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Are console players at a disadvantage?
I'm a console player and I just wanted to ask is it my fault and I should get better or survivor PC players can do better spins and can use killers like blight way better and easier. Lmk if I'm wrong and just need to get better
There’s literally no difference between console and PC. Up your sensitivity if you need to
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Yes, you will be at a pretty massive disadvantage as Killer.
As Survivor, you're going to be missing filters, so it really depends on your opinion on that
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As killer, you are more restricted to some degree (varying depending on killer, eg Trickster with aiming and recoil is very awful on controller) - plus in general consoles, especially last gen and switch suffer from worse performance and optimization.
But well, you are not directly competing against other killers though, and matchmaking in theory should make it so you get matched against fitting opponents anyways (though current matchmaking is flawed as well so.. )
For survivors, it’s honestly not that big of a deal. To some degree on controller you can even spin easier (not necessarily better). Dodging/strafing and efficient looping around assets might be a bit worse on controller but you can manage.
HOPEFULLY basic controller settings (deadzones, response curves, different sensitivity for aiming and normal gameplay) will eventually come though.
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In my opinion, keyboard & mouse is a far superior input. It is WAY easier to manipulate the camera with a mouse (when looking behind you in chase for example).
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Sensitivity is not everything and you will not come close to mouse movement even with the highest setting. Also performance/optimization on consoles is significantly worse and has been acknowledged by BHVR - they promised to address it back in the past but could sadly not deliver.
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Enjoy the lag I guess.
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Playing on an Xbox series x or PS5 as survivor imo has a slight advantage over PC due to playing on controller cause you can hug loops tighter more consistently cause of the binary movement and controller is easier to play against good nurses. This is all 60FPS btw. A PC player that plays survivor on controller at 120FPS uncapped will have an advantage over Console in that aspect.
The only 4 killers in the game that have a massive advantage when you play mouse and keyboard with them over controller is Nurse, Huntress, Trickster and Blight to a degree. Playing every other killer on 100 sens on console @ 60FPS isint that much different compared to m&k.
I feel sorry for people who play Dead by day light on an Xbox one or PS4 cause y’all are only getting 30FPS
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only difference is the framerate and the external filters that basically allows pc players to see the maps more clear and less darker unlike console
For the love of god BHVR pls add a brightness slider , PLEASE
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Yes pc has big advantage especially on killer. On console blight, oni and hillbilly are nearly unplayable. Survivors also can more easily spin your hits. On survivor you can't spin as fast and it even seems some pc players has faster vaulting game works better for them. Console should get some optimisation and buffs but it's not as bad still than some others game mostly.
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You can change filters through your monitor which has built in filters playing on console
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PC has programs like reshade , console doesnt.... + monitor changes are pretty limited , yeah u can select some things but not have the freedom to do it in-game. which is dumb alongside the fact that we still need to change a file only do disable antialising to this day....
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I am playing on PC. Started on controller in 2018 (and used to controller since forever in other games)
recently i switched to M&K for DbD - and I can confirm it’s WAY easier to run around tiles and assets on M&K compared to controller on both sides. Spinning and looking behind you is easier to learn on controller but overall not more efficient or better compared to M&K.
and there are other killers that have an advantage on M&K over controller, actually most of them - Oni, Plague, Nemesis, Pinhead, Pig, Deathslinger , Twins, Demo, Wesker, Pyramidhead (though this one as well as Hillbilly is actually based on preference on not objectively easier on M&K), to a way smaller but still noticeable degree even Doctor, Legion and Clown
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True but all reshade does compared to built in monitor filters is make the game look more vibrant and saturated, brightness levels are pretty much on par with monitor filters that console can use.
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I can tell if a killer is on console if they're easy to 360, so maybe a disadvantage
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I can’t see m&k being more comfortable and way easier to play compared to playing controller comfortably on 100 sens. Binary movement vs non- binary movement on a third person pov- Binary will have an edge 100%
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We weren’t talking about comfort though - I agree it’s way more comfortable on controller.
what exactly are you meaning with binary though?because M&K is binary (either not moving or moving) while controller has a response curve where you have pretty much slower acceleration, strafing isn’t as potent etc.
