Blight's add-ons needs a nerf.

FMG15 Member Posts: 530
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Since you are already nerfing the Hillbilly's best add-ons because according to you they are too strong there is no excuse anymore to allow the Blight still having the same add-ons. On top of his already strong Base-Kit he has some of the most ridiculous add-ons. Crow and Rat are incredibly strong but not too problematic especially compared to the other add-ons. Compound 21 is also strong but nothing too game-breaking. Iridescent Tag takes typically skill to pull off so I don't see a big problem with it. Now to the problematic part:

Adrenaline Vial: How is that add-on even a green add-on? This add-on is ridiculous. 2 more rush tokens, 10% increased speed, each token recharges 1 second faster and a bigger FOV while rushing. And the only downside is a decrease in turning. Let that sink in. They see a bigger problem with the Engravings than this.

Alchemist Ring: A ridiculous add-on. Recharges all rush tokens when hitting a survivor with the lethal rush. Not only is that add-on ridiculous on it's own, it has a strong synergy with the other add-ons as well.

Compound 33: It's the add-on I hate the most. Slamming into a pallet instantly breaks it and you almost immediately recover while you apply hindered to all nearby survivors that are close to a slam. There is no counterplay to this. It's too grossly overpowered.

As long as these add-ons are still around there is no justification whatsoever to even think about nerfing Billy's add-ons.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    "bigger FOV while rushing" - what??? Flat out wrong.

    I'm fine with adrenaline vial nerf since it rewards bad play but also people have no idea that it limits blights max skill cap by quite a bit. The add-on is abusable by both sides.

    c21 is fine, it's pretty easy to tell when a blight has it and play around it accordingly.

    Ring and c33 are beyond busted though. Alch ring ring still takes skill but is still too much. C33 takes no skill and is basically a better Nemesis in add-on form.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,070

    Not necessarily wrong, just the wrong term

    It gives a bigger look angle, meaning you're able to look to the sides a bit further than normal

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,920

    Take the faster recharge from Adrenaline Vial and replace Alchemist Ring with that effect.

    Now you need to run 2 add ons to get old Vial’s effect. And Vial by itself has another downside in that with the extra tokens given you have to wait a bit longer to use your power.

    And Alch. Ring still allows you to rush a lot earlier, but there is now a window of counter play for the survivor.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Lol, hilbily nerf was a mistake, no need to make more of it.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Oh I know what it means, it's just the term is so far off I didn't realize what they were trying to say. But the downsides of adrenaline vial is soooo much more than people realize. The flicks are more fun due to the to the look angle, but anything but a shoulder flick is easy to dodge. My problem with the addon is that the rush cd reduction makes bad plays fine.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    Ok I messed up on the FOV part. It's only the horizontal angle that increases. But everything else should be correct

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    More and more and more and more killer nerfs.

    Sad game.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    1. Rat and crow does remove an extensive amount of counterplay. I am fine with 1% reduction on both or remove stacking, either way is fine.

    2.Alch ring is busted but nurse already regens 1.5 out of 2 of her blinks by the time fatigue ends so that would be useless.

    3.As I said earlier, adren vial rewards bad play and lowers his max potential. Anything but shoulder flicks is on the survivor to dodge rather easily. Collision is more slippery, and his flicks push him forwards instead of being controllable. I am 100% fine with this add-on being nerfed due to it's conflicting impact on skill, but no one really understands this add-on. Regardless of what anyone thinks double speed is better than adren+ anything but c33 easily. Alch ring and green speed far outweighs anything adren vial can do.

    4.Didn't even mention c33 when it is by far the most problematic add-on.

    5.Iri tag is rather broken but 99.5% of survivors haven't gone against a blight that make the add-on look as broken as it is. Although It is by far the hardest add-on to use and most people don't even know about it.

    C21 is over rated for sure and none of his other add-ons can be considered op in anyway.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Look into adrenaline vial further than you have. The upsides are large but the down sides are not as insignificant as you say.

