. Again, as far as I know. I may be wrong.
Maybe they could also add some bonus BP and rating to the other emblems to compensate for the disconnect, too.
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I honestly don't care about blood points at this moment. I just want quitters to be marked as sacrificed so people (myself included) don't lose their chance at adept because some Dwight or Claudette decided to act like a child. It litteraly wouldn't hurt anybody besides rage quitters ego.
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Yes. There is absolutely no reason why players should have the power to deny adepts by leaving the game. If my opponent quits then they should be receiving the punishment instead of me.
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This is backwards. While DDoS is a thing it's rare, people who rack up penalties should be punished far harder than they currently are. Multiplayer games can't differentiate from internet provider dropping you or whatever else it may be, but most of the time it's a rage quit. The game should not take any chances to cater towards people who may or may not be dcing intentionally. No other online multiplayer pvp game allows it and doesn't cater towards these things, neither should dbd.
The DC penalty is always pitifully under punishing dcs.
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I think he means related to challenges as well as for adepts