While I understand the changes, still I feel unsatisfied. I understand that the the job of the developers are to shake up the meta, but not like how they have done.
DH and CoH the main point of topic, I do not think they should have been touched. If they wanted to mess with one they could have altered the healing speed of CoH, but not taken away its ability to self heal. People who complain about DH only complain because it’s being used properly. While I complain about NOED, I wouldn’t advocate for it to be taken away. I don’t understand why two perks that help people who soloQ the MOST need to be taken away?
I love this game very much and I appreciate the developers going back and changing some things it just feels as if the damage is done. If we want a more balanced game, the more popular and powerful perks of the killers side need to be altered as well. Not just the current meta gen perks.
They did change CoH's heal speed twice in the past and both times it didn't do anything to address its problematic nature. The problem wasn't that a 50% healing bonus was too much, it was that it allowed the entire survivor team to be self-sufficient and heal themselves quickly.
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Which, to a degree I feel like it can be a healthy balance. Killers are able to easily counter act it by taking out the boon or just hooking. I’m just really upset about it because I spent money for just that perk. It feels like a waste now that it is gone.
there are so many stronger killer perks that could be leveled and I don’t understand why those aren’t being talked about within the community.
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I agree with you on DH, but CoH needed a nerf. Free heals for the entire team infinitely was a bad idea from the start, no matter how slow it is.
Solo survivors need some way to heal themselves consistently since it's difficult to get healed in solo queue but that could be done by buffing self care.
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People being able to self heal with CoH was the problem with it. The ability for survs to heal independently was the overall problem with healing in general. As a killer, if you know survs are having to team up to heal and you don't have 2-3 survs on gens at all times, it should (yeah, I know) make being coldly efficient (i.e. tunneling and stacked slowdown) less necessary.
BHVR's first crack at the healing nerf was too ham fisted and largely missed the nuance, but these new changes are great.
And I think the hit to DH was less about it being too powerful, but just getting it out of the meta. Six freaking years being a near constant in every match was just soooo tired. I've "only" been playing for three years, so I don't even recall a time when it wasn't at the top of the meta.
I don't think it's OP anymore (it absolutely was pre-6.1.0), it's just played out. I think most people are just sick of it, tbh.
Lock in the basement for a while. Or forever, whatever.
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DH and CoH are two of the most problematic things in the game and have been begging for nerfs for years.
DH turns every chase into a game of chicken, just like old hatch standoffs, just like hook camping. Essentially removing killers ability to lunge.
CoH provides unlimited selfheals. Completely turned the game upside down when it was released.
Literally the two most unbalanced things on the survivor side.
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Except it isn't easy to counter when it can be reset infinitely and it's not worth the killer's time to go snuff because they lose too much pressure by doing it if it's in some inconvenient location for them. It's a lose-lose for the killer IF the survivor is smart about where and when they place it.
This is more of an issue with the design philosophy of boons in general, but CoH exacerbated that issue far more than any of the other boon perks do and also had way too much going for it for one perk.
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I think a good way to deal with boons in general would be to make Shattered Hope basekit for killers, tbh. Maybe increase the time it takes to snuff it, but the ability to re-boon over and over (especially if the totem is in a central or hard to reach location) is what made CoH so oppressive.
And often led to the booner being tunneled out of the game.
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Lol I like you explained it. Very well put.
i can see why CoH would be an issue, but I think I’m just more upset at the fact I bought her character for that and they’re taking it away. Plus, it’s a powerful perk but it’s one that can be used by everyone. Like more experienced players would know when to heal so I would feel it wasn’t that much of an issue. I really do like all of the other changes (aside from DH of course) but I’m very sad to see it go ☹️
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then maybe they could have it set up like killer perks, idk how it would be done but maybe being set up a certain amount of times or having it automatically generated on the map.
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You’re right, I guess this wouldn’t be as big an issue if they were to have bugged it at the same time when coming out with the update.
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I feel as if there are some strong killer perks that leave the game unbalanced too. One DH is buried into the ground the next big time perk is also just going to be right beside it. I understand not everyone will be happy but killers know how to wait it out, and still get the down regardless.
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Coh is weird.
16sec altruism healing is fine
24sec self healing is great
Coh requires 14sec setup that also requires altruism healing is great.
Having 2 survivors running for 10sec to Coh zone just to save 8sec healing is great.
But to think in certain scenarios, you're in chase like 40m away from Coh, 2 survivors run to Coh zone while you're chasing the 3rd one, then they both get healed in 16sec still sounds crazy to me.
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this is too hard for killers to do
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They could have nerfed CoH so it literally gave current Self-Care speeds and it would still be problematic. They needed to remove the self-healing aspect of it completely to ever hope to make it a manageable perk.