Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

The real problem is CAMPING, TUNNELING and SLUGGING.



  • Mane
    Mane Member Posts: 153

    I'm not shaming anybody, go back look the thread I told someone else that I'm not against slugging camping or tumbling, I just don't get why it's so crucial to do that at 5 gens.

    If you enjoy your play style great don't let anybody take that away from you, I really don't get why you care so much about other people's opinions as you can see I don't care what anyone says about my opinions or what I say.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2023

    DS need 5sec, speed 150% and no scratch marks!

    Maybe buff Reassurance for 60 for hook stage?

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,336
    edited March 2023

    You also have the option to not buy orange and red streets in Monopoly. Doesn't change the fact that those are statistically the most landed on streets and by buying them you have more possibilities to win.

    Instead of complaining about people using the best strategies, learn how to counter play them (like you did against survivors as you explained in your other post). Simple as that.

  • Mane
    Mane Member Posts: 153

    I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was taken down it probably should be

  • piplup55
    piplup55 Member Posts: 47

    But what's super hard to you? Going for a flashlight/pallet save is already suboptimal because it can FAIL and you stop doing your objective for a chance at doing something fun. Survivors spread on gens while you are chasing a good looper? Then maybe gen speeds should be looked into at the start of a match or before someone goes down, or maybe killers could have some tool available to them so they can drop chase and go pressure the other survivors.

    The only scummy thing I can think of survivors can do is denying constant hooks at 0 hooks (which remember, unless someone is doing gens they are all gonna die and you can just ignore the bullies and go for the one doing gens) or bring heavy toolboxes with brand new parts and the such to finish gens quickly (which i admit it's annoying when playing as killer). Other than that, I find camping, tunneling and slugging worse than those two things because you are essentially doing nothing when it happens, or just getting chased without a chance to do anything else. Meanwhile, as killer you are always playing. Yes, survivors can be annoying, but you can always do something about it, survivors can't.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    you can always do something about it, survivors can't.

    survivors can do things to make killer suffer for sure. It's usually SWF only thing tho.

    Unless killer holds game hostage, there is no issue, game will end in one way or another.

    Survivors are actually better at this. I have played against full hide and seek squad,. Only thing killer can do is DC, but if that counts as counterplay, survivors are fine against everything.

  • piplup55
    piplup55 Member Posts: 47

    But that's exactly the point of this thread. Give survivors tools to address the things that makes the game worse for them and then give killers tools to make it better for them.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    They might be thinking of increasing the Hook timer since they increased Gen times and Heal times

    But all of that comes to a halt once you actually look at Gen speeds... that 90 charges can be done in 45 seconds... Healing only feels longer cause we are used to less then 10 second heals just give it time and adjust accordingly

    Maybe instead of running Second Chance and Gen perks Survivors might think of bringing in a Healing perk to "help out"

    Killers do those things cause Gen speeds are fast enough to stop any attempt any slowdown and heals were just as fast

  • piplup55
    piplup55 Member Posts: 47

    I just focused the talk on the survivors' problems because the changes on the PTB will only make camping, tunneling and slugging worse

    you can then revisit killer strength so they don't feel the need to resort to such strategies

  • PapaEmeritus69
    PapaEmeritus69 Member Posts: 28

    This isn't that deep people, the circles spinning here are kind of ridiculous. I did a speed read and it seems like you're all on the edge of giving ground to the others argument, you're just too prideful to admit fault on either side of the fence. Not addressing anyone cause all the quotes are cringey.

    First off, camping one target on the hook is a very bad and fruitless strategy at the start of the game, especially now that we have perks that defend against it so well. You can knock out every gen and the person can barely be getting to struggle phase. Is it fun for that person, nope. But it doesn't reward the killer with anything other than a 1k or sometimes nothing. However, this does require teammates to be efficient and have anti camping perks and it also requires that the one getting camped doesn't struggle and die or just DC. So in most cases, its a pretty inferior strategy for killer and can be quite annoying and unfun for the the survivor but I wouldn't say the playstyle is problematic because it isn't efficient on its own to secure a win.

    Tunneling however is way more efficient and consistent and almost impossible to combat in the solo Q. Tunneling needs a concise definition in an argument, way to many people have different opinions on what is and isn't tunneling. For instance, my definition for tunneling is chasing the same person right after they have been pulled off the hook, with the intention of downing them again so I can get them out of the game. However, if I hook someone and leave and down and hook another player, then I'm for sure going back to the first person I hooked because I know they had plenty of time to get saved but their teammates chose to pump out a gen instead. That isn't my fault, I left to find someone else. So When I get back and see you injured then I get to make the judgment call. Down you again and hook you, ignore you and look for the one that hooked you, or just down you for pressure so I can force someone out to come save you, but I also give you another chance to reset. Whatever I choose to do with you isn't tunneling, your teammates didn't prioritize you and gave me the chance to come back, I shouldn't have to turn a blind eye, I gave them ample time. You have to be punished if you prioritize your objective, that is how games work. Tunneling with the single intention to get 1 player out before gens pop is VERY strong though and does need to be made into a weaker option, I don't have an answer on that though.

