Actual pathetic game since almost 7 years

Just got griefed by a 3 man swf, body blocked to die by the killer. Obviously the killer didn't care a bit considering I run him around for 3 gens and because he played extremely bad which is surprising considering Im supposed to be at the highest mmr with the game being found in less than 2 seconds. ( as usual, solo queue no one actual do anything and swf usually don't give a damn about escaping when it comes to their fun )
Obviously started teaming afterwards, killer went afk facing a wall.
Don't bother trying to balance the game competitively, everytime I come back to it I still face the same issues, 3 gen, bug abusing killers like the Cenobyte for example it actually took you over a year to fix a simple game hostage issue. New killer same garbage the 3 gen master. High mmr is the worst thing ever added to dbd, everytime my matchmaking take more than 30 seconds I know im going to have fun because I'll see other killers than nurse/blight/spirit instead of getting matched with sweaters thinking they have a 4 man squad attempting to piss in their mouth.
I exclusively play solo, but no wonder past a certain amount of playtime you don't see anyone solo queuing.
Tldr : Regret spending over 7k hours on it.
womp womp
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bing bang
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That's a long time to play a game you hate
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This post is all over the place.
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He thinks high mmr lobbies exist
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Then why bother trying to balance this game competitively? this community is really underage that's crazy.
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Who said they are trying to balance the game competitively??
and how would you know you are high mmr at all? That has pretty much nothing to do with Lobby wait times
tale a break/quit the game if you find it pathetic. Really. There is no actual constructive criticism in your post, you are just making yourself miserable by playing, which you don’t have to.
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You're right, from now on I will in fact only try and find premades online. Thankfully there's a good german website for that matching players according to their number of hours, I will never touch solo again.
and btw, long wait time in lobbies you'll get matched with lower mmr.
But again, you can't balance a game designed this way, it just doesn't fit the compeititve scene even if people want to believe otherwise.
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Womp womp!
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If you spend 7K hours on a game that you hate so much it's more likely that you are just having extreme burnout and refuse to acknowledge it.
It is okay to let a game go without first forcing yourself to hate it. You're only doing this to yourself
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Again you don’t know your MMR, and you are possibly (likely) assuming you are way higher than you actually are.
edit: longer wait times just mean the mmr range being searched for gets wider - kn both directions. Also depends heavily on current playerbase
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Not assuming, im obviously at the highest, not flexing a bit.
Longer wait times = matching lower mmr.
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Hey look someone who had a bad game and now thinks the whole game is terrible.
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Obviously. There is no other way at all. You are right.
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Meaning you have a low MMR?
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Thinkin about it more, they’re saying they have the highest possible MMR, which makes matchmaking take a long time due to it needing to extend its search margin to find an actual match.
’cept that is beyond absurd, since not even cheating bots reach that MMR. Moreover, we already know a soft-cap exists that limits how extreme your MMR can be with regards to matchmaking.
Either way, that’s guano.
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Dunning-Kruger effect. Everyone in DBD thinks they are top tier MMR.
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Anyone who insists on being high mmr to the point you have is usually not actually very good.
It's more likely the game is struggling to find players near you.
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It's posts like this that made me wish we still had the downvote button.