    I know for a fact people just call Adrenaline vial busted without every realizing the implications of the add-on. The extended look-angle and the consequences of that look angle contain nothing but down sides. If I was try harding on blight I wouldn't even consider adrenaline vial for a second.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    lol, what kind of logic behind that "fact"? is there any math or statistics you actually used there?

    It's funny how people repeatedly yell "fact" and "obviously" and "completely" when they don't have any reasonable "proof" of it.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Ring feels like it should either be +2 instead or make passive recharge slower as a downside to the addon.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    One of the lead Devs must be a Blight main. It's the only explanation at this point if Billy got clocked before Blight did.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I mostly agree with you, accept for adrenaline vile. I think adrenaline is fine as it is. There is less room for error with rushes considering you cannot turn much at all to correct yourself. Plus, flicks are super fun with AV. :)

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    I think the changes I'd like to see are to C33, Alc Ring and to Crow and Rat.

    Tbh, Alc Ring and C33 need to get deleted.

    Crow and Rat should get like a 1% reduction or just not stack with each other.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    C33 and alch ring definitely need changes

    Speed needs a slight nerf but nothing major (maybe longer recharge or more cooldown after rush)

    Other than that his add-ons are fine

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited April 2023

    Yes. Blight's add ons are beyond ridiculous, especially if a Blight player is actually good at the game. I have no idea how his add ons have survived for this long while other killer add ons have been randomly put on the chopping block, like Billy's engravings. It tells me there's something wrong in the balance evaluation process or that they don't understand the game at nearly the level they believe they do.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    I think speed addons are problematic too honestly. Iri Tag I agree is fine though because it opens up risk/reward play which rewards skillful play and can punish you if you make a mistake (eg. you try to instadown and end up not getting a hit at all).

    C21, C33, Adrenaline Vial, Alch Ring, Rat, and Crow should all be nerfed. I would even say there shouldn’t be 2 speed addons at all, or at the very least they should have a downside or shouldn’t stack.

  • maximo99ac
    maximo99ac Member Posts: 164

    behaviour: 99% of the nemesis players use marvins blood mmmm its because the other addons are #########? No marvins blood is op

    two years and i am still angry at that stupid choice

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    Oh same. That was a bruh moment. I'm definitely not a frequent Nemesis player, but it's usually like 2 or 3 gens before I hit tier 2 now.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    As if survivors won't get slaughtered after the next patch lmao

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    I know, right? Why are people pretending that my post is ridiculous? I feel like they need to see those add-ons in action when they play survivor against a good Blight. Maybe then they realize.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    We can argue about Adren Vial. I just think it has too many benefits as a green add-on.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    It was. Doesn't change the fact that Blight needs an add-on pass lol.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    Hold on, we need to nerf The Cenobite first. His non-damaging easily removable power must have weak add-ons and no skill expression at high ranges.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    It is always the same 4 or 5 posters who vehemently argue against anything that might nerf any aspect of the killer role, acting as if we are still playing a version of the game with infinites around every corner and keys that can be used to 4-out a team. They should just be ignored.

    Anyone with even a little sense and experience in the game can see that BOTH sides have things that are super busted and need to be looked at. Blight's addons, of course, are things that need to be looked at. Anyone saying otherwise isn't speaking in good faith.

    Too bad the devs are busy nerfing one of the only decent addons on a weak killer like Billy.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    Yes you are totally right. The reason why I made the "comparison" is because the Engravings nerfs were the reason on why I made this post in the first place. Like how can it be that Billy loses everything while Blight is still allowed to keep the best stuff possible. I also think that double speed are fine, I actually never said they need a nerf.

  • Geiz
    Geiz Member Posts: 43

    They are not balanced, they make you get a hit that you were most likely not get. That is the problem of these addons - survivor could make to a pallet or window (and even if they do it perfectly - you will get the hit due to the speed value).

