Tunneling is being incentivised now



  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    So what you're saying is, if I want to get out alive, I should just stop running around like a headless chicken and focus on objectives? Mind blown! 😂

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    This has to be the most backwards post I've ever seen. Like insta heals and insta gens weren't in for years,infinites, getting to heal yourself mid chase with og self care, og ds(always active even without been hooked),forever sabo. These took years to remove plus there's more because these are just the things that survivors had when I started. Survivors have had so much broken stuff that it had to be toned down. Imagine have a weapon that fires 100 rounds a second and it got changed to only fire 95 a second. Does that make it trash or just not as effective?

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Please no keep running around people like you make the game playable for killers and we do appreciate you trying to do that crazy thing called having fun.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    Heyyyy, I'm just trying to get my cardio in for the day! Who knew running around from a fictional killer could be so good for your health?

  • Doomzilla
    Doomzilla Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    That’s actually not true, there is a single way the game is played. You eliminate survivors or they escape. You lose points based on how many survivors you don’t kill, and survivors lose if they die.

    Now, I never said you have to play the game correctly. You can develop your own meta game where you are the friendliest killer and only go for fresh hooks, or you can straight try to force someone out at 5 gens, which might not seem nice to the person on the other end of the screen, but also that’s not really your goal.

    I liken Tunneling to spam in fighting games. The people who just want to have fun, who don’t care about winning in the game are the ones most upset about spam. Top players? They don’t care, they realize it’s part of the game and it doesn’t necessarily work against other good players. They aren’t above introducing or using spam to condition opponents or eke out a clutch win, but they aren’t starting the game spamming either. But there’s one thing any good fighting game player will tell you, and that’s “If it works, keep doing it”. You don’t stop spamming the lowest frame d1 in neutral in an MK9 tourney just because the crowd finds it boring, and likewise if you want to win in this game, you will do what works.

    No, that’s not always tunneling, in fact, again, if you’re complaining about it, you probably are not in high MMR, you probably aren’t the best solo survivor, so it makes sense that it upsets you SO much, and it’s ok you aren’t the best btw. Just realize that when you want on the survivor side, you never hold back, and learn to accept that sometimes the killer feels that way too.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited March 2023

    There will never be a functional reason to not tunnel as long as killers have the same regression potential in a 3v1 as they do in a 4v1. Regression perks only get stronger as fewer survivors remain. Short of revising every regression and slowdown perk to scale per remaining survivor, there's not much to dissuade tunneling.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    This is exactly why Killers needs a nerf they only need 1 kill to get a guaranteed win a 4v1 turns to a 3v1 real quick when you tunnel especially that makes 2 people not doing anything if one goes for a rescue they both just end up dead

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    I disagree. There are multiple ways to play the game, and the ultimate goal isn't always just winning. Playing as a friendly killer or trying to help survivors can be just as enjoyable. Tunneling is unfair and ruins the game for survivors, regardless of skill level. It's not a valid strategy and shouldn't be encouraged. The game should be fun for all players, not just those who are highly skilled.

    Insinuating that only the best survivors can complain about tunneling is just wrong tbh. It doesn't matter how skilled you are, tunneling is just not fair play. Playing as a killer should be about using all your abilities to win, not just going for the easy target. It's not okay to ruin someone else's experience just because you want to win in a damn video game. If you want to play a competitive game, you should be ready to face the challenge and not just rely on cheap tactics. The killer's perspective shouldn't justify poor sportsmanship. Let's make sure the game is fun for everyone, not just the ones who only care about winning.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Gen-Tunneling ruins the fun of killer players too. And you see it every single game. I cant blame the survivors, becausd Chests are useless and Totems arent worth using anymore.

    So the only strategy left for an M1-Killer is to tunnel in higher MMR.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2023

    You make a great point. It can be frustrating when survivors only focus on generators and ignore other aspects of the game, making it hard for killers to enjoy themselves. However, I believe there are still other effective strategies than just tunnelling.

    There are frustrating mechanics on both sides of the game, and it's important for all of us to work together to find ways to make it more enjoyable. It seems like many players are currently dissatisfied and just complaining without trying to come up with solutions. Let's put our heads together and see what we can do to improve the gameplay experience for everyone involved.