    Slugging is fine in my opinion, unless its done incessantly or excessively to annoy or deride someone. I slug for pressure a lot when I don't want to hook someone because I feel bad that I found them early or the game is going slower. Slugging can be annoying, especially when killers treat it like a win condition and try to end games at 5 or 4 gens but its still a pretty fair system that has a lot of risk and reward associated with it. Plus, slugging before the end of the game is the only way to counter Unbreakabill, otherwise you're basically just waiting until stuff gets bad enough to a certain point and you lose to a perk you had no chance of countering, which feels very bad and unfair. That's why I'm in favor of bring back old DS. If you can't get someone to use DS until EGC, that's your fault, not theirs.

    A double standard does exist for the community in terms of effort a killer should be allowed to exert vs survivor. Especially as someone who plays the game with the fun of everyone in mind, you get a very big picture. I can only use my anecdotes from the last 4 years of playing but it happens consistently enough that I think its at least fair as evidence for the opinion. Their are some caveats though, namely the perspective that solo survivors have in a match. They see everything from their own POV, they aren't monitoring the big picture like the killer so it can be hard to determine if something was done in "fairness" or not. I'll list a couple things that highlight this, but in no way am I saying that this attitude doesn't happen with killers either, just that it is highly prevalent.

    Body blocking with a third health state or dead hard on the first few hooks of the game- You could easily make the comparison to doing this akin to slugging or tunneling at 5 gens. Its an effort to stop the killer from completing their objective and requires you to do something that is not very fun for the killer.

    Using toolboxes or Perks that complete generators faster than 90s at the start of the match- This is like exactly the same thing as "trying hard" or using cheap tactics. In context of the killer, you should wait until you're done with 2 or 3 gens before you do this. Though, that would usually be a better strategy anyways lol still, it applies.

    Holding W to the corner of the map before you get downed to waste the killers time- Same as the others. A pretty efficient technique that could be used to waste a good amount of time. Wait until you're on your second hook or death hook to do that. Sounds pretty dumb, right?

    We can do this all day, its clearly the same argument. Survivors have to concede that they are being redundant when they say its not the same and killers should agree that some techniques they employ are way to strong right now to be considered fair or sportsman against the solo Q. The important thing to remember is that each person can play however they want. We have one game mode that everyone shares and no real rules that anyone HAS to follow.

    Fence sitting or not, everyone is right and wrong, that is how this silly game works. And yes, its silly, they nerfed Billys engravings while nurse exists and blights addons have hardly ever been touched. Tag with monsters and angry salty people! We're the same!!!

  • Mane
    Mane Member Posts: 153

    Read through the thread before you ask questions I'm not going to get into this again.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    I completely agree with your points. Do you have any suggestions for how the developers can address the issue of tunnelling and camping in a way that would benefit both survivors and killers?

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited March 2023

    What's the issue of slugging at 5 gens? You'd rather be hooked? If that's the case.. why even struggle to not be put on the hook lmao

    Most complaints are slugging at endgame or with 2 survivors left which is reasonable but also reasonable for the Killer to do as well

  • Mane
    Mane Member Posts: 153

    You know how there are categories in this game, altruism, bold, survival, brutal, chase, sacrifice?

    Those categories help determine how many points you earn in the dbd, well there are no categories specifically for slugging, camping, tunneling.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,336
    edited March 2023

    Someone needs to learn the differences between "game mechanics" and "ways to play". There isn't categories for sabotage, flashlights blinds or Endurance stack either and that doesn't stop survivors to use those "bully strategies" (you can even argue that unlike the ones killers use, those ones are not even with the purpose of winning but make the killer have a bad time).

    Either way, I would be thankful if you can explain what anything of that have to do with what I said, because I can't see the correlation.

  • m4x1m_000
    m4x1m_000 Member Posts: 103

    If killer camp or slug it means you gave him the opportunity for it. If you hate tunneling, there are OTR + DS or Deli + DS + Unb combo for you.

  • piplup55
    piplup55 Member Posts: 47

    But you shouldn't have to bring the same build every time to counter an annoying strategy that all killers can perform, some better than others. It's already bad enough to bring perks or builds that get countered by the killer you are facing (healing build vs plague, no exhaustion perks vs mobility or stealth killers, no stealth perks vs spirit...) so it's even worse to bring second chance perks and then the killer plays "fair" and you are playing with effectively no perks.

  • m4x1m_000
    m4x1m_000 Member Posts: 103

    Annoying strategy… Facecamp Bubba is annoying, need to nerf. Basement Trapper is annoying, need to nerf. Midwich stealth Deathslinger in annoying, need to nerf.

    There’s a lot of different strategies which you can call annoying. And killer can play how they want just like you.

    Idk why you complain on perks. Most of survivor’s perks are situational, of course you will not always use your build.

    What I wanted to say is you can counter tunneling very aggressive way with strong perks. But you don’t need perks to tank a hit and genrush.

    You know, I hate tunneling only if killer tunnel out baby survivors. But if you play killer on high MMR and you see decent sweat players/SWF/garbage map/genrush, sometimes you have to tunnel, especially if it’s weak killer.