Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The new update soon to release.

Hex_OnlyFengs Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

We can all agree that the nerf on billy is very unneeded. There are very few billy mains left and this nerf is going to make finding a billy man almost impossible. Lets also talk dead hard. I 100% do not agree with this nerf because dh only works 2/10 times when you use it. It is already nerfed to the ground. Hardly works anymore. And their nerfing it? “It’s overpowered” how? The fact that you need to know timing to even use it properly then it doesn't work even with the timing? I don't understand it at all.The healing i understand somewhat. But 24 seconds? Not including status effects that can make it double that? The whole point of circle of healing is being able to heal yourself without a medkit. Whats next? Going to do that with self-care too? It completely defeats the purpose of the perk itself. Just take it out of the game at that point.


  • georgie0
    georgie0 Member Posts: 5

    Bruh self care isn't even a perk at this point , it was already so trash but now it can take almost the time equivalent of doing a regular gen, what are the devs even thinking , might as well completely rework the perk , they just flipped a few no. Here and there

  • Liam282
    Liam282 Member Posts: 219

    Some very interesting points raised here especially when it comes to Billy and his decaying state. Instead of nodding my head and complaining about the developers (very bad habit to get into) I want to offer solutions I THINK might work based on my gameplay experience and just basic knowledge of game design.

    1) Billy's Nerf: With Billy being part of the holy trinity of Dead By Daylights original release he really needs more than just a quick one off look over, he was built for a different Dbd from 2017 (16 i might be wrong there) that had less clutter around the maps and more tools to counter the god loops from back then. There's two options I'm thinking.

    A) Rework specific addons that encourage Billy actually being "bullied" (best word I think describes it) to benefit from his powers.

    From flashlight blinds, pallets stuns to overheating, his addons were created to nudge the survivor into doing specific actions they don't want to do, resulting in a wasted addon. They're not practical and really should be looked over either to tame down the results and have them meet standard requirements or make them something unique the developers might enjoy doing to change Billy but not take away his individuality. Know what makes Billy well...Billy. Curve Billy, Nascar Billy we all know the memes and love the chases. Keep his heart and make him suitable for the Dbd of today. The addon changes take too much from him.

    2) Dead Hard: I'm actually enjoying the idea of a perk that rewards the unhook for a survivor. It's something new players especially can use and get a reward for while their friend has their base kit protection to dart away. No perk should be so meta that an entire game is balanced around its effects, I admire the developer's taking risks knowing the heat they'll catch. I play both sides with K;60/S;40, I know you want that get out of jail card and earning it i think makes it much better. Automatic Dead Hard is a huge problem for me as I know from my research into the script it IS a thing and has been around a while. Apologies if I do sound bias, I really do think it encourages good gameplay and that feeling of escaping knowing you helped someone to earn it? Love it.

    3) Healing changes: This is a huge can of undead worms I rather think about over the day before I make any suggestions on how to offer good advice, so I'll post something later today.

    <3 Needless to say, yes self-caring yourself and med kit kits are a great move forward, but it is however too long though for people who play solo. There's a great idea buried in there and I'm sure the times will be changed with the status effects taken into consideration. I like the changes overall with this and DH I see the developers steering the ship into teamwork and that's brilliant. The numbers are very extreme but i think med kits are perfect. Let's keep this idea live and well and tweak them numbers to work.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    DH warps the game around itself same as old DS and Pain Resonance did. You always have to assume someone has it even if they don't.

    And circle of healing was a mistake to begin with.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Dead Hard only has a 20% success rate?


  • DrFrozen
    DrFrozen Member Posts: 144

    If DH have worked at only 20% of cases people wouldn't abuse it so much and this perk wouldn't be most picked currently

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Self care is getting nerfed in this update

    So I mean, unless you like healing for upwards of 1 minute then it pretty much already is

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited April 2023

    Can't wait until they decide it's still too strong and put the percentage at 10% and increase base healing to 32 seconds

    All while directly buffing coulrophobia and sloppy butcher as well

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    How are the med kit changes perfect? They destroy the entire point of having different rarities