  • Doomzilla
    Doomzilla Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    Every game that has ever existed has had the goal be for someone to win, what are you talking about? If winning isn’t a big deal in the first place, being tunneled out shouldn’t even matter the , since the goal isn’t to escape but have a fun game, and there is no single action more fun on survivor side than getting chased/interacting with the killer - which again, is exactly why I said hood players WON’T complain that much about tunneling, not that they CAN’T complain.

    As far as tunneling right off the hook at the beginning of the game, of course it’s annoying and not the most effective strategy in all scenarios, but it’s never a bad idea to attempt, and frankly it’s about as annoying as anything the survivors can do to progress the game that you have little control over. That doesn’t mean I expect survivors to stop trying to tilt me at every opportunity by throwing in some extra bags after the pallet drop because they know they chain directly to a safe structure and can’t do anything about it. I take it all in stride and at the same level.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Yeah and I'm still facing swat squads even though I refuse to hook. Not claiming mmr is great or backfill lobbies aren't common, but overall this looks like a good balance change for level players.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    Think about what you just said everyone likes interaction with the killer and if that killer focu one survivor "which all of them do" other survivors will not be able to play half the match but be on a gen all day that's not fun. They all camp aswell denying play time to all

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Well I admit im not the best killer so I do tunnel some games just because of that. But there certainly are many killers who are enough skilled to win with other strat but they want to use easiest way to win. But when I win playing fairly it's much more rewarding.

    Otz is skilled killer and showed you can win still 80% of your games without tunneling someone out while he did challenge not to hook same survivor never twice in a row.

    Why do you think you have to hook everyone equally? There is so many different options than just doing the opposite play of tunneling. That definetely is the most skillful play if you can win while giving other side that much advantage.

    But my tactic is to hook different survivor usually and keep track who I have hooked so if I see Jill is hooked twice and ada who is hooked once ofcourse I go after Jill. This is just more natural way to play than ignoring everyone else and tunnel same survivor as you're first 3 hooks.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    So killers don't tunnel now? Why all the threads complaining about tunneling?

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    Have you considered that not every survivor cares for chases and a lot want to play with non-meta perks and get value out of them? Many players who get tunneled use non-meta builds and perks like Autodidact and Flashbang for fun. But killers view them as weak links due to their lack of meta perks. These survivors end up feeling forced to use meta perks just to stay in the game, ruining their fun. They don't have the support of SWF and are left with no choice but to run stale meta builds.

    Winning may be the main goal, but it's not the only goal. Players also want to have a fair and enjoyable experience. Being tunneled out of the game by the killer early on can ruin that experience for the survivor. While survivors may enjoy being chased by the killer, they also want a chance to escape and prolong the game. It's not about complaining or tilting the killer, it's about wanting a balanced and engaging gameplay experience for all players involved.

  • Doomzilla
    Doomzilla Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 133

    Well I guess we just see it differently. I can see why someone would get aggravated after multiple games of them getting tunneled or the killer getting someone out at 4 gens, I just feel like most survivors can get good enough they don’t even need to use meta perks to escape a tunnel if they play well, yes it’s not always possible to juke a killer but if you combine wasting as much time in a chase with having others body-block and breaking los, you have a pretty good chance on most maps to escape a tunnel situation, which is one of the reasons tunneling can bite a killer in the ass if they rely on it.

    hell, the only meta perk I run is DH, and that’s a variable slot. My other perks are Bond, We’ll make it, and some other random solo que perk. I do fairly well.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It will most certainly increase tunneling. Healing will be not worth it most of the time. Which means slamming gens is the only reasonable play. Which means gens will go faster. Which means killers will feel the need to tunnel more to increase pressure.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    That’s why they should add a debuff while injured, something like 10% slower gens while injured to motivate them to still heal.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    You want to make it impossible for survivors to win right more nerfs how is a duo or trio supposed to win

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    So you want to force them into two bad options instead of one.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2023

    Which is why I think 4 survivors should have a strength of 3, while 3 survivors have a strength of 4. To make tunnel less meaning, while fair play not being punished

