Coming up against a try hard blight solo survivor is pointless

unless you're a hardcore SWF it's a complete waste of time when they use lethal pursuer BBQ etc

people either DC as soon as they go down within a minute or kill themselves on first hook because it's that frustrating and pointless to play against.

the way his mechanics are makes it very hard to dodge and with the addon that instantly refreshes his dash on a hit it makes it inevitable. Again maybe at the top level SWF hardcore it's better (but not by the tournament games i've seen where it's lucky to have 1 survivor escape) but at lower level it's more pointless and boring than nurse to play against.

there's a reason there's certain streamers that go AFK until 1 gen is left with blight then get a 4k with just the extra vision perk and it's not 100% skill.


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I wouldn’t say that hardcore Blights are more boring than hardcore Nurses. They’re both just as bad.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,901

    "its not 100% skill" alright tell me which tiles you can collide on and at what angles. There's a lot more knowledge that goes into blight than at first look and people complaining about collision have a fair point on maps like swamp and the family residence weeping angel statues. Otherwise most tiles blight slides off of can be collided with if you know how to. Even "butter" shack can be collided into if you go near perpendicular to the wall. Only thing about that is you can't shoulder bump it because of the collision box tied to his face which is what I suspect that allows you to bump if near perpendicular.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    I mean, everything's hard in solo que. While it's usually a loss, I honestly enjoy going against a good Blight.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,014

    well that your first problem u playing solo q. Swf it up

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    ^ What it looks like when a player perseveres through the immense skill curve of playing against blight and comes to realize he is the most skillful killer to play against for survivors. Although some add-ons remove quite a bit of counter play.

    Blight is simply the only killer that takes a lot of knowledge to play against, the problem in solo queue in terms of winning is that your other 3 teamates likely have no clue on how to deal with him.

    Blight has the most counter play but that doesn't mean any of it is available at a given time. Well I guess you could wiggle or spin but that's simply a last ditch effort that probably only works once.

    Obviously not directed at KayTwoAyy just piggy backing off the comment.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited April 2023

    I'm not worried. The best thing about the dead hard and healing nerfs is they will make blight even stronger and force behavior to finally do something about him. They won't be able to ignore it anymore once his kill rate reaches 75% at top MMR. Even more games will end up in immediate dcs and hook suicides. The common justification for blight's existence was the existence of OP survivor perks. Dead Hard is gone, DS is gone, Circle of Healing is gone. Why does blight still need to exist at his current power level?

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    I've slapped a lot of decent Blights in solo q.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175
    edited April 2023

    IDK might just be me but I like playing against Blights a lot, especially the sweats. Now, yea if my team is bad and lasts 10-20 second in chases each time, no doubt were losing. With a good team though, you stand a small chance. I think Nurse is 100x worse just b/c of the ability to go through anything and make pallets/windows near useless.

    Also if you are on 1 gen left when the killer starts playing and he 4Ks, thats the fault of your teammates/team. Doesn't say much about the killer other than he capitalized on the survivor's mistakes.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    Blights skill ceiling is quite high, and the counterplay is just prethrowing pallets and camping them accordingly if he’s rushing and timing sliding back over the pallet for him to break the pallet instead of hitting the survivor as they’re vaulting over the same time he flicks. This is done in a lot in competitive play.

    I will say this, compound 33, Alchemist ring, Compound 21 and Blighted Crow need to be nerfed. Those addons paired with slowdowns paired with a blight whose overcome the skill ceiling can be oppressive as hell even with a Swf. On maps like autohaven, Macmillans etc it’s hard to counter a good blight who brings all that. Chad blights will just run 1 perk either shadowborn or Agitation with Blighted rat and crow and that’s fine and fun for both sides..

    Whats Momoseveniths blight win streak at now? 750 games in a row plus? 🤪

  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496
  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Prethrowing pallets may be good conventional wisdom, but the issue there is that you burn through pallets FAST, and then your entire team is screwed at the end of the game.

    Rather than camping the pallet, and waiting to throw it down when the Blight comes around, just keep running around the loop.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    This isn't as great as a video demonstrating the concepts, but hopefully some people can put this to practice and find success.

    If you don't run into a lot of hug tech Blights, and just struggle with how quickly he can run you down, my best advice is to constantly double back around thin obstacles. The wider the obstacle, the easier it will be for him to hit you as he flies around a corner.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"unless you're a hardcore SWF it's a complete waste of time when they use lethal pursuer BBQ etc"

    I'm guessing that you are a mid tier survivor because you are saying this. You need to go out there and find someone who is "pretty good" who plays Blight. See what the weaknesses are - or better yet take up the mantle yourself.

