Faster power recovery/Spirit

Can you consider making Spirit’s base power cooldown time shorter? I know short bursting is a thing but short bursting doesn’t feel rewarding imo as i would like to be able to go for more long phases and feel like i actually used my tracking skills and power efficiently and be rewarded for it.
uchiwa and kintsugi teacup aren’t the solution.
I don't really think Spirit needs a buff. She's pretty damn strong as is.
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Personally, I would prefer a base duration increase if her addons for duration were toned down proportionally. Just to make her feel a bit better to use.
Idk why, but her basekit just does not feel good to use, but when you use the uncommon duration and uncommon speed addons, her power feels way too good (almost a bit cheesy, at least I feel that way, not like it matters though because I still use them regardless).
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Wanting to be able to use your power for longer and have a shorter cooldown isn’t asking for a “buff”.
still, i would like to see short bursting resulting in a longer cooldown to punish bad uses e.g ( spamming it, short bursting excessively which is really boring omg ) of Spirit’s power and longer phases incurring a shorter cooldown which would be better and reward good and efficient use of Spirit’s power.
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Man i miss the old green versions of those two :(
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That is a buff though
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So basically Spirit would have way better map traversal, because using her entire phase duration would be "good and efficient use of Spirit's power"?
And if she’s chasing a survivors, uses her full phase duration, but messes up and doesn't hit a survivor, she gets her power back faster, because her mistakes were "good and efficient use of Spirit's power"?
Post edited by Coffeecrashing on1 -
Dude. If that's not a buff then i don't know what is. Power duration and cooldown are limitations for game balance and if you change them then game balance is also affected.
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Are you actually replying to me instead? The comment doesn’t make sense with the other person’s reply. Kinda confusing.
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Giving Spirit more to work with is giving her a buff, actually.
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Yeah, I am no expert on spirit but it's obvious what you are saying is a direct buff to her basekit. I am not sure why you would think other wise.
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Buffing the third best killer in the game.
Yeah, nope. Unless you nerf some of her more busted add-ons.
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It's actually replying to you. Your suggestion means that I can chase a survivor, use up my entire phase duration, mess up and end up not hitting the survivor..... and you want me to be rewarded with faster recovery time, because my mistakes are a "good and efficient use of Spirit's power"
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You already can play on Spirit with your legs and 4k in pubs. Any comp Spirit will say that. If you ask for some advantage for killer, it calls a buff. She doesn’t need it.
What you need to talk about Spirit is her addons, because MDR + Cherry Blossom just has no counter if killer have more than two brain cells. You will just not reach another pallet no matter how close tiles are.
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That’s not what i meant at all. If a Spirit player ends using up their entire power gauge and not immediately hit a survivor, they’ll still have the normal default 15s cooldown. However, if they do hit a survivor instantly upon ending the phase-walk, a shorter cooldown would happen, basically like the stacked rusty flute and Rin’s broken watch add-on. It has to be a HIT, not happening on map traversal, tho that would be nice.
besides, The current two best killers in the game get their powers in under 5 seconds or less even if they mess up and their powers are far more superior than Spirit’s….so why is it a problem really?
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As a long-time Spirit main that has been maining her exclusively since late 2019, i don’t agree that she is the 3rd best killer in the game anymore, but i do agree with her more top tier add-ons she does potentially come close to being it.
also who said i wouldn’t want MDR to be reworked if the proposed change happens? It’ll make playing add-onless Spirit way better and viable than she currently is and also would work very nicely with the yellow and brown duration add-ons.
also the shorter cooldown would only happen if she IMMEDIATELY hits a survivor with no delay and if she doesn’t, the current default 15s cooldown would still take place and it doesn’t work at all when it comes to map traversal. It would just happen in chases.
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Ah yes the classic “ easy 4k while blindfolded as Spirit “ lmao
but really, it has to do more with the ######### players who play against her who give her “easy wins “ than Spirit’s actual strengths.
and please don’t bring comp dbd or killers into this, it’s super cringe 🙄
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Devs balance the game around pubs, and I know that most pub players do not know how to play the game. Nurse is 6 stages for decent teams on tourneys, it doesn’t mean she’s not strong because usually she play against not that good players. So yes, classic ez 4k which is consistent result for skilled Spirit player. And it doesn’t really require a lot to become good Spirit, more important thing while playing her is your game sense.
So you can talk about bad players but I can’t talk about the opposite side, good players? I see, I see.