    I believe Devs think 4 survivors being so strong which they nerf base healing really hard, but didnt think it would make 3v1 impossible to win.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited March 2023

    "If" tunneling exists, and then only its most extreme form, I don't think the current changes will make it any worse (or better). Gen speeds mean people want some semblance of a win. Getting someone on 3 hooks quickly is the easiest way to do so.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    "I don't think the current changes will make it any worse (or better)" is an oversimplification of the issue. The changes could potentially make tunneling worse if they encourage killers to go for quick hooks rather than trying to spread pressure across multiple survivors. Additionally, "Getting someone on 3 hooks quickly is the easiest way to win" ignores the fact that tunneled survivors often have less fun and may be less likely to play again, ultimately harming the longevity of the game.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    Tunnelling is a issue though as stated above it isn't fun to face being the one tunneled out the game and it happens every match because it is easy and made easier now.

    It's especially not fun knowing you'll get three free gens knowing the killer will ignore everyone until the tunneled one is out

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

     Tunnelling is a major problem that ruins the fun for survivors and often leads to one-sided matches. It's unfair and unsportsmanlike behavior that should not be tolerated.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2023

    What are you talking about? It's already extremely easy.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Problem is that the word tunneling tends to be used quite liberally

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2023

    Force the game to slow down how it needs to be. That's how we make gen regression perks or tunneling not required when it's good vs good.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    You have to ask the question, why do killlers seek to get one player out the game as soon as possible? Added to the fact that people tend to use the word tunnelling for any situation where the killer doesn't go out his way to totally ignore someone they may have already hooked.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited March 2023

    I should add. If someone goes out of their way to make someone else's game miserable that's bad form and I don't condone that. But you also have to respect that both sides can never both get what they want. And fun is subjective. I've seen plenty to say that survivors primary goal is their own fun, and same for killers. So there is an inherent dissonance in calling out gameplay strategy that happens to have a side consequence of not being fun for the other players.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    I don't agree with this. Purposefully ruining someone's gaming experience is never justified, regardless of subjective opinions of what's fun. Both sides can compromise and find solutions that benefit everyone. It's wrong to dismiss the negative impact of gameplay strategies that cause frustration and make the game unenjoyable for others.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    You are playing a pvp game where your opponent's primary goal is removing you from the game. Sometimes you'll have games you don't find very fun, because the killer's goal and your goal are opposites.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    I'm agreeing with you. Purposely ruining someone's fun is not on. For any reason.

    What I was trying to say is that people often assume the way a killer is playing is them trying to do just that. When they are not.

    Both sides regularly play in a way that compromises the other sides fun. It's unfortunate but probably a consequence of this type of game.

    I guess I'm never one to tell people how to play. Other than to be respectful of each other.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Sorry quoted you in the wrong reply. You make a good point here that is what I was trying to say, but you put it much better than I.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2023

    This game is not like other PvP games. It is an asymmetrical game, which can make it easier for the killer to target one specific survivor (you know, a real person with emotions and stuff). Similarly, a group of four survivors can troll and make the experience unpleasant for the killer. While I believe the developers have a responsibility to address these issues, it is equally important for players to act with respect and avoid being completely disrespectful towards others who are simply trying to enjoy the game.

    It's crucial that players approach these situations with a positive attitude and treat others with the same respect they would like to receive themselves. At the end of the day, we're all here to have a good time and chill out. And the key to making that happen is creating a positive vibe for everyone. So let's keep that in mind and make it happen.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    It's a game. Killers tunneling out survivors is not done because of some malice intent towards you. It's done, because the game does not reward killers for spreading out hooks. Getting mad at your opponent for playing the game in the best way to ensure their own victory is just weird. Especially when survivors often don't play less optimally to make sure the killer has an enjoyable match.

    It's a weird double standard that people keep pushing on the killer as if it's the killer's responsibility to make sure every survivor has just the right amount of chase and gen time.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2023

    Tunnelling effectively turns the match into a one-sided, easy mode, which ultimately detracts from the overall experience. When a survivor is tunnelled out early on, typically around 4-5 generators, the game becomes essentially unwinnable for them, which puts the killer in an unfair advantage. To truly enjoy a competitive game, players should embrace the challenge and avoid relying on cheap tactics. This approach benefits everyone, regardless of which side you're on.