    Although I do see more problem with C33 and Alc Ring (which is ridiculous), all of these addons should be either nerfed or completely reworked.

    Blight already has a perfect basekit that makes him tier S, no need for OP addons for that kind of killer.

  • Geiz
    Geiz Member Posts: 43

    Blight does not need these kind of add-ons, that is the point of it. All you mentioned does not make you get a hit so easily, starting on Nightfall does not give you a free hit (unless the survivor is not paying very much attention) or faster recharge rate like the ones Spirit has. The fact you have recharge addons with Spirit is not guaranteed that you will get a hit (but maybe the movement speed ones but not as frequent than Blight cause she's already 4.4).

  • Geiz
    Geiz Member Posts: 43

    I am not saying they are overpowered to be honest, just really strong that gives you what you should be not getting (and he does not need it really imo). C33 and Alc Ring are the OP ones, and I do not need to prove anything really. If you are fine with getting hit value from these addons, maybe you're fine with DH, I suppose.

  • Geiz
    Geiz Member Posts: 43

    I believed so but that's my opinion on it, it should either not stack or keep only one of them as it is currently.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Top 150 lethal rushes blight here. C33 and alch ring need a fat nerf. Make alch ring double recovery speed for 5s after landing a lethal rush (same effect, but rewards you more for using less rushes, while also giving buffer between rushes). Give c33 longer stun for Blight, and make it give you a huge downside (2 less rushes, or -10% rush speed).

    Vial is fine. The restrictions to turn angle severely limit the hits that Blight can go for.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Lol. So you want left c33 without any benefit, but with FAT downsides? Because with longer stun there will be no difference with usual m1 attack in rush. Should I even say that 3 rushes blight is the stupidest concept for addon. So what's the point, top 150 lethal rushes blight?

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Everyone is crying that the speed addons are op, but I still haven't seen a single argument. Maybe you have it?

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Blight is the single best pallet breaker in the game with C33. The only weakness that Blight has are pallets. A good enough Blight will hit you no matter what, unless if you have a pallet. C33 removes his only weakness. Breaking pallets in power is quick, but it has two downsides: one is that you use TWO lethal rush tokens as opposed to just one, and the other is that you still have the post-break fatigue during which you can't move. C33 lets you just eat the pallet and move immediately afterwards. That's far too strong. Not to mention the Hindered is a lot stronger than people give it credit. An addon that powerful should not exist. If it's to retain the pallet breaking ability, it has to have a big downside. Yes, 3 token Blight sounds significantly weaker than regular Blight, but you also become the best pallet breaker in the game. You shouldn't have access to one of the strongest chase powers in the game at full power, as well as being able to chew through pallets, simply by equipping a single addon. That's absurd.

    Speed addons are definitely not OP, but they're amongst Blight's strongest and most used. Alch Ring and C33 are just straight up broken though.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited April 2023

    Look, it's one of "same 4 or 5 posters" who repeatedly ask for exact same thing without any proof or logic and talks their opinions like a fact.

    Those kind of statements are pointless when you don't have anything to back up it, can you stop, please?

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    "Breaking pallets in power downsides" are not even downsides, lol, it's how his power works and it's still better than spacebar breaking.

    I got your point and partially agree with it, but you just want to make a stupid and meaningless addon, like a Hag's shoe. A stupid addon that deprives the killer of his power and gives almost nothing in return, that no one will play with. In this case, it is better to add a completely new effect to this addon.

    Yeah, i know speed addons are not op, I just want to find out if maybe someone who demands their nerf has their own opinion, and not just mindlessly repeats after other forum members.

    As i already said in other topic: These addons are useful and nothing more, like they should be, they are not OP like Alc Ring. As Billy needs his speed addons to land a hit in some textures, so Blight needs his. Same with Oni, my main killer. Oni's speed addons way more, WAY MORE lethal and no one crying about them, bc this killer isn't that popular.