Devs nerfed Dead Hard even more (New Dev Update)

With todays Developer update BHVR just killed Dead Hard.
So now you get up to 2 uses IF you get unhooked and NOT get hit throught basekit BT because you can't use it in Endurance effect.
In the previous Developer update you could use it up to 6 times.
So now they encouraging camping instead of go to the unhooker. Good job BHVR.
Yeah it's basically a dead perk at this point. Hey I'm not complaining, at least you can swing at pallets and windows now :^).
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Ok? We'll see that actually happens. But in the meantime find a new perk to use. That's the whole point of nerfing perks so that some new ones come up. DH has been top 3 for years now. It's time to see something new.
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"Now they're encouraging camping" is just "Now they're encouraging not tunneling" but disgusted as a new complaint.
And saying "So now they encouraging camping instead of go to the unhooker." is completely false. They're encouraging going for the unhooker because now they won't have DH ready, unlike the last update note's rendition of the perk.
Obviously, if someone can't unhook, then the survivor that is hook can't use DH, but why not just go for the unhooker anyways? Idk why some people can't separate themselves from camping and tunneling. Yes, in a lot of cases it is viable, but isolating yourself into only 2 choices (camping and tunneling) is different then literally having no choices.
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I didn't think it was clear.
Is it in addition to unhooking a Survivor safely or in lieu of unhooking a Survivor safely?
One results in more uses and the other in less.
Hopefully someone from BHVR can clarify.
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How that's a nerf it works even same way now? Just use ds with it. Good change I can go finally after unhooker.
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I read it as 'in lieu of', but I could be mistaken.
Edit: Mandy confirms in this thread that it 'can't activate until you've been hooked'. So it only activates when you are unhooked now, and not when you unhook someone else:
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Then I think that's a fairly sizable nerf.
Only two activations per trial and it deactivates if you miss it? Oof.
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Dead hard is really just going from 3 uses to 2 uses.
People usually aren’t getting more than 3 uses of dead hard per game, as killers are likely to continue chasing someone after getting hit by dead hard.
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I have unhooked 4+ survivors countless times so what you're saying doesn't make sense.
From possible 6 times went down to limited of 2 if you get unhooked.
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If you dead hard me, I’m going to continue chasing you until I can throw you on a hook, so you would only get 1 use of dead hard. So you’re realistically only getting 1 use of dead hard per hook state, unless you were expecting to be able to completely escape chases 4 times per match.