    Otzdarva's recent experiment proved that you don't even need to tunnel to get a high win-rate. So why do people tunnel? Because most killers are bad at the game, and tunnelling is an easy to use strategy. killers should be motivated to master their chosen killer and continually improve their skills in the game.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Don't expect your opponent to play in a way that is easier for you. The idea that you should play less optimally in order to better enjoy your game doesn't make any sense. Especially when this is rarely reflected back at survivors and used solely to shame killers for playing to win.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    I play both roles and find it increasingly boring to tunnel 😴 I play killer for excitement not easy wins or cheap kills its just not fun . Killer in general is boring just holding W pressing M1 😴 😒 they need something better to do cause wow I don't tunnel I manage to get a 4k if not 3k it's okay to lose 1 survivor.. . And I still find it boring

    And on survivor if I get tunneled I wouldn't even bother staying in the match I'll just DC and go play dragon ball breakers version of this game .... no tunneling there just occasionally camping downed players

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270

    It's not about it being "easier". Killers can still win fairly easily and make it hard on the survivors if they actually become good at the game. This should be encouraged. The same goes for survivors too. Where is the skill when the killer intentionally hooks the survivor in a dead zone, and focuses and tunnels them out early, ensuring a win? This happens a lot with little counter other than SWF. However, most survivor players are solo, and these are the people who mostly have an issue with tunnelling AKA. the majority of the playerbase. SWF teams rarely complain because they can strategize and make constant callouts.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    You're just making up what you consider a "good killer" to be and forcing your views on to your opponent so they play in a way you prefer.

    That's not how pvp games work. A good killer can still tunnel out a survivor at the start, because they took advantage of the situation that let them quickly remove someone. No one is less skilled because they understand how to leverage an advantage and use it. Intentionally handicapping yourself does not make you any better than people who do not.

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    edited March 2023

    A good killer doesn't need to tunnel because they're confident in their ability to capitalize on survivors mistake and actions turning it around to benefit them instead of taking the easy way out and tunneling/camping the first person you see out the game.

    When I played Ghostface/Plague all I did was force 3 gens patrol gens I wanted to keep didn't bother with the ones I knew I was going to lose. Survivors tend to do inner gens first so force them to do the outer ones first.

    At least this way you can defend hooks and gens at the same time don't chase every survivor you see stick to your gens eventually one of you will break

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Whether or not they need to tunnel or not is irrelevant as a good killer can still tunnel in situations where it is advantageous to do so. The idea that any killer who tunnels is bad only exists to shame killers to play worse so it's easier for survivors.

  • FatallyIconic
    FatallyIconic Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2023

    This is the issue. Winning as a killer in DBD doesn't require skill. By singling out a survivor early on, particularly with anti-loop killers, the game becomes one-sided and unbeatable for survivors. The game is not designed for a 3 v 1 scenario with 5-3 gens remaining. Tunneling is not a strategy employed by skilled killers, and it's not just a situation they stumble upon. They actively seek out and intend to play in this manner before every game. Why wouldn't they? It requires no skill, is simple to execute, and provides a very high chance of winning at the expense of making the game completely unenjoyable and nearly unplayable.

    Why do you oppose my proposal that game developers should focus on solving the issue of tunnelling by encouraging killers to improve their skills and diversify their strategies? Survivors would likely appreciate additional objectives to complete to prolong the game (giving a more fun, natural slowdown of the game in order to help killer players), maybe even having to deal with highly buffed regression perks, if it meant that tunnelling was heavily punished, removed, or made impossible.

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 522

    So tunneling will occur in 90% of the games instead of 75% now?

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    It doesn't matter the percentage it needs to be acknowledged and addressed

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886

    This game is definitely not balanced and made to be long lasting I don't think they intended this game to be long lasting and they're trying their best while focusing other games but this isn't a excuse

    The killer role should be revised if not the survivor