    This type of person rarely wants to learn how to get better. They want the devs to flip the "nerf" switch to make Blight worse.

    I am hoping the OP actually reads what you wrote though- they stand to improve.

    I will also point out that Truetalent recently has been playing as a survivor lately. I suggest you take a look at some of his survivor games recently against Blight. He shows how you can use his power against him.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Honestly, a lot of this wouldn't even work on a good enough Blight. I assume that pallet is supposed to be the car pallet next to main in Coal Tower. A virtual tech can easily hit a survivor on the other side of the car while being unreactable. Not to mention Blight can moonrush on one side of the car and circle around almost a 270 degree to the other side, forcing a hit on a survivor. However, a survivor aware of these Blight techs can play around them and expect a preturn on a moonrush, a virtual tech, or straight bump logic, and can play accordingly.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I've played against some of this game's best Blights, so... yeah, the advice works.

    As with anything though, simply knowing how to be better doesn't make you better. Hours of experience are needed to execute what you learn

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Ok? And I've played against some of the best Blights, and I've played against some very good comp survivors on Blight. It works. Don't get me wrong, it does take a LOT of practice, and mechanical accuracy, but Blight is very strong. Those mindgames will likely work on 90% of Blights though.

    I don't think it's a bad thing. I think it's a great thing to have a very strong killer with a high skill ceiling. It's better than the mind numbing antiloop garbage we've been getting lately.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Not a single person has reached Blights full potential. Not even close.

    On the other hand 99% of survivors don't know how to deal with blight. Even comp players don't know quite a bit of the intricate counter play.

    The only thing that makes solo seem unplayable vs blight is how common his few busted add-ons are.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Why does everyone use "soloq" synonymous for "bad"?

    Just say it.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    DCs are the problem, not Blight. Sure, hug tech and certain addons need to be looked at, but overall i still enjoy versing Blight. And i don't even use excaution perks most of the time. Best thing about Blight players is, most of them are going for many, many hooks. And hopefully this won't change with more gen defense perk nerfes.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528
    edited April 2023

    I can say exactly the same for any B or less tier killer against a try hard "sweaty" SWF team.

    Is the game balanced? No, but it is still possible to win. Even without complaining on the fourms to get it nerfed!

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Momo’s streak is garbage lol. 95% of those wins were with the gen kick build + pain res and he HARD tunneled somebody out at 5 gens every singe game. Anybody decent with blight can hit a streak with that style of gameplay. Not impressed.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    You don't even need to be blight to make streaks with that kind of strat as long as you play correct timezone of correct regions lol

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I 100% agree. That’s why I’m not impressed. Only thing hard about doing a streak like that is just committing to it.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,484

    You just took the words right out of my mouth.

    An interesting fact in addition: he began to tunnel hard when realized that he quite often loses his streak due to playing too "fair" with strong players. I think after nerf gen kicking perks he will struggle against good players again, even with tunneling. (I'm not talking about his skill, I'm talking about how much Blight is "unbeatable")

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I agree. I did a blight win streak where I played fair. I made it to 150ish before I ran into a team that actually pushed my sh*t in.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"when you compare blight with other killers, it is absolute ridiculous that almost all addons of this killer have massive strength compared with other killers. "

    The rule for most DBD killers is that they are garbage until you equip an Iri addon and then they are "scary". Nurse and Blight have a much higher skill ceiling required to play them and therefore some people think that it is "ok" therefore to make them stronger.

    I say no. Make all the killers vary in power by no more than 15% and make some easier/harder to use with a slightly higher reward. Blight gets to break pallets base kit and most killers cant get that power w/o an iri addon. So take it away from blight or give it to everyone base kit.

    The devs don't want to do that though because then the game "feels bad" to survivors.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Here's a new video with true playing against a Blight.

    You won't be able to loop against a Blight like this though unless you understand the limits of the killer.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I just played against a decent Blight.

    They weren't the BEST but they were definitely above average.

    My first chase was 2.5 minutes, so if you can learn from any of these clips, you'll become a huge help to your team.

    First 20s of this clip are pretty routine--just pathing in a way that extends the loop but still allows me to make it back to pallet. End of the clip shows my decision making as Blight hug techs the car. Not having LOS on Blight as he begun his rush, I decided moving away from the car was my safest option.

    This second clip is where Blights routinely throw away their pressure in chase. Rather than following me around the loop and forcing me to throw pallet, Blight blocks pallet while waiting for his rush tokens to regen. At this point, I am in full control of the chase, because I know exactly what Blight is going to do next.