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Yeah it might be the opposite controller ( non binary) m&k (binary) my fault, , Like for example, if I’m looping a killer who mind games on a Macmillan pallet filler tile I can tight loop and maintain motion fast walking while holding the sprint button to get to the pallet ever ever so slightly faster on controller compared to m&k (binary).
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I play on console. And the only problems I have is the lag I get from being hit with sloppy butcher. I can still 360 no problem. Trickerster does get a little weird but there’s nothing we can do about that
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can't spin anymore anyway because of the nerfed movement
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As a PC player, yes. It’s mostly due to optimization performance and DBD not being very suitable with a controller.
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On paper i'd say yes for two main reasons for these advantages have already been mentioned in different posts. Poor console optimization and input differences. And then there is the Switch version (a moment of silence)...
Even though there are some fairly nuanced pros and cons to the controller vs M+KB for certain things, I would say there is a distinctly noticeable difference when playing Killer. Like from the way you move to frame rate and you name it. You can pull some ridiculous nonsense with M+KB that has minimal adjustable DPI settings that are just flat-out pretty much impossible on a controller and borderline not supposed to be a thing... like Oni 180 Demon Dash flicks.
All that being said, in reality, console players can and will still compete because they eat a steady diet of adversity and hard times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the daily. Even if crossplay in its current iteration leaves a lot to be desired.
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Actually, there is a difference. And it's a lot easier to spin killers that are on console.
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I play mostly on PlayStation, but also have a Steam account, and I can say that it absolutely is a disadvantage being a killer on console. Adjust the controller sensitivity all you want, you just can't match the mouse when it comes to turning. That's not even to mention getting screwed by aim dressing. On consoled 360s aren't impossible to deal with by any stretch, but it's a lot easier on PC, that's for sure.
And needless to say, projectile killers are much more effective if you're on PC.
Survivor? Essentially no difference at all. In fact, I prefer to use controller when playing surv, and will even do so on PC.
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Its easier to 360 killers as survivor when the killer is console and you can't play all the killers as good as you would on PC.
You are going to miss filters as well if you play console. I would always recommend playing this game on PC
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Okay, but the topic is not about if you have problems or not but if there is a disadvantage over PC/keyboard and mouse. And there are plenty disadvantages even when it’s still perfectly playable…
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For surv it doesn't really matter, i saw gods using a controller - 100% sensitivity is fine. For killer sure, in particular technical killers (huntress, trickster, nurse, blight, etc.) are way easier to learn/master with M&K. It's still possible, but it takes much longer on console.
Also you won't get stable 60fps, even not on PS5 and XSX. And consoles STILL don't have any ingame graphic options or brightness settings. Which i wouldn't care about as it's intended, it's just a bit unfair with crossplay on. And it's still way to overcomplicated to report players with screenshots or clips when you're on console.
For me the biggest advantage console players have is the fact, that there's no ingame chat. LoL.
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PC has shaders to make everything brighter and 120 fps. Ofc pc has advantages over console. Imo BHVR needs to either ban filters or put an in game scaler available to everyone to level the playing field and let next gen play at 120 fps.
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In literally every single game online crossplay game ever created, console has always been inferior to pc, I don't say this to offend, but it's just how things will always be.
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Yes but it's not that big of a deal depending on what you're doing.
PC has better optimization and runs a ton better. Newer gen consoles aren't the worst though.
Some killers are a lot easier to use on PC like Trickster, Blight, etc. That said, I've seen plenty of Blights, Nurses, Huntresses that played so good I thought they were PC and it turned out they were on PS with me. Never seen a good console Trickster though.
The big thing is it takes longer to get better at them on console but you can be almost as good. Comp killer good? Prolly not but still good enough to win the majority of your games without issue if you're playing a higher tier killer.
Survivor is basically the same to a point.
Overall PC is of course better but it's negligible in most cases. Skill level and game knowledge are far more important then anything else. Going to PC won't magically make you a better player, outside of some killers like Trickster.