    Eventually I drop pallet, and I find myself in a risky situation. I know Blight will expect me to doubleback over pallet, but it's pretty obvious I'll go down trying, so I just keep running. Fortunately for me, Blight's rush autolocks to the pallet. Without his POV, I can't really say whether I was just lucky, or I outplayed him.

    Blight tries to set up another hug tech on this car. Because of the tree and tire, I know that he is setting up to come from my left. I egg him on a little bit, so he commits to that play, then rotate around as he goes for the lunge.

    As soon as I hear Blight rush here, I know I'm dead in the water, so I turn back around to bodyblock his rush then I use the tires as LOS blockers as I make distance. I weave back and forth, as I gauge which side of the tires he is going to emerge from. It seems he didn't hear me leave, because he hug techs the tires and I get nice distance away.

    Hopefully these clips and my commentary can offer a bit of insight.

    No one escaped this trial, thanks in part to the d/c, but because we got a chance to break Blight's ankles it was way more fun most of my other games.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    True didn't do anything special in the blight matchup and blight was sub par based on the entirety of the first chase. What's the point of this? That blight was wasting so many rushes. Starting rushes before it was good on Lery's. Not waiting out easy dh in slam or bumping one more time when true wasn't ready for it.

    True was literally just holding w and breaking LoS and the blight was too meh to do anything about it. Yeah for sure that Blight was at the same level I was a month into the killer. I can't deny that breaking LoS and making distance on Lery's is decent vs blight but he literally did nothing special in terms of playing vs blight. Seemed like playing vs Nurse game play and was rewarded for it because the blight was only decent.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    If anything I think your pathing in the first clip was excellent, 99% of people would have hugged that truck loop until they died or the pallet broke. The end of the clip having you move away from the loop as you deemed he would go for the hug tech based on how long he didn't bump was also well done.

    As this blight seemed to be going for flicks most of the time, the other clips are examples on how to deal with the hug tech.

    I'd like to know what add-ons the blight was running if you remember.

    Also I don't remember which side you main and if you would tell, do you play blight much?

    I feel like blight has this stigma around him of him being unbeatable when he try hards. It's like the seal team six thing on killers side. People aren't going up against these amazing blights very often and neither are killer players going up against these cracked out 4 man swf god squads.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Cheers mate!

    They were running Rose Tonic with something else--I can't remember atm

    I used to play Survivor about 60% of the time. It's more like 90% these days, because Killer just doesn't really excited me. I can't imagine I've played more than 3-4 hours of Blight, and most of that time was spent running his impossible skill check build. Never learned to J Flick, Hug Tech, Moonrush, etc. so I really don't know what's going on in the mind of a top tier Blight.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    And yet when I don't play Blight I get tbagged and told to not play whatever Killer I'm playing. Survivors want me to play Blight and Nurse and tunnel and camp , they tell me that every time they escape.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    You're right but it goes to show that hope is not immediately lost.

    He has several games in the last week or so that are better but I can't be bothered to spoon feed. He can go find them.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    That makes sense that he was running rose tonic since he was going for flicks all the time. You may not know this but slam duration add-ons actually have an effect on the speed at which you move during slam duration, so the time it takes to get in place for a hug tech is much faster.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Yeah your right, I think I took your comment the wrong way while I was tired. Sorry about that.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    The issue is not that blight is easy to play, it's the fact that the skill ceiling is alot higher than survivors so once you've put the hours into him you're going to win most of your matches even without add ons.... that's not balance and it makes it boring to play against unless you're a hardcore swf team. If you watch tournament matches there's a reason they choose nurse and blight and its not because they prefer them .....

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    Just because I couldn't remember the name of the perk at the time doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about 😂

    Learning to play against blight isn't really the full answer when you have 3 team mates the majority of time that are average or below meaning you're already at a handicap before the game even starts... you can learn the loops all you want but as soon as the blight hits that skill ceiling he's already higher than most of the best survivors 🤷‍♂️ there's only nurse that can play that well without perks and we all know how broken she has been so what does that say about blight ? Why do you think he's a go to killer along with nurse in tournament matches ?.

    I'm sorry if I've hurt your ego but if you've put 100's of hours into blight to show how good you are in a game where 9 times out of 10 you're matched against 4 random people that have half your play time and require to work extremely well together to escape from you(which is hardly ever going to happen) because their skill ceiling is lower than yours then more fool you 🤷‍♂️

    Again there's a reason certain streamers go afk until there is 1 gen left so they can have people swoon over them when they 4k some casuals that have played half the time or got atleast 3 kills